View Full Version : Noob help please

January 18th, 2013, 09:34 AM
Just got the V2 today. Loaded the software - check, registered it - check, checked for updates - it said it needed them so downloaded - check.

I have an LM7 swap that I am finishing and had a local de-vat it so I could verify all mechanicals. starts and runs very smoothly. But he didnt delete all the evap and second o2 stuff.

So the first thing I do is download the stock program ,save it and it all goes well.

While its still plugged in I use the first license for the vin - check

Next I change the stock program with all the reporting and mil parameters (second o2s, evap, fans on/off, and gear ratio changes) and save it as change 2.

But when I go to "test" flash it it says the cable is not ready/plugged in. hmmm.

So I click on scan tool and try to connect dashboard and it says the cable is not compatible with v8 software please download the current updates and update firmware.

I go to the control panel and it says in green both the boot 2.07.04 and firmware 2.07.35 are good.

Why would it be pulling the codes I can see in the V2 but not communicating with the pc.

by the way I only have three wires used in my obd port 16, 2, and 4. Power, serial data, and ground.

thanks in advance folks.

January 18th, 2013, 09:43 AM
Try this:

start V8 S&T, goto BBx, on the Scan/Tune tabs delete any items not for your ECM, do Program All (accessed via small down arrow next to Program);

and now try flashing again.

January 18th, 2013, 10:02 AM
Are you saying uncheck all the shown ecu's other than mine (ls1b I believe) in both scan and tune then click program all? I assume I can change this later to tune my ls2 swap and lly right?

One other question, Im getting tired of swapping my air card for internet access and the v2 since my toughbook only has one usb port is using the v2 in the serial port slower?

January 18th, 2013, 12:42 PM
Yes... on the Scan tab delete the pidlists that are not for your PCM/ECM/TCM, and on the Tune tab delete the PCM/ECM/TCM items that are not yours... then Save (for file) and then do Program All (to V2)

[ this writes some files that are referenced when flashing (from V7 or from V8 or from V2 itself ]

yes, you can add pidlists and ecu's for any controller at any time as the need arises (similar to doing this).

January 18th, 2013, 12:46 PM
V2 can communicate with PC only using USB.

Is there a [powered] USB hub that you could use...?

January 19th, 2013, 05:41 AM
Ok pid list loaded for ls1b only - Check

Open Scan tool - click connect - same message "scan/flash interface not copatible with V8 software, download latest and update firm......"

Close that and open V8 and check the control panel status ...three green checks (car/V2/Cable) and it shows V2 as "connected"

Tried reading the existing tune in the pcm and it goes through all the normal motions two minutes later key off / on etc.

So I figure what the heck lets try loading the changes I made.. and I get to a screen (in V8) that warns the ETC tables are not checked in V8 and to save the tune in 7.5 or it can render it "inop"

Didnt want to smoke the pcm so I stopped there

1- what cant it scan the pcm ? Have I not actually loaded the updates ? But Iam running 2.07.04 and 2.07.35 and I think those are the latest.

2- should I go ahead and try the V8 loading of the tune (disregard the warning) and I created the tune in 7.5 anyway so why is it asking that?

3- thanks again folks... I expected a learing curve with tuning not something this basic but I have patience.

January 20th, 2013, 01:19 PM
The "not compatible" message means that the V2 firmware is not compatible with the software build versions.

Are you using V7 build 211 and V8 build 203...?

January 22nd, 2013, 04:24 AM
V7 is 2.11 (211) V8 is 2.03 (203) and as per the first post the boot and firmw. are current.

So what I did was delete ALL programming and reload it from the disc again. The I went to EACH separate program and clicked on the check for updates and loaded those. Then I reoaded the LS1B pid list again on the V2 again.

Presto - no more "not compatible" software msg. Great!, so the first thing I do is try to load the minor tune I did... status goes green check ,and off it goes, loads,finishes, and no more MIL after restarting the vehicle twice.(the no-mil changes I made)

Next I close that and open scan pgm. Click the connect button and it connects (after it checks multiple "things")GREAT - BUT..... the dashboard isnt functioning and the data tab insn't showing any data. I glance at the V2 and go to scan and its scanning fine (o2's ,MAF, temps, etc. Next I open the DVT tab and cycle the fans , MIL, fuel pump etc. all working fine.

Any ideas whay the scan pgm isnt picking up the streaming data from the V2 but it shows connected? Do I need to "enable" the pids on the scan pgm?

January 22nd, 2013, 04:39 AM
Ok, good (the first parts).

On the PIDs tab did you select pids (there are also saved pid files which you could open to select pids)...?

Did you click the Record button (red button)...?

Do not use the Monitor button (yellow button) since this will not drive the gauges/charts on the dashboard.