View Full Version : need help weird low timing

Dale C
January 23rd, 2013, 05:15 AM
I cant find what is causing the low timing in this tune. I have set all of the cells I should be in in PE to 22 degrees as a starting point and zeroed out burst knock but i am still getting timing as low as 5 degrees and it will stay between 10-17 through most of the pull. attached is a log and the tune file.
Thanks for any help

February 6th, 2013, 09:29 AM
Hi Dale,

Make sure of this: scantool Data tab shows the same units for each link pid as its respective axis on the table in the tunetool.

Log GM.EQIVRATIO instead of GM.AFR, this will let you link B5908 Fuel Mixture Spark Correction (see note below).

Log GM.DYNCYLAIR_DMA or GM.DYNCYLAIR to get a better link than CALC.CYLAIR.

GM.SHRTFTAVG1 can be dropped (seems to always be zero).

( note: for BEN pid, you can use CALC.WO2BEN defined in calc_pids.txt (http://forum.efilive.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=13243&d=1337978026) from the Calc.VET thread; CALC.WO2BEN requires EXT.WO2LAM1 instead of EXT.WO2AFR1 )