View Full Version : 408 AFR highest cell value

April 6th, 2013, 05:43 PM
Good evening guys, I'm new to tunning, been around this forum a while, read a lot but have never opened a thread. I am using the autove tunning tutorial to tune my car, its all been well till last log. I went out to drive the car a few hours ago, drove about 1 hour, the AFR map was cool till I almost arrived home, when the red cell showed a really high average value, when I arrived home I checked the maximum value and it was 408, total cell count was 14 and lowest value 12.xx, this had never happened before and this was the only cell with the problem, this same cell also showed a very high number in the VE map, car runs perfect and really hard. Hope you can help me out, thanks!!


April 6th, 2013, 09:47 PM
Edit the transient filter to filter out any abnormal AFR's.