View Full Version : New here

March 26th, 2013, 05:18 PM
Just joined the forum and trying to get started with my efi live... Im a total noob when it comes to this kind of software so im sure I will have some questions and hope I can get some help. Car is a 2002 trans am with a few bolt ons :music_whistling_1:

March 27th, 2013, 05:07 AM
Hi Adam, welcome to the forum :cheers:

Do you have a FlashScan V1 or V2...?

Some initial reading for you:
- V7 scantool user manual (http://download.efilive.com/Documentation/EFILiveV75Scan.pdf)
- V7 tunetool user manual (http://download.efilive.com/Documentation/EFILiveV75Tune.pdf)
- Collecting-links-to-scattered-material (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?2990-Collecting-links-to-scattered-material)
- Calc-VET-correcting-MAF-and-calculating-VE-(in-single-log) (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15236-Calc-VET-correcting-MAF-and-calculating-VE-(in-single-log))

March 27th, 2013, 05:47 AM
Its a V-2, it came with the car when I bought it about 2 yrs ago. I am just now getting around to using it and its overwelming to say the least. I am having problems getting the registration saved because i do not have the origional blue card that came with the tuner. I have e-mailed efi live support and am waiting to hear back. I have already loaded the latest versions into my computer and have started reading the above links. Hoping to get my ngk afx wide bands, and d\s speed sensor hooked up this weekend. Any good links to aid me in the setup of the pids and programing them to read correclty? You use the new V8.2.1 (203 build) to do this correct?

March 27th, 2013, 06:39 AM
Read this first: Upgrading-from-older-bootblock-firmware (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?20952-Upgrading-from-older-bootblock-firmware)

Then read this: Setting-up-a-FSV2-from-scratch (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?20699-Setting-up-a-FSV2-from-scratch)

March 27th, 2013, 10:54 AM
Ok I have the pid list setup for the pre-selected options but how do I setup the widebands and the drive shaft input(all analog)? I also posted this question under the wideband page because they were talking about the same widebands I am using. NGK AFX

March 27th, 2013, 11:52 AM
The NGK widebands don't suppport serial comms.

So wire the first one to AD1+/- and the second one to AD2+/-

("+" being the analog signal, "-" being the analog ground/return )

( do not allow the signal wires to short anywhere while the wideband is powered (this will kill the DAC output) )

In V8 S&T, goto BBx, goto Logging, checkmark Select all analog pids, click Save and Program.

You will be viewing the pids CALC.AFR_NGK1/2.

Also see post #1 here regarding lambda from analog wideband: Calc-VET-correcting-MAF-and-calculating-VE-(in-single-log) (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15236-Calc-VET-correcting-MAF-and-calculating-VE-(in-single-log))

March 27th, 2013, 11:53 AM
Ok I have the pid list setup for the pre-selected options but how do I setup the widebands and the drive shaft input(all analog)? I also posted this question under the wideband page because they were talking about the same widebands I am using. NGK AFXSorry, I don't understand the red part, please explain.

March 27th, 2013, 01:19 PM
He wants to log driveshaft speed with a 0-5v sensor.

March 27th, 2013, 04:53 PM
Welcome to The Forum!

March 28th, 2013, 02:58 AM
Correct, I am trying to use a standard drive shaft revoultion sensor (ex. edlebrock p\n#91195) to monitor drive shaft speed(rpm) to calculate convertor slip or tire spin. I havent found any solid data as to what kind of current the pickup puts out, (a\c or d\c)voltage. I would assume that it would be a\c voltage being a magnetic pickup but im not sure. Maybe they have a rectifier of some sore built in. I have also found some halefect sensors that will put out dc voltage but they are quite a bit more expensive. Either way the input is going to be a voltage signal, how would you go about converting that voltage into rpm? Is there a program that will give me a correction factor\conversion to do this? This is way over my head as I still havent got the file information figured out for the NGK AFX.

March 28th, 2013, 03:07 AM
Either way the input is going to be a voltage signal, how would you go about converting that voltage into rpm? Is there a program that will give me a correction factor\conversion to do this? ...This signal fed into V2 will show up as a raw voltage... there is no real time feature to convert this into rev/min... to convert it to rev/min you require post-processing to count the cycles over some time period and calculate the rev/min... the scantool does not have this ability.

March 28th, 2013, 03:09 AM
I still havent got the file information figured out for the NGK AFX.The pids you need are CALC.AFR_NGK1/2...

to use these for tuning you need a correction multiplier that uses the wideband lambda... to see how to do this read section II of the Calc.VET thread.

March 28th, 2013, 10:03 AM
Ok, I think I am way more confused now than when I first started. I have been jumping back and forth between so many forum posts that my head is spinning! Is the v-8 bbl software for recording with the flashscan only or with the laptop connected to the flashscan or both? I have been trying to pull up the pid list that I made in the v-8 s&t in the v-7.5 scan tool, is this possible? Bc I cannot get it to work. Also reguarding the NGK widebands, I can select ad1 and ad2 in S&T bbx which will be the inputs but where do I enter the conversion information?

March 28th, 2013, 11:39 AM
V8 software (at the moment):
- S&T: configuring BBx,
- EE: copying logs from V2 to PC, copying tunes between V2 and PC.

When BBx is configured, you use V2 to log/read/write the PCM without needing to bring a PC to the vehicle (i.e. leave PC at home).

V7 software:
- scantool: viewing BBL logs; also logging with PC in vehicle;
- tunetool: viewing/editing BBF tunes; also reading/writing PCM with PC in vehicle (i.e. bring PC on trip).

You can copy/paste V7 scantool pids to V8 BBx, but not the other way.

For AD1 and AD2 you don't need to enter conversion info, just record the raw voltages... then when you view the log using the V7 scantool you can select/apply the CALC.AFR_NGK* pids

( altho, you can define EXT.AD1 and EXT.AD2 to have custom properties... in BBx double click on the EXT.ADn pid you selected, for custom properties set factor to 1.4 and offset to 9, this will let you view EXT.AD1 as AFR on V2 LCD while logging )

March 29th, 2013, 03:25 AM
Awesome thanks! I sucessfully logged for my first time last night. With only the v-2 connected(BBL) I think, I logged two short clips. Then I connected the laptop to the v-2 to do try out the dashboard functions. Although not as "current or real time" as I had hoped it was still awesome. I also logged a clip with the laptop connected. After disconnecting the laptop and the v-2 from the vehicle I decided to review or view the log files that I had just made. I was able to pull up the laptop recorded data very easy. Tab- file, recent log files and there it was. When I tried to find the logged BBL data I had a dificult time. With the v-2 connected to the latop and scan7.5 up I could not find it. There is a flashscan tab at the top of the page but everything seems to be "light grey" all the time except for "start efi live tune tool". Is this because this tab is only used for v-1? So I opened EE and found the logged files in the "f3-data files" tab. I then drug them up into the V7.5 logged data file. Then I closed out EE and re-opened V7.5 scan, and could access the BBL logged data by (tab-file, open, open log file...), then I could view the v-2 BBL data. Is this the correct way to access these files or is there an easier way?

I had the AD1 and AD2 logs seclected from S&T and they were logged on the v-2(BBL) and on the laptop(not connected to the v-2 input(orange connectors) as they are not installed in the car yet) so there was no voltage on them. Im aware I need the rename the inputs, currently EXT.AD1, EXT.AD2 (found on the F9 data tab). Where do I input this new information? I cannot "edit" the parameter when viewing the log file. Will this information be saved when I make new logs?

March 29th, 2013, 03:44 AM
Yes, that is the correct way, EE is used for uploading/downloading logs and tunes.

To make V2 BBL display AD1, AD2 as AFR, you can define Custom properties for AD1 and Ad2:

in V8 S&T goto BBx, goto Scan tab, add AD1 and AD2 to the pidlist(s), then on each of AD1 and AD2 edit their properties, under Custom look at factor and offset (these can be obtained by looking in the scantool, goto PIDs tab, on CALC.AFR_NGK1 do rightclick->More Info); also set Caption to AFR or some short meaningful string.

This ^ will not be saved in the log... but the scantool already has the calc pids CALC.AFR_NGK1/2...

in V8 S&T BBx, while viewing a pidlist, click on the button V7, enter the calc pid names CALC.AFR_NGK1 and CALC.AFR_NGK2, Save, Program, Exit; this causes those pids to be selected in automatically when viewing the log in the scantool.

March 29th, 2013, 05:57 AM
Ok awesome! Thank you very much.
1. So when I am logging with my pc connected all I need to do is select the pids "CALC.AFR_NGK1 and CALC.AFR_NGK2"? How will the v-2 know which input I have them connected to in the v-2?
2. I have already selected the AD1 and AD2 and have them in the pid list on the S&T. I have the captions set up as W\B-B1 and W\B-B2. I see the factor (currently set as 1.000000) and the offset (currently set as 0.000000) and units in AFR. The sample value is 0AFR and the precision is 0.

This is what is diplayed under "more info". I am unsure how to enter this informaton into the "factor and offset"


AFR = {EXT.AD1}*1.4+9
is NOT valid because:
Required parameter {EXT.AD1}, at position 10 is not selected.

PID value cannot be determined because
the following error would occur:
Expression not valid: Required parameter {EXT.AD1}, at position 10 is not selected.


V = {EXT.AD1}
is NOT valid because:

PID value cannot be determined because
the following error would occur:
Expression not compiled

March 29th, 2013, 11:55 AM
1. Yes, correct. CALC.AFR_NGK1 uses EXT.AD1, CALC.AFR.NGK2 uses EXT.AD2.

2. It might read easier on the V2 LCD if the captions were WBAFR1 and WBAFR2 (i.e. avoid non-alphanumeric chars). Set the factor to 1.4 and the offset to 9.

. . .
AFR = {EXT.AD1}*1.4+9
. . .