View Full Version : Just finished my COS tune and no start

March 30th, 2013, 09:36 AM
I just uploaded a COS3 tune and went through the tutorial and made all the changes it suggested. I also changed my data to match that of my injectors, but the truck won't start. It fires right away then just cranks. Shut the key off then try again and the same thing.

I attached my tune and any help is appreciated. 14794


March 30th, 2013, 12:00 PM
what size injectors are you using

March 30th, 2013, 12:04 PM
i see B4001 looks wrong.you have it at

LABELS Injector Flow Rate (Grams/Second)
Manifold Vacuum kPa {link: GM.MANVAC} Value
0 71.656250
5 71.656250
10 71.656250
15 71.656250
20 71.656250
25 71.656250
30 71.656250
35 71.656250
40 71.656250
45 71.656250
50 71.656250
55 71.656250
60 71.656250
65 71.656250
70 71.656250
75 71.656250
80 71.656250

March 31st, 2013, 02:05 AM
That's what I calculated for the injectors. Are you saying the units may be wrong?

March 31st, 2013, 02:09 AM
Do I need to do any relearns after the full flash? I did have to recover my PCM. Would that have anything to do with it?

limited cv8r
March 31st, 2013, 04:42 AM
It looks as though you may have entered the data as LB/HR instead of G/sec in B4001, so 71.6563 LB/HR = 9.02853 G/SEC. Good pickup gmperformancecentre.

March 31st, 2013, 11:46 AM
It looks as though you may have entered the data as LB/HR instead of G/sec in B4001, so 71.6563 LB/HR = 9.02853 G/SEC. Good pickup gmperformancecentre.

As limited cv8r said.you have enter the data wrong,should be 9.02853 not 71.6563.

March 31st, 2013, 03:26 PM
Thanks guys! Ill give that a try.

March 31st, 2013, 04:38 PM
+1 check your B4001 units.

Good catch Steve.

March 31st, 2013, 04:38 PM
BTW: A0001,2,12,13 are out-of-range.

April 1st, 2013, 03:16 AM
That's what it says to set them at in the tutorial. What would you suggest setting them to and why?


limited cv8r
April 1st, 2013, 03:51 AM
Try attached tune,out of range fixed.
Your settings weren't wrong,sometimes with out of range stuff you just need to change it to something lower than max limit and save tune,you can then usually open saved tune reset back to max limit if wanted,save tune again,reopen tune and hopefully nothing is out of range anymore.

April 1st, 2013, 03:58 AM
Makes sense Thanks for the help!! still learning all the ins and outs lol.

limited cv8r
April 1st, 2013, 04:05 AM
Also your VIN is all zero's and B3647 & B3649 are set to lean out in the 95/100 columns. Looks like a bit of confusion between using lambda & EQ ratio.

April 1st, 2013, 04:08 AM
I already fixed the VIN ill look at B3647 and B3649

April 1st, 2013, 04:22 AM
Yes you are right that is wrong. now I am forgetting how to change the units from lambo to eq.

April 1st, 2013, 04:30 AM
or do I need to adjust the numbers to be lambo instead of EQ ratio

limited cv8r
April 1st, 2013, 04:30 AM
edit,properties,commanded fuel values.
Just remember you will need to close and reopen your tune before the change will take effect.

limited cv8r
April 1st, 2013, 04:32 AM
Do as suggested above , then adjust as needed to suit what your using.

April 1st, 2013, 07:12 AM
Ok this is what I have now. This rookies feet are getting wet lol. 14804

Thanks so much for the help!

April 1st, 2013, 04:58 PM
EFILive tunetool is quirky when it comes to correcting OOR cells, exactly what cv8r said above.

More info:

Fixing Out Of Range (OOR) Cells:
showpost.php?p=87052 (http://forum.efilive.com/showpost.php?p=87052&postcount=14) post #14
showthread.php?14119-3000-RPM-max-and-setting-codes-03-Z06-with-Magnuson-at-150kPa (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14119-3000-RPM-max-and-setting-codes-03-Z06-with-Magnuson-at-150kPa) posts #14, #17
showthread.php?14654-I-need-help-getting-the-most-out-of-my-car (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14654-I-need-help-getting-the-most-out-of-my-car) post#2

April 2nd, 2013, 03:05 AM
Thanks for the info!

April 2nd, 2013, 10:18 PM
is it running now

April 3rd, 2013, 02:18 AM
I just tried it yesterday. It started right up but then stalled out. It then keep saying reduce power. And would only run for a second or two after then stall. Any ideas?

April 3rd, 2013, 02:47 AM
How did you populate the tables in the COS...?

i.e. did you do either of these:
- full flash the empty COS file and then cal flash from the corresponding GM base file...?
- full flash an already populated COS file...?

April 3rd, 2013, 02:56 AM
I did a full flash of the cos then a cal flash of the stock tune I got from the truck.

Since it last ran it has gotten injectors and a cam and the twin turbo setup. I'm also maf less with a gm iat sensor if that helps.

April 3rd, 2013, 03:20 AM
Did you correct the IFR...?

Are you getting a MAF DTC (without this it is going to do its best to use the MAF)...?

April 3rd, 2013, 03:49 AM
Yes I adjusted the IFR to the proper units.

I dont remember if I am getting a MAF DTC or not. I know for C6001 I have P0101-P0103 set to Non emissions.
In C2901 I have the MAF frequency set to 1 and also for C2903 so it should be setting a code right?


Current tune loaded: 14810

April 3rd, 2013, 08:27 AM
These are the DTCs I am getting.

P0315: Crank position variation not learned
P1514: Map/Maf Throttle position correlation
P0102: Maf Circuit low
C0327: Encoder Circuit

I also did notice my 2 bar map sensor was reading 15psi with the key on engine off is that a concern? Do I need to change that?

Here is the data log of this tune starting and stalling right away. 14812

April 3rd, 2013, 08:58 AM
P0102 is sufficient to fail the MAF (so the PCM then uses VE exclusively).

P1514 indicates that the throttle/airflow sanity tables are being exceeded (see the Engine Diagnostics folder of your tune file).

KOEO MAP should read barometric pressure, 15 psi (101 kPa) is correct at sea level.

April 3rd, 2013, 09:03 AM
B3647 does not provide sufficient fuel for a cold start...

you will have to use A0008 to add more fuel while cold (I don't remember anymore, but A0008 may have an inverse relationship).

April 3rd, 2013, 09:06 AM
Not related, but take note:

B3647/B3649 have been set up using wrong units (Lambda confused with EQR), correct this (as noted above);

B3616 is set to 90% which is too restrictive, you want PE to enable easier than this (look at 2002 F-car for example).

limited cv8r
April 3rd, 2013, 10:31 AM
That log also shows it going into boost while cranking/trying to start :nixweiss:

April 3rd, 2013, 10:31 AM
For B3647 can i just change that table where I would need more fuel or do I have to change A0008?

For B3647/B3649 I thought I changed it to EQR and then reentered the data. Ill double check.

"P1514 indicates that the throttle/airflow sanity tables are being exceeded (see the Engine Diagnostics folder of your tune file)."

I'm a little lost as to what tables control this and how to adjust them.

Thanks for pointing out these errors

April 3rd, 2013, 10:43 AM
That log also shows it going into boost while cranking/trying to start :nixweiss:

I never noticed that...
C6301 is at 190 (I'm pretty sure thats right)
C6302 is set at 10 (not sure what it does or should be at)

Could one of those cause that? that will defiantly mess with things.

April 3rd, 2013, 10:49 AM
For P1514 would I raise the values for C6101?

I also have a gray cell in that table. What does that mean.

Sorry for all the newb questions.

April 3rd, 2013, 11:33 AM
Can you post a screenshot showing the gray cell...

No worries.

limited cv8r
April 3rd, 2013, 11:55 AM
You also need to log throttle position and GM DYNCYLAIR DMA. You are also getting negative timing when cranking, I believe this is happening because of the numbers in your boost ve being calculated to airflow and there is negative timing in your spark tables at higher airflow.

April 3rd, 2013, 12:18 PM
For B3647 can i just change that table where I would need more fuel or do I have to change A0008?
B3647 does not have a temperature axis, so you have to play with A0008.

For B3647/B3649 I thought I changed it to EQR and then reentered the data. Ill double check. Ah, my mistake, I was looking at your tune file in post #1 rather than post #28.

April 4th, 2013, 03:25 AM
Just went to take a screen shot of the gray cell and it is no longer gray... going to raise the whole table for C6101 to see it that fixes the issue and going to throw more fuel at A0008.

Also want to find out why its seeing boost...

April 4th, 2013, 03:32 AM
What should I try setting A0008 to? anything over 1 adds that % more fuel right? would 1.25 be to much to try for a start? Or should i follow the suggested values in the AutoVE tutorial?

April 4th, 2013, 09:51 AM
I changed A0008 to this and still wouldn't stay running. Didn't have much time to chase the map issue so ill do more with that tomorrow.


April 4th, 2013, 01:09 PM
Try inverting A0008.

April 4th, 2013, 02:48 PM
What do you mean by inverting it?

April 4th, 2013, 06:31 PM
0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0...

April 5th, 2013, 01:20 AM
Got ya. Wouldn't that make it add less fuel? Or does that add more?

April 5th, 2013, 02:33 AM
Back when COS5 was first being used, some people found that A0008 had an inverse relationship.

April 5th, 2013, 02:34 AM
I changed A0008 to this and still wouldn't stay running. Didn't have much time to chase the map issue so ill do more with that tomorrow.


Can you physically determine if there is too much fuel or not enough fuel...?

April 5th, 2013, 02:42 AM
You mean by checking plugs? I could pull plugs but other then that I don't know how I would tell.

I do have a wideband O2 sensor hooked up but I don't feel like it runs long enough for it to get an accurate reading.

April 5th, 2013, 02:52 AM
This is tricky because it does not run long enough...

Can you smell gasoline in the exhaust...?

April 5th, 2013, 03:52 AM
No it doesn't smell like its flooding out or anything.

April 5th, 2013, 06:24 AM
I just uploaded a COS3 tune and went through the tutorial and made all the changes it suggested. I also changed my data to match that of my injectors, but the truck won't start. It fires right away then just cranks. Shut the key off then try again and the same thing.

I attached my tune and any help is appreciated. 14794

ThanksDoes it run on the GM (non-COS) OS...?

April 5th, 2013, 09:52 AM
Ok I made some head way today. I messed with the settings on the MAP and set C6301 to 98 and C6302 to 0. the map would read about 102 and would show vacuum when cranking. It started and ran well under these settings.

Only thing it would do is after running for a few it keep lowering the AFR down to about 13.0 then would stay down there. I shut it off for a few after running like that.

When I have the MAP in C6301 set to 190 it sees atmosphere at 105kpa but when cranking is showing more pressure.... how can I adjust that? what does C6302 exactly do?


Here is the log from it running 14818
Here is the current tune that it works on. 14819

April 8th, 2013, 05:27 AM
What does C6302 control? Would that help with the map seeing boost while cranking?

April 8th, 2013, 06:08 AM
C6302 is the offset added to MAP after it has been multiplied by C6301.

Connect MAP sensor to various measurable pressure/vacuum sources and take note of logged value of SAE.MAP...

( you may have to work in psi or kPa depending on your gauge )

then you basically perform slope fitting by playing with C6301,2;

take several readings an post the results.

April 8th, 2013, 10:14 AM
I see. How accurate of a pressure/vacuum source do i need? I have a vacuum/boost gauge in my truck but its just a cheap one.

I do have a vacuum pump would this work? what do you use?


April 8th, 2013, 05:06 PM
That pump would work... but I would use a diagnostics vacuum gauge (one with better resolution, like Actron or OTC) .