View Full Version : Having so many problems with this Zone tuning

December 10th, 2012, 09:07 AM
Ok I have been dealing with this E38 ecu way to long. I am understanding the zones and the fact that if you edit part f a zone you need to edit the full zone. Im still getting use to the generate Coef and VVE.

Problem is the tutorials say to Copy with labels my data log and then paste with labels multiple well every time I do the map just flattens out.

Here is a long log i did on the dyno trying to just fill cells.

Here is before i apply the paste function

And here is what happens when i paste.

I have tried selecting my external wideband. I have tried pasting the BEN also. either one always ends with a flat map. I have tried all the paste options including multiply divide add subtract etc.

I have been tuning in open loop on the 2 bar table as indicated in the Virtual VE tutorial and also added more fuel to the areas for boost etc as said in the PDF. can someone help me. I have been manually tuning every cell and it takes tons of time even with interpolation.

Sorry Im just exhausted with this car and at a breaking point :help:

December 10th, 2012, 03:24 PM
Post a screenshot of the map you're pasting from...

(on Data, Row, Col tabs be sure to checkmark Show Units).

What pid are you populating the map with...?

December 10th, 2012, 03:45 PM
Joecar here is a screen shot of the log i am trying to paste into the map.

Here is the External AF

Here is the same log but with the BEN

I have tried pasting both into the tune file but it corrupts everytime. all the PDF's make it seam easy but it hasn't worked for me on either e38 or LS1B ecus i have tried it on. I take it im doing something wrong and need pointed in the correct direction please.

December 10th, 2012, 03:48 PM
You can't paste the AFR map into the VVE table.

The only correct thing to do is paste-multiply the BEN map... but that BEN map is incorrect (the values should be on close to 1.00 from either side of 1.00).

December 10th, 2012, 03:49 PM
is there another ben map to be using?

December 10th, 2012, 03:52 PM
the unit shown in that screen shot is CALC.BEN1

I have also tried CALC.BEN_LC11 but all the cells just say Zero

December 10th, 2012, 03:54 PM
BEN1 is not the right pid for E38.

The correct BEN pid would calculate: {EXT.WO2LAM1} / {SAE.LAMBDA}

What calc_pids.txt file are you using...?

You could use the calc_pids.txt from the Calc.VET thread, but you would have to modify CLC-00-110 like this:


( use Windows Notepad )

December 10th, 2012, 03:58 PM
where is said thread? as for PIDs i believe i opened the e38.pid file found with the software then added serial wideband pids.

December 10th, 2012, 04:05 PM
this one by chance


December 10th, 2012, 04:14 PM
Ok found it, changed it in notepad as you said and put it in my documents> EFI Live> V7.5> user config like stated. Am i to open this somehow in the logger or anything i may have to do otherwise?

here is mine moddified like you said Joe

December 10th, 2012, 04:15 PM
this one by chance

http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?16413-Calculating-MAF-Airflow-From-VE-Table-(-CALC-VET-In-Reverse-)Yes, that one is the same.

And after you edit CLC-00-110, you want to use CALC.WO2BEN in your BEN map.

( BTW: some of the other pids in that calc_pids.txt will not work for E38 )

December 10th, 2012, 04:18 PM
Ok found it, changed it in notepad as you said and put it in my documents> EFI Live> V7.5> user config like stated. Am i to open this somehow in the logger or anything i may have to do otherwise?

here is mine moddified like you said Joe
14248ok, good;

it has to be named calc_pids.txt and it must reside in the User Configuration folder;

restart the scantool, select the pids CALC.WO2BEN, SAE.LAMBDA, EXT.WO2LAM1 (and unselect the other ben pids to avoid confusion);

[ you will have to take a new log containing SAE.LAMBDA ]

in your map, on the Data tab select CALC.WO2BEN as the data pid;

Note: you will have to log SAE.LAMBDA to make sure it is sane (for E38 it should be ok).

December 10th, 2012, 04:24 PM
Thank you Joe i will have to try this on the weekend when i see the car again. Now with changing this txt will it effect me tuning LS1B ecus also. or can i revert back and forth between txt's

December 10th, 2012, 05:22 PM
We might have to make a special calc_pids.txt for handling both LS1B and E38/E67...

hmmm, maybe I can make a single calc pid that does both (by using units creatively)... let me think about it for a day or two.

December 10th, 2012, 05:50 PM
I am still very knew with this but it seems like Gen 3 and 4 v8 tuning is the most of the work. mainly everyone either has a LS1B or E38 ecu and being able to quickly jump back and forth would make it easy on everyone. im still not sure what all the txt file actually does for me but i appreciate all your help Joe.

December 11th, 2012, 03:52 AM
Give me a few days, I'll modify the calc_pids.txt so the WO2BEN pid works with both E38 and LS1B/A.

That calc_pids.txt allows us to create new pids for doing these things which help to do tuning:
- calculate BEN based on lambda (rather than AFR),
- calculate VE from corrected MAF,
- calculate MAF from corrected VE (this works only for some OS's),
- calculate DAT (dynamic air temp) for those OS's that don't support a direct pid,
- calculate dynamic airmass from VE,
- caculate VE from dynamic airmass.

December 16th, 2012, 02:23 PM
hey joe!

I know your busy just wondering if you got a chance to look at the code some? Thanks man.

December 16th, 2012, 02:28 PM
there allready is seperate pids for ls1/e38 bens.....

December 17th, 2012, 06:06 AM
hey joe!

I know your busy just wondering if you got a chance to look at the code some? Thanks man.I've been too busy, I haven't had time yet...

December 29th, 2012, 01:15 AM
Personally I just look at the BEN map and make manual adjustments to each zone by averaging the change across the entire zone. Seems more reliable than pasting and generating with a few variable values.

February 5th, 2013, 12:41 PM
I am *really* stuggling to get my VVE table correct.. It seems it's either lean (with STFT adding 10 or more percent) or rich and STFT pulling heaps..

Each time to do a CACL VE, it seems to get worse... And I chase my tail... I am so far away from where I started, I am contemplating getting a stock HSV VE Table, slapping that in and trying again..

After I get the CALC.BEN data, my VVE table has more peaks and troughs in it that I can physically "straighten" out...

How are others dialing in the VVE - because this is really starting to bug the crap outta me....

February 5th, 2013, 02:50 PM
I'm not sure how you're trying Calc.VET on your E38...?

Try this instead: E38-VVE-Setup-Guide (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?8961-E38-VVE-Setup-Guide)

post #80 contains links to the most recent docs.