View Full Version : KR in closed loop after Calc.vet, but while logging in open loop no KR issue

April 11th, 2013, 12:00 PM
I'm having an issue where I get KR (at medium throttle 25% - to full throttle) while in closed loop with b0120 set to 4000 after multiple iterations of Calc.vet. But with b0120 set to 400 for Calc.vet I get no KR whatsoever.

I have been logging Calc.vet with wbo2 and adjusted:

1. B0701: Disable Catalytic Converter Protection
Insures accurate stoich and PE mode/WOT Fueling
2. B0120: Change RPM Threshold for Airflow Calculation from 4000 to 400
Eliminates any Airflow Correction from the VE Table
3. B3308: Disable DFCO: Change B3308 (M6) to 140C Change B3313 to 140C
Accurate fueling computations
4. B4105: O2 Switch-points to 450 Millivolts
Smoother MAF & VE Table
5. B3618: PE Modifier Based on Rpm (EQ): 1.16
Safe adequate Fueling regardless of Fuel Type
6. B3616: PE Enable: make sure PE enables as load becomes significant
(e.g. below 60% TP below 3200 rpm, 35% TP above 3200 rpm).
7. B3608 and B3609: PE Delay: set these to zeros.

According to Calc.vet summary notes.

The only differences between the 2 tunes are b0120 and b3308/b3313.

b3618 is actually richer on the closed loop tune at 1.15-1.20 as rpms rise.

Can anyone help with what could be causing my issue here?

April 11th, 2013, 03:28 PM
Post tune file and log files.

Also post screenshots of maps.