View Full Version : Anybody selling their old ,non updated versions of EFI live?

April 5th, 2013, 04:48 AM
I'm selling my truck. I didn't update my EFI Live because I heard about the bullshit where we were all sold out on. So I'm hanging on to EFI Live. Figure it will be worth more in the non updated state, and help someone who has gotten screwed over after putting their faith in this product. I love it myself. But as a matter of principle, I find this bait and switch tactic to be disgraceful. Any updates shouldn't have removed any capabilities from anyone who purchased this system in good faith. But it is the owners decision to be underhanded.

April 5th, 2013, 05:03 AM
I'm selling my truck. I didn't update my EFI Live because I heard about the bullshit where we were all sold out on. So I'm hanging on to EFI Live. Figure it will be worth more in the non updated state, and help someone who has gotten screwed over after putting their faith in this product. I love it myself. But as a matter of principle, I find this bait and switch tactic to be disgraceful. Any updates shouldn't have removed any capabilities from anyone who purchased this system in good faith. But it is the owners decision to be underhanded.

Seriously? Have you read the thread? Read between the lines, its a non-issue...

April 5th, 2013, 05:36 AM
I only read when this first started. And it didn't look good for people who have done DPF and EGR deletes. Are you saying all is good? If so than I'll just keep it. Can you message me the "between the lines" and just give me the cliff's notes.

April 5th, 2013, 06:44 AM
I'm selling my truck. I didn't update my EFI Live because I heard about the bullshit where we were all sold out on. So I'm hanging on to EFI Live. Figure it will be worth more in the non updated state, and help someone who has gotten screwed over after putting their faith in this product. I love it myself. But as a matter of principle, I find this bait and switch tactic to be disgraceful. Any updates shouldn't have removed any capabilities from anyone who purchased this system in good faith. But it is the owners decision to be underhanded.Choices:
- remove any stuff from the software that will cause a ban from the EPA;
- be banned by the EPA and have the EPA chase down all the former users of the product;

I don't see how this is "selling out" or "bait and switch"...?

Have you taken note what the various other tuning product companies have done and/or are going thru...?

Maybe it's worth more in the non-updated state... but if you get busted without a DPF you will be in big trouble (yes, even as an individual).

April 6th, 2013, 01:39 AM
I only read when this first started. And it didn't look good for people who have done DPF and EGR deletes. Are you saying all is good? If so than I'll just keep it. Can you message me the "between the lines" and just give me the cliff's notes.

If you would have read the thread on this subject you would know there was no bait and switch. There was no sellout. There was no removal of features for current owners. If you have a deleted truck prior to the update you can still tune your deleted truck. All the update is doing is removing the ability to delete the emissions equipment within the tune. It doesn't change your tune. If you are already deleted you can run deleted at your own risk. You just won't be able to delete new tunes. As mentioned above. It was that or no EFI live for the US period

EFI live has been above board and overly open about this entire process.

April 6th, 2013, 09:01 AM
Someone should release the hex for anything ever deleted so we can make cax files...