View Full Version : LMM ecm not detected need some help.

January 26th, 2013, 09:51 AM
As you can read i am having a hard time with some of these lmm's that are acting pretty weird and im not sure if its my set up or if everybody is having this problem but is making me worried every time i go to do one of these trucks. Ok so pretty much everytime i hook up to a lmm and just do the regular read for the trucks info i get a missing calibration and would you like to go on. I say yes and i will give me the info. Weird part is that it is only a 504k file and a lb7 file is 512k. so not sure what that is about, could be my problem right of the start but not sure. next i program the truck and i will run through and then i will start to say retrying previous block. Controller is going back to normal operation. over and over again. really fast. i stops in random places every time like the lly's do when they have something that is running like radio and so on. so i went though the motions and pulled all of the fuses except for the bare minimum and still nothing. most of the time when i do this with lly's even if i dont get the problem i am seeing it make it a little farther each time just because there is less stuff running with it. this is not the case with this truck. Lastly the truck finally stopped letting me flash it saying that the ecm was not detected and no matter what i do can not get it to detect. pulled batteries for 1hr all the way to 24hrs. nothing.

So couple questions
1. i am thinking of going ahead and buying a bench flash set up because i do enough of these trucks that sometimes it is just easier to pull the computer. but i have never done bench flashing before will i be able to resurrect this ecm or is it pretty much shot.
2. what am i missing on these lmm trucks i have done them in the past and they seemed easy like the lb7s is there something up with the new firmwire or bootloader. do i need to us v8 and not v7.5. i have all of the newest updates but maybe i need to unupdate my stuff.
i have seen alot of guys have similar problems with there trucks but does not ever seem like when they figure it out they will ever get back on and say what they did different.
any help would be great guys i have a guys truck broke down right now i am going to do what ever it takes to get it fixed but i need to know what direction to go. i dont want to just get another ecm if i can fix this one and i dont want to get another one if it is just going to get messed up like this one. i already went to do another guys lmm and it did the same thing with the calibration missing on the read. if i need to contact efi live support i will but i dont have a good way to get ahold of them so i came to you all masters of the universe. thanks again for any help.

January 27th, 2013, 04:53 PM
What firmware version does your V2 have...?

January 29th, 2013, 06:15 AM
I'm no expert but I think when you originally tried to read out the ECM and got a missing calibration error, you should have stopped there. I think that means that you have no .calz file to match the operating system you are trying to read. The calz file is what defines the locations of the various tables and other parameters in the ECM's operating system. Without that, I don't think you have anything usable. Then trying to flash the ECM without the correct calz file will put stuff in locations in the ECM memory where it doesn't belong. What happens then is anybody's guess. Can anyone confirm I'm right about the calz file?

January 29th, 2013, 02:28 PM
ok that is very possible and seems like a very valid thing but if my firmwire and efi live is updated to the max and it is a 2008 so it should be supported then where do i get the right files so that i can program this truck. thanks for the feed back vegas dmax. the more help the better. i still have not figured this out.

January 29th, 2013, 02:37 PM
Would you be willing to post up the tune file you read out? (The one with the missing calibration warning)

January 29th, 2013, 02:58 PM
also want to post my firmwire that stuff just incase i am missing something here.
firmwire- 2.07.35
v7.5-7.5.7 build 211
v8-8.2.1 build 203

seems all good to me but would not be the first time i was wrong if this is not up to date. thanks again for the help.

January 29th, 2013, 03:04 PM
i never saved it but i will try to find it does't efi live save errors like that.

January 29th, 2013, 03:08 PM
So what was the ECM programmed with then? You have to save any file that is read before it can be flashed back.

January 29th, 2013, 03:15 PM
you want the hole file yes i have that i thought you want the actual flashing process. here it is.

January 29th, 2013, 03:17 PM
it seemed fine once i loaded it up but like i said it said missing calibrations when i was in the reading process.

January 30th, 2013, 04:34 AM
any luck with that tune file. maybe something that i missed.

January 30th, 2013, 09:46 AM
ok update. got my bench flash and i hooked up to the ecm and still says that ecm is not detected. tried to run through scan as well but can not get it to communicate with the ecm. does this mean what i think it does. is the ecm fried. i have done proably 100 truck and have never fried one. have always been able to get it going again. also i have heard that it is possible that the ecm memory got erased is there a way maybe somebody i could send it to to reflash the basics back on this ecm. could really use some help.

January 30th, 2013, 11:56 AM
ok that is very possible and seems like a very valid thing but if my firmwire and efi live is updated to the max and it is a 2008 so it should be supported then where do i get the right files so that i can program this truck. thanks for the feed back vegas dmax. the more help the better. i still have not figured this out.

Yes, if your software/firmware is up to date, you should have all the calz files you need. Perhaps they ended up in the wrong place due to an unknown installation problem? In any case, it looks like you have caught Ross's attention so you're in good hands.

January 30th, 2013, 12:09 PM
hope so kind of on a deadline though and guys truck is down just need a little direction on where to go from here. hope we can figure this out im sure somebody else will have this problem and hope it is easier to fix than the trouble i am having.

January 30th, 2013, 12:26 PM
it seemed fine once i loaded it up but like i said it said missing calibrations when i was in the reading process.
It's not really making sense, lets go from the start.
1 - You read the tune from the ECM and EFILive warned you it was missing the calibrations when it had finished?
2 - The file you read (which indicated there was errors) is the same one you posted on the previous page? If so, it looks ok.
3 - What tune did you eventually flash in to the ECM to now get it in the non responsive state?
4 - Here's the bad news, I would say the ECM is dead, I don't know why, but we need to make sure there is nothing wrong with the tune you flashed in or it will kill the next one too


January 30th, 2013, 12:36 PM
i flashed a dsp5 tune into it i thought that maybe it was my tune too but before the ecm would not respond anymore i tried to flash the original tune back into it that did not work and i tried to flash another tune with the same operating system from the library from dieselplace and that did not work either. i also was wandering if it was just that ecm that was the problem since i have done other lmm's before but i hooked up to this guys dad's truck which is the exact same truck same year everything and it gave me the warning that there were missing calibrations as well. after about another 30 tries the ecm would not respond anymore. so im not so sure that i is the tune. if you think that is it i can send it if you want.

January 30th, 2013, 01:07 PM
here it is just a tester tune he wanted to try some stuff out so dont judge. lol

January 30th, 2013, 01:21 PM
I'm not even going to look at the tune side of it :) , I just wanted to see if the file had any errors. There was some calibrations that showed out of range but normally that would not cause the ECM to brick itself. The Bosch LBZ & LMM ECM's don't brick themselves very often (but it does happen), so you are definitely unlucky. It probably is something in that tune that is causing it, so I would not be flashing that in to any other trucks.
Unfortunately as I said I think the ECM is gone and you will need to get a replacement, there is a few people on here that sell LMM ECM's, they'll even get the correct file flashed in from GM's TIS for you before shipping.

January 30th, 2013, 01:35 PM
ok will i be able to get my license back from this ecm.

January 30th, 2013, 01:39 PM
ya that was just egr stuff as well i didnt not figure it would matter if that stuff was maxed out to shut off since i was getting it to shut off. have done that with alot of tunes and never had a problem.

January 31st, 2013, 02:19 AM
here are my bug files they are all compressed so you will just have to extract the folder when you download it. im sure you already knew though.

January 31st, 2013, 07:47 AM
ok will i be able to get my license back from this ecm.
If/when you get a replacement ECM, send a scanned copy of the invoice to support@efilive.com and we'll issue you a replacement VIN license.


January 31st, 2013, 10:02 AM
thanks blacky you all are great. hope you all make something from those bug files. would be nice to know what happen.