View Full Version : Full Flash Grayed out?

April 18th, 2013, 08:51 AM
Seemed to have lost the option of
"Program PCM operating system and calibrations..."

Button is grayed out?

Running program as Admin, this is all latest updates from website, no new RC stuff.

April 18th, 2013, 09:38 AM
What ECM type?

April 18th, 2013, 11:56 AM
Make sure your V2 is updated and plugged in before you open V7.5. Or just use V8 for all reading/flashing, it's faster anyway! :D

Some ECM/PCMs dont offer full flashing like P10, P08, P11, etc.

April 18th, 2013, 12:00 PM
What ECM type?98-00 Vortec

Make sure your V2 is updated and plugged in before you open V7.5. Or just use V8 for all reading/flashing, it's faster anyway! :D

Some ECM/PCMs dont offer full flashing like P10, P08, P11, etc.I'll bet I found another...

April 18th, 2013, 12:17 PM
You did, no full flash option for the Vortec PCM, sorry.

April 18th, 2013, 02:06 PM
EHHH! Thought I found a use for this licensed 5.7l doorstop... now I have to buy another PCM that came with a 7.4L OS and another license...? Or spend days to make a 5.7L tun work for a 7.4L engine... when it does not have enough parameters to tune a stock 5.7L engine and why I took it out??? :badidea:

I really like EFI Live! For certain vehicles...

But this Vortec is not worth a license, it should be on the free list with LS1a, or just removed... then guys would not feel like they were scammed into buying the best software available and a license and find it worthless on this PCM. I even gave you guys 20-30 basic parameters needed with address and you weren't interested in upgrading it? I just don't understand the unwillingness in improving what you have and sell?

Do you realize there is not one tutorial, VE, Auto VE, Calc VE Calc MAF or anything that works with this PCM? Not one, to much missing stuff, I got close with PIDS needed for scanner by using the wrong ones, GM AFR works on my scantool and Scan XL Pro but not EFI Live scan, have to use wrong one GM.AFR_B... only to find a dead end on everyone because of missing parameters! joecar worked his ass of helping me in hopes of getting something dialed in!

Sorry, finding out full flash is also missing just set me off as to how much time (and money) I wasted on this, again...

:wavetowel2: :wavetowel2:

April 18th, 2013, 05:41 PM
Try cal flashing it with a 7.4L cal, I know some guys have had success doing this for V6->V8 stuff. No promises though, and I dont even know if EFILive will let you do it.

I would have really liked to see full flashing for the P10s (yea yea Ross/Paul, I'm the only one I know), but its not going to happen. Hate to say if, the Vortec PCM isnt worth it. I know you've spent $$ licensing it, and it's now a sunk cost, but EFILive isnt going to invest further into it. Start bugging Jesse aka wait4me, he's the one that might invest some more time. But it's really tough when the LS1B PCM swap is so easy and opens up so many more features. Heck, even the LS1A PCMs that are free usually get upgraded to LS1Bs because they're simply a much better controller.

April 18th, 2013, 08:12 PM
Try cal flashing it with a 7.4L cal, I know some guys have had success doing this for V6->V8 stuff. No promises though, and I dont even know if EFILive will let you do it. Nope, differant OS...

I would have really liked to see full flashing for the P10s (yea yea Ross/Paul, I'm the only one I know), but its not going to happen. I've turned down three because now I know EFI Live is not up to the task. I'll add these and any more I should avoid? Some ECM/PCMs dont offer full flashing like P10, P08, P11, etc. I'm actually afraid to try any more. May have to update this or V8 that, find this file in program files and edit this, change this file in user config to that. I end up doing all the work the software is supposed to do? I had to figure out how to edit the cal_link file for data tracing because so many things had wrong pids?

Hate to say if, the Vortec PCM isnt worth it. I know you've spent $$ licensing it, and it's now a sunk cost, but EFILive isnt going to invest further into it. They never invested anything into it? Just like today, rush rush rush to make bigger better software, stay on top with competition, but forget the end user original purpose?

So what there are better controllers? I've already done that swap to LS1B and it's better but still not complete. When you buy expensive software and per vehicle licensing it should be worth the money. You should not have to change controllers.

My other software has the parameters needed for Vortec and does full flash so I got this job done. Still stuck with this EFI Licened Vortec PCM though...

I really got over the initial shock of how complicated one program is and it has four programs? Finally got all these glitches worked out, was taght how to change all the files in notpad and got the software to work... then the nightmare began again!

Really sorry for the rant, had a horrible week, on my third laptop, installing EFI Live and fighting installing licenses is ridicules,fill in a blank and one disappears, fill in another and the second disappears, back and forth, back and forth. Who the hell designed that? Finding all the files you need to edit in notpad to work right is a joke, some in program files some in documents user config.. fix all the wrong links in cal_link text, why don't they fix that instead of making new software? not doing full flash just set me off again on how bad I feel ripped off on this Vortec, then wasted all that time to help make it better and just got blown off?

Same with my questions on the RoadRunner, just blown off, has not worked in a week, I keep asking but no one ever answer what how to use the full flash for when something happens to RoadRunner? Flash and it works, but changes aren't made, verify and it's different back and forth and back and forth. Flash from RR or Flash for PCM, but a big writup on it's going to be needed often, but no one will tell me how to? Mine just turns the vehicle off? So I now also have RoadRunner with another $250 worthless license that does not work in EFI Live?

Why does my Roadrunner work with other software? Why does other software work so easily? Why does other software have more parameters and do full flash?

EFI Live For Sale, comes with LS1B PCM and license, RoadRunner and License and a very sought after a rare Vortec PCM with license. Best offer?

April 18th, 2013, 11:12 PM
But this Vortec is not worth a license, it should be on the free list with LS1a, or just removed...
The Vortec support was done in partnership with Jesse at Wait4Me probably 6 or so years ago. Essentially what happened was Jesse wanted to start tuning these PCM's, them and the P10, P12, P11. What EFILive did was just offer the ability to read and flash the PCM's (not a simple task BTW) and Jesse took care of the calibration work for us and we included the work he did. Over the years Jesse has moved on to other things but occasionally will add things in for people.

then guys would not feel like they were scammed into buying the best software available and a license and find it worthless on this PCM.EFILive considers this segment of our sales very small, this is why there has been no futher R&D time invested in it from EFILive.

I even gave you guys 20-30 basic parameters needed with address and you weren't interested in upgrading it? I just don't understand the unwillingness in improving what you have and sell?
Do you know how to create a .cax file so your tables can be shown in the software?

Do you realize there is not one tutorial, VE, Auto VE, Calc VE Calc MAF or anything that works with this PCM?

Sorry, finding out full flash is also missing just set me off as to how much time (and money) I wasted on this, again...
I am happy to orgainse a replacement license for you to help appease your frustration.

I would have really liked to see full flashing for the P10s (yea yea Ross/Paul, I'm the only one I know), but its not going to happen. Hate to say if, the Vortec PCM isnt worth it.
Unfortunately this really is the case, it's very old technology, majority of our customers want the latest and greatest.

They never invested anything into it? Just like today, rush rush rush to make bigger better software, stay on top with competition, but forget the end user original purpose?
Like many products on the market EFILive's directions have been swayed due to customer pressures. What people want right now is enhanced support for late model cars, 2010+ models, not 1998 trucks. Our V7.5 software is nearly 10 years old, this is why we "rush rush rush to make bigger better software". This is no different to Microsoft not pushing Windows XP, sure it works fine for many, but majority of people want Windows 8 (though I can't imagine why!).

installing EFI Live and fighting installing licenses is ridicules,fill in a blank and one disappears, fill in another and the second disappears, back and forth, back and forth. Who the hell designed that?
Of course none of that could have been user error right? (And no, I didn't design the license entry).

Finding all the files you need to edit in notpad to work right is a joke
Such as?

some in program files some in documents user config..
Blame Microsoft, not EFILive.

fix all the wrong links in cal_link text
I assume these issues have been posted somewhere?

why don't they fix that instead of making new software?
Because MOST customers couldn't care less about Vortec cal_links not working, they want new software.

not doing full flash just set me off again on how bad I feel ripped off on this Vortec, then wasted all that time to help make it better and just got blown off?
If you feel you got 'blown off' that was not the intention, but as I stated earlier, EFILive did not create (or maintain) the Vortec Calibrations.

Same with my questions on the RoadRunner, just blown off, has not worked in a week, I keep asking but no one ever answer what how to use the full flash for when something happens to RoadRunner? Flash and it works, but changes aren't made, verify and it's different back and forth and back and forth. Flash from RR or Flash for PCM, but a big writup on it's going to be needed often, but no one will tell me how to? Mine just turns the vehicle off? So I now also have RoadRunner with another $250 worthless license that does not work in EFI Live?
Road Runner brings up some interesting support issues, it is of course not even an EFILive product, however if your issues are with our software then it does fall in our lap.
There's probably not a lot I can do (I haven't used a Road Runner for about 5 or more years), but can you point to the thread where you were asking for help?

Why does my Roadrunner work with other software?
I don't know.

Why does other software work so easily?
It does?

Why does other software have more parameters and do full flash?
Does this same software cover programming of every ECM GM use in 2013 model cars like EFILive does? That is what we focus on, it's what majority of our customers ask for.

EFI Live For Sale, comes with LS1B PCM and license, RoadRunner and License and a very sought after a rare Vortec PCM with license. Best offer?Well perhaps EFILive isn't for you if you are dealing with these older vehicles.


April 19th, 2013, 03:14 AM
Thank you for responding, sorry to waste your time with my frustration/rant.

April 19th, 2013, 09:53 AM
That's fine, still happy to credit you another VIN license.

April 19th, 2013, 10:12 AM
Kind offer after I unloaded like that! You guys did not deserve it, just lost my cool at end of a bad week and 3 laptops... one old died, brand new replacement crashed into dashboard first day and a third now running...

joecar made up for the license fee when I first bought EFI Live. He helped bring me up to speed with software with his incredible knowledge of the programs along with tuning!

I wouldn't think of selling EFI Live! It's really a great tool.

Again my apologize for losing my temper! Doesn't happen often and I ashamed of my conduct.

April 20th, 2013, 03:26 PM
EM, no worries, thanks for the kind words.