View Full Version : Nice article in new issue of GMHighTechPerformance.com

Bruce Melton
February 23rd, 2005, 07:43 AM
There is a very positive article about the capibilities of FlashScan in the new issue of GMHighperformance.com. It does not seem to be in the online issue but email me and I will send you a PDF.

Ok, I put it on my FTP but it may not be too fast:


February 23rd, 2005, 08:27 AM
Yes the GMHTP article is well done.
Quote GMHTP: ..."and its one helluva professional scanning and tuning tool"

February 23rd, 2005, 09:48 AM
Brian Reese (author of the article) did an amazing job deciphering how EFILive works. Even though he was using an early version with no (or very little) documentation, everything was presented accurately.
Thanks Brian for taking the time to figure out and understand the product and to present it in such detail :)


February 23rd, 2005, 11:10 AM
Upper right of page 47:

Why would you want to tune misfire detection - I mean it's either a misfire or it's not? Maybe making it less sensitive to "EPA standards" would prevent MIL's but wouldn't anyone want 100% output and no misfires at all? I mean we are not talking about nitro fuled beasts here...

Why modify cat efficiency testing - most offroad use just removes them, and there's not much tolerance in those catalysts for variation of efficiency/O2 storage anyway. Even the 1998 cats are PDG in terms of restrictions. Now maybe to program for aftermarket cats, but how common are they in the LS1 arena, and who's going to run the curves to correlate that application and to determine what's correct?

What type of tests CAN be done at the PCM on the HO2S? You already have response times and all that in there. Maybe for some different brand or type of sensor, but then (again) who's going to run the curves to correlate that application and to determine what's correct . Adding a WBO2 would require disabling the "programmed in" OEM's HO2S testing anyway. (Maybe they are alluding to WBO2 interfaced directly to the PCM? )

They mention Bidirectional "Full emulation"... Even the TECH II has limitations. Just what more is needed, other than maybe a few diagnostic functinons?

But other than that, it's a GREAT article that as they say, it just hints at the potential of this product. Good job all in getting this article out to the masses!


February 23rd, 2005, 11:57 AM
MRK, I think the thing is that was done at SLP who have to sell EPA happy cars, so they probably do need to change these things.
As Paul said, that was done with an earlier version that did not have the Misfire tables.


February 23rd, 2005, 12:12 PM
Interesting - I forgot the OEM/SLP conection....

But then again SLP prob has tier one access to all the GM PCM R&D tools...

Now that really makes EFILive feel right at home with the best of the best, eh? :)