View Full Version : Fuel Flow Calc PID

March 27th, 2013, 02:25 PM
Looking to make a calc pid for instantaneous fuel flow in g/s or lb/min to help with idle tuning. Would the following be correct?



Can I use double parentheses ((...)) ?

What's the difference between GM.IBPW1 and GM.INJPWB1? Both are listed as "Injector Base Pulse Width Bank 1".

And what's the difference between these as GM.INJXPW, "Injector Pulse Width Injector X", where X goes from 1 to 8.


March 27th, 2013, 07:15 PM
GM.INJFLOW.gps and GM.INJFLOW.lbpm are instantaneous fuelmass flowrate.

If, perhaps, you're looking for instantaneous fuelmass, then you would do something similar to what you did above (do units analysis to sanity check).

Yes, you can next parenthese ( ) to change the arithmetic order of precedence.

March 27th, 2013, 07:16 PM
GM.IBPW1 : this is for LS1A/LS1B

GM.INJPWB1 : this is for something else (maybe E38/E67).

GM.INJXPW: these are for something else (diesel).

Note that CALC.INJDC1 is calculated form GM.IBPW1.

March 28th, 2013, 05:33 AM
GM.INJFLOW.gps and GM.INJFLOW.lbpm are instantaneous fuelmass flowrate.

Aren't these just the injector flow rate as specified in the tune file? I logged GM.INJFLOW.lbpm as part of CALC.MPG and it was fixed at 0.42 lb/min, which correlates to my stock 25 lb/hr injectorsa which is constant with MAP due to the fuel pressure regulator.

March 28th, 2013, 06:55 AM
Yes, they are flowrate in g/s and lb/min...

oh, do you want g and lb...?

March 28th, 2013, 08:30 AM
I want to calculate how much fuel the motor is instantaneously consuming in grams/second or pounds/minute.

The equation I posted seems like it should work. I also have the Calc.MPG PID which seems to be working accurately.

March 28th, 2013, 10:32 AM
After rethinking it, yes you are correct...

fuelmass [g] per cylinder =

if IBPW1 and IBPW2 are the same, the that simply becomes:

so then fuelmass [g] per cycle (8 cylinders, 4 strokes, 2 revolutions) =

cycles (2 revolutions, 4 strokes) per second =
{SAE.RPM}/60/2 = {SAE.RPM}/120

so the instantaneous fuelmass rate [g/s] =
{GM.INJFLOW.gps}*{GM.IBPW1}/1000*8*{SAE.RPM}/120 =
{GM.INJFLOW.gps}*{GM.IBPW1}*{SAE.RPM}*8/120000 =

edit: corrected for 8 cylinders.

March 28th, 2013, 10:49 AM
covert IBPW1 to minutes...

so then, instantaneous fuelmass rate [lb/min] =
{GM.INJFLOW.lbpm}*{GM.IBPW1}/1000*8/60*{SAE.RPM}/120 =
{GM.INJFLOW.lbpm}*{GM.IBPW1}*{SAE.RPM}*8/7200000 =

edit: corrected for 8 cylinders.

March 28th, 2013, 10:59 AM
The CALC.MPG pid should be using this:

vehicle speed [mile/min] =

fuel mass rate [lb/min] =

gasoline has density 6.073 [lb/gal]

so fuel volume rate [gal/min] =
{GM.INJFLOW.lbpm}*{GM.IBPW1}*{SAE.RPM}/900000 / 6.073

so MPG =
[mile/min] / [gal/min] =
{SAE.VSS.mph}/60 / ({GM.INJFLOW.lbpm}*{GM.IBPW1}*{SAE.RPM}/900000 / 6.073) =
{SAE.VSS.mph}/{GM.INJFLOW.lbpm}/{GM.IBPW1}/{SAE.RPM}*900000/60*6.073 =

edit: corrected for 8 cylinders.

March 28th, 2013, 11:19 AM
And [L/100km] should be using this:

vehicle speed [km/s] =

fuel mass rate [g/s] =

gasoline density is 725 [g/L]

so fuel volume rate [L/s] =
{GM.INJFLOW.gps}*{GM.IBPW1}*{SAE.RPM}/15000 / 725

so Litres per km [L/km] =
[L/s] / [km/s] =
{GM.INJFLOW.gps}*{GM.IBPW1}*{SAE.RPM}/15000 / 725 / ({GM.VSS.kph}/3600) =
{GM.INJFLOW.gps}*{GM.IBPW1}*{SAE.RPM}/{GM.VSS.kph}*3600/15000/725 =

Litres per 100km [L/100km] =
[L/km] * 100 =
{GM.INJFLOW.gps}*{GM.IBPW1}*{SAE.RPM}/{GM.VSS.kph}*12/50/725*100 =

edit: corrected for 8 cylinders.

March 28th, 2013, 11:28 AM
so the instantaneous fuelmass rate [g/s] =
{GM.INJFLOW.gps}*{GM.IBPW1}/1000*{SAE.RPM}/120 =

That is per cylinder correct? So multiply by 8 to get the total fuel flow and you will get the same result as me (except I'm averaging the bank 1 and 2 pulse width).


March 28th, 2013, 11:41 AM
That is per cylinder correct? So multiply by 8 to get the total fuel flow and you will get the same result as me (except I'm averaging the bank 1 and 2 pulse width).

{GM.INJFLOW.gps}*{GM.IBPW1}*{SAE.RPM}/15000Ah, good point, I knew I left out something, let me go back and edit my derivations...

(yes, you can replace GM.IBPW1 with the bank average... lol, I was saving some typing)