View Full Version : error code when trying to scan my LBZ and won't connect err_ignored/4

January 29th, 2013, 01:56 AM
I tried to run a live scan on my truck and I could not connect after I started my truck. It gave me an err_ignored/4 code and said something along the lines of "failed to connect or vehicle not responding".

Before I actually started the vehicle and attempted to do a live scan I ran a regualar diagnostics test on my truck on it everything worked and connected just fine both the ECM and TCM. I have no idea what is going on with it. The only changes that I have made was I installed the software on a new computer but everything is updated and good to go otherwise.

Any ideas of what could be going on?

January 29th, 2013, 06:04 AM
Can you post a screenshot.

January 29th, 2013, 06:23 AM
Can you post a screenshot.

I will as soon as I get back home... I am going to sneak out of work shortly (about an hour or 2) and try to get it hooked up and get a screenshot for you. I haven't used my EFI in over 1.5yr but the last time I had used it I never had any problems. Just kind of strange that it would act up now.

January 29th, 2013, 07:43 AM
I attached the files of the console after my LBZ was running and the error message...

I hope this helps.

January 29th, 2013, 04:49 PM
You have 87 PIDs selected, a lot of them not supported for the LBZ.

Uncheck the "Supported" check box in the [PIDs (F8)] tab page to see the unsupported but selected PIDs.
Unselect them.

Try to keep your PID selection to around 24 channels or less.



January 29th, 2013, 05:23 PM
I tried only 1 the other day and got the same results because someone had told me the same thing. I will try again with just just the RPM and engine temp and see what happens. I will let you know what happens tomorrow morning.

Another thing that I noticed that I attempted to do just data logging to my SD card on my EFI Live and it said the function or option wasn't supported (I know that I have done the data logging before).

January 29th, 2013, 05:36 PM
I tried only 1 the other day and got the same results because someone had told me the same thing. I will try again with just just the RPM and engine temp and see what happens. I will let you know what happens tomorrow morning.

Another thing that I noticed that I attempted to do just data logging to my SD card on my EFI Live and it said the function or option wasn't supported (I know that I have done the data logging before).

For the LBZ/LMM you should select between 7 and 24 channels of data. Otherwise the scan tool may default to Generic Logging mode which is not supported by the LBZ/LMM.
So select more than just the RPM and temperature.


January 30th, 2013, 06:45 AM
Ok.... I got it working with selecting fewer PID's....

On another note, how can I pull my TCM codes from my Allison transmission. Anytime I run the DTC it always seems to skip over the TCM codes...

Thanks for all the help so far!!!

January 30th, 2013, 10:19 AM
On another note, how can I pull my TCM codes from my Allison transmission. Anytime I run the DTC it always seems to skip over the TCM codes...

There is a known bug in the FlashScan pass-thru firmware so the V7 software may not pick up the TCM codes. It is fixed in the next pre-release update due out Feb 1st, 2013.

For now, use the FlashScan in hand-held mode and display codes that way.
F3 Diagnostics -> F2 Trouble Codes -> F1 Display DTCs -> F3 MFG Set DTCs
That should display codes for all detected modules.

To see which modules FlashScan has detected use:
F1 Scan Tool -> F3 Scan Options -> F2 Onboard Modules

FlashScan automatically detects as many modules as it can when it is connected to a vehicle. It is possible for FlashScan to not detect one or more modules if it is connected before ignition-on. To force FlashScan re-detect modules use: Ctrl+Ok


January 30th, 2013, 02:37 PM
Thanks a lot for the info and the help.... I will try that in the morning to see what I come up with and let you know.