View Full Version : Edge Fined $500,000

January 23rd, 2013, 06:29 PM


January 23rd, 2013, 07:50 PM
This should definitely help the economy!

January 24th, 2013, 03:54 AM
And the rumor is QUADZILLA closed there doors yesterday, probably to avoid getting fined because they were working on LML deletes.

January 24th, 2013, 07:44 AM
Glad to see the smokers having to stop the black soot party. Just last weekend a asinine moron in a Ford diesel smoked my wife and I while on a motorcycle ride, nothing erks you more than a jerk spraying smoke on you on purpose no less and then laugh at about it. NOT COOL!
Not happy to see shops closing or paying fines, but glad to see the jerks that misused this get theirs.

January 24th, 2013, 11:26 AM
I don't think you'll find many tuners on here running a business that would willingly write someone a smoke tune, but that kind of thing has probably helped bring attention to the problem.

January 24th, 2013, 01:04 PM
I don't think you'll find many tuners on here running a business that would willingly write someone a smoke tune, but that kind of thing has probably helped bring attention to the problem.
Sorry for the rant. The smoke was still fresh in my lunges from the jerk and just had to vent. (no pun intended)
I agree most tuners would not and it saddens me to see a misuse of tuning software for jerks to abuse and ruin it for the rest of the people that do not. End rant!
I am totally against the EPA and its heavy hand, but motorcyclist are easy targets for smoker soot.
Heck 2013 new motorcycles in Texas are to be equipped with a seat pad that if you stand up going down the road it kills the bike, smart (not), abuse again, adding $300 to each new bike to have it installed. I stand up sometimes to relieve butt stress, and I do like to do the unicycle thing every once in a while.
I digress, diesels are targeted because of the smoke and the fact that they get tonnes better fuel mileage, can't have that, got to regulate that and kill the advantage. End rant!

January 24th, 2013, 02:27 PM
Besides getting smoked out on the street which brings bad attention, just had to happen once to someone at EPA, congress etc...

Just look at how popular smoking videos are on you tube! Plenty of targetted targets SMOKED while they get a good video...

January 24th, 2013, 02:41 PM
Around here most of the people who are driving these things are spoiled farmer redneck wanna be type kids.(Man that was alot for one sentence.) And there trucks are about as dumb as they are. Its funny when my wifes 5.3 trailblazer eats every one of from a stop. While they billow black smoke three car lenghts behind. They ought to outlaw any tuning of these stupid things. They are freakin trucks. No one around the northeast and in my parts thinks a work truck that wants to be a race car is cool. Ban em epa. This aint europe. I hate the black smoke and thats my rant.

January 24th, 2013, 03:18 PM
What is somewhat funny is that the "fine was reduced to $500,000. in light of their current financial situation" I found that on the actual epa webiste.

January 24th, 2013, 04:06 PM
Food for thought: in 2008 or 2009 (I don't remember which), the EPA raked in something like $32M+ (in that one year) from violation fines (e.g. failing to meet DPF retrofit deadline, selling venting containers, selling products containing VOC's, etc). Many of the people affect were small businesses.

January 24th, 2013, 06:32 PM
Around here most of the people who are driving these things are spoiled farmer redneck wanna be type kids.(Man that was alot for one sentence.) And there trucks are about as dumb as they are. Its funny when my wifes 5.3 trailblazer eats every one of from a stop. While they billow black smoke three car lenghts behind. They ought to outlaw any tuning of these stupid things. They are freakin trucks. No one around the northeast and in my parts thinks a work truck that wants to be a race car is cool. Ban em epa. This aint europe. I hate the black smoke and thats my rant.
And that was a pretty good rant :rotflmao:

Food for thought: in 2008 or 2009 (I don't remember which), the EPA raked in something like $32M+ (in that one year) from violation fines (e.g. failing to meet DPF retrofit deadline, selling venting containers, selling products containing VOC's, etc). Many of the people affect were small businesses.
Wow, they need to set up a satellite branch in China and India, the US debt would be paid off in a few years.

January 24th, 2013, 06:39 PM
Heck 2013 new motorcycles in Texas are to be equipped with a seat pad that if you stand up going down the road it kills the bike, smart (not), abuse again, adding $300 to each new bike to have it installed.

How are you supposed to do standup wheelies going down the highway?

Besides getting smoked out on the street which brings bad attention, just had to happen once to someone at EPA, congress etc...

Just look at how popular smoking videos are on you tube! Plenty of targetted targets SMOKED while they get a good video...

I think the youtube video's were a huge factor and perfect evidence for the epa.

I don't think you'll find many tuners on here running a business that would willingly write someone a smoke tune, but that kind of thing has probably helped bring attention to the problem.

I can't even count how many tunes I turned down because they wanted a smoke and I said no. They actually have a city ordnance in College Station about trucks blowing black smoke. If the truck blows smoke and it can be seen for 10 seconds its considered excessive. The smoking diesels have got pretty out of hand around here, along with stacks and 12 inch exhaust tips.

January 24th, 2013, 07:10 PM
It is pretty amazing to me to see posts of fellow tuners that think regulations of others is a good thing because it isn't what they are into. It seems to be a trend in everything these days though! The motorcyclists are ok with regulation on atvs and jeepers, The jeepers are ok with regulating motorcycles and atvs. I don't own a ar15 so a new law against mean looking black guns is ok. I hot rod a gasser so I don't care about regulation of Diesel hot rodders and Diesel guys don't care about new regulation on gassers. We will always have people that abuse and take all things to extremes but I don't think that because it doesn't affect us directly that we should be so okay that others as a group loose the tools or rights to do what they enjoy. When these out of control groups are done taking the rights of others you will be on their list next! The only way that we will all retain our interests is if we all stick together on issues like this.

January 25th, 2013, 04:28 AM
Food for thought: in 2008 or 2009 (I don't remember which), the EPA raked in something like $32M+ (in that one year) from violation fines (e.g. failing to meet DPF retrofit deadline, selling venting containers, selling products containing VOC's, etc). Many of the people affect were small businesses.From an agency that does it's accounting in billions? With 17,000 employees. This must be an attempt to balence their budget. 2012 total cost was almost $11,000,000,000. revenue was only $500,000. SO their a little short!

January 25th, 2013, 07:02 AM
It is pretty amazing to me to see posts of fellow tuners that think regulations of others is a good thing because it isn't what they are into. It seems to be a trend in everything these days though! The motorcyclists are ok with regulation on atvs and jeepers, The jeepers are ok with regulating motorcycles and atvs. I don't own a ar15 so a new law against mean looking black guns is ok. I hot rod a gasser so I don't care about regulation of Diesel hot rodders and Diesel guys don't care about new regulation on gassers. We will always have people that abuse and take all things to extremes but I don't think that because it doesn't affect us directly that we should be so okay that others as a group loose the tools or rights to do what they enjoy. When these out of control groups are done taking the rights of others you will be on their list next! The only way that we will all retain our interests is if we all stick together on issues like this.
Whoa, whoa, I stated from the start -- for myself -- not a fan of the heavy handed EPA, no one is condoning the EPA's actions. I was just making a point about jerks misusing the ability for amusement that could harm someone (wife has Restrictive Lunge Disease black smoke not good).
People's rights are my top belief that they should have rights. I was even thinking of a way to hook something up to the back of the bike to create smoke and smoke a few smokers, wife said not a good idea because morons might get mad thinking I was hurting their shinny trucks and try and run over me (funny someone would think it is funny but not when it is done to them), she probably is right, but it would be a good payback.

January 25th, 2013, 07:05 AM
From an agency that does it's accounting in billions? With 17,000 employees. This must be an attempt to balence their budget. 2012 total cost was almost $11,000,000,000. revenue was only $500,000. SO their a little short!
That's alright they'll just ask for a bailout. ROFL
The EPA is Demarxacrat's best friend.

January 25th, 2013, 07:10 AM
How are you supposed to do standup wheelies going down the highway?
Exactly! But only in Mexico! :good:
The old "Russian Circus" (Bears on unicycles).:rotflmao:

February 8th, 2013, 06:55 AM
Around here most of the people who are driving these things are spoiled farmer redneck wanna be type kids.(Man that was alot for one sentence.) And there trucks are about as dumb as they are. Its funny when my wifes 5.3 trailblazer eats every one of from a stop. While they billow black smoke three car lenghts behind. They ought to outlaw any tuning of these stupid things. They are freakin trucks. No one around the northeast and in my parts thinks a work truck that wants to be a race car is cool. Ban em epa. This aint europe. I hate the black smoke and thats my rant.

Personally, I don't like people blowing tons of smoke. I've owned (By owned, I mean beat) several Fords and Dodges that made a lot of noise and blew a ton of smoke while I proceeded to but buslengths on them while producing virtually no smoke. Similarly, both years that I've pulled in the county truck pull, other trucks are bellowing smoke and such, I proceed to pull over 300' with no smoke, or if any, a light haze. My truck puts down good power while putting out very little smoke. The most it'll smoke is if I lug it.

February 8th, 2013, 07:19 AM
Clearly, there are not enough murders, rapes and identity theft for the government to worry about spending my money on this. Meanwhile, the fuel economy of these modded "death machines" is improved from 11-13 MPG to 17-19 MPG on average - less barrels of oil used and less total pollutants emmited. In addition, anyone who knows a little about tuning diesels these days makes smokeless tunes, even WITH a straightpipe(s).

Not to mention the excessive and repeat failures of EGR and regen components, costing a lot of money and frustration.

This is about money, control, and lies. No one likes being "blacked out" by teenage idiots, but how is this any different from poorly maintained trucks with a clogged air filter and / or fueling problems that also "billow clouds of public cancer"? Where do you draw the line..... $$$

Such an indirect alleged injury to public health / the environment / whatnot is forcing down our throats the assumption that global warming exists and is caused by passenger vehicles. There are SO MANY more harmful horrible things that affect the public and do not bring any positives or enjoyment:

Crime, substance abuse, depression, suicide, dangerous roads, fake lawsuits, benefit abuse, terrorism, illegals, corruption, the list goes on forever. God forbid a small group of hard working, tax paying and (otherwise) law abiding rednecks and such mod their $50k truck as they please and have a little fun!

now, MY rant is over.

February 8th, 2013, 08:13 AM
All those clean trucks offset by this....


February 8th, 2013, 08:34 AM
All those clean trucks offset by this....


No joke... :/

February 8th, 2013, 08:55 AM
^ that's irrelevant. everyone knows that only private citizens can possibly harm the environment. as a matter of fact, we must take away all their guns as well because the gunpowder residue has been shown to cause cancer in innocent babies.

February 8th, 2013, 09:16 AM
I must admit I am a little perplexed by our own Diesel emissions rules here in Australia. If a DPF is supposedly required for acceptable emissions levels why are certain manufacturers (including GM) allowed to sell new vehicles here without a DPF? As far as I know all our new cars must meet Euro 4 emissions standards.

February 8th, 2013, 09:20 AM
Well I hate to see any company slapped by the EPA but worse is the spoiled redneck wannabe's who like to smoke out anyone on a bike, with their windows down or in a convertible. They should get a taste of their own medicine. Damn straight I'm not into it. Redneck Ricers - the dumbest thing to come about over the past 10 years!

BTW that Union Pacific is a steam engine... the diesels are not nearly as nasty!

February 8th, 2013, 10:05 AM
Yep, we haven't had locomotives like that one since the 60's in wide useage. And as far as needing a DPF here in teh US, it is because of our own assinine emission laws. We don't use any other countries standards, if we did we wouldn't have no where near as many regs as we do. Our EPA writes it's own rules and laws largely in part to justify it's own existence because if they didn't they would get downsized because teh bulk of there job is done. Teh agency was created to curtail the emission problems we had in the 60's, but those days are long gone. So now they come up with new ways to furthur grow there agency and justify there existence.

February 8th, 2013, 10:31 AM
Look at this!!!! lol

June 23rd, 2013, 03:24 AM
Food for thought...


June 23rd, 2013, 01:46 PM
Weber BBQ's (http://www.weber.com/) will be fitted with DPF's and Urea in 2015, nothing like the taste of hickory smoked urea beef!

June 23rd, 2013, 01:56 PM
The whole thing is a joke..............the EPA is worried about diesel pollution, the real answer is they want to kill fuel mileage and keep fuel costs high so people have to spend more $$$$ to buy fuel at a higher price which they tax heavily.

They government wants people out of cars and onto public transportation........they want you to go there on your own and not by government decree.

Its all a bunch of BULL, I have two diesels, a 2002 with zero emissions and a 2007 that when it had a CAT it didn't have any more particulate matter than without a CAT, in fact all it did was cost me 3-5 MPG until I threw it out behind the shed.

June 24th, 2013, 03:47 AM
I just did some fiddling around with the CN Rail website, and to move 160,000 lbs(1 railcar load) of printer paper across the country of Canada. It would cost me CAN$11,518.00. They also list that it will save 17.1 tonnes of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) emissions over trucking the load on the highways. 17.1 tonnes is a LOT of gas to save for 1 railcar. I have seen trains with 100+ railcars.
I just found that interesting.
