View Full Version : Big VE Difference Between AutoVE & Calc.VET

May 4th, 2013, 01:58 AM
Hi. My car is a H/C/I M6 '02 Camaro. After I finally got calc.vet to work I made a log to see how far off my VE table was. Then I made another log run for AutoVE. The problem - Calc.VE shows my VE table needs to increase but AutoVE shows the VE table needs to decrease. Note I made the 2 logs runs with the same base tune and did not apply the Calc.VE corrections before running AutoVE. Clearly I'm doing something wrong. Any ideas?

May 5th, 2013, 11:59 AM
Hi TI,

Those logs are before applying the results to the base tune...?

Can you post screenshots of your Calc.VET maps and AutoVE map...?

Post the calc_pids.txt file you're using.

After you do AutoVE, what do your LTFT's and wideband show...?

After you do Calc.VET, what do your LTFT's and wideband show...?

I take it you're running with the MAF.

May 5th, 2013, 12:01 PM
Does you IFR table match your injectors...?

May 5th, 2013, 02:23 PM

Yes, these logs are before applying any changes. I didn't apply the updates since the two were so different and I assumed something was screwed up. I have 36# injectors and the tables were updated for them. Yes, I am running MAF, its an 85mm truck unit. The MAF table has been tuned a little bit. I made a quick log run and tuned < 7000 w/ LTFTs and I had the car on a dyno and the tuner tuned the upper end (don't ask why he didn't do the whole thing).

Update - Today I started from scratch and double-checked my LC-1 configuration. When I connected and opened the software I found everything was per the manual except lambda was selected instead of AFR. I know it was set correct before, but somehow it changed. I assume that will cause problems, maybe some of that I'm finding here.

I made a plain log run today after correcting the LC-1. It wasn't an AutoVE or calc.vet log, just a log with the straight tune (attached). LTFTs averaged -2.9 to -3 on that log run. Maybe I should re-run calc.vet or AutoVE?

May 5th, 2013, 03:30 PM
For AutoVE you should be using CALC.WO2BEN...

For Calc.VET you should be using CALC.SELBEN.

I'll take a closer look at your files tomorrow...

May 8th, 2013, 01:27 PM
Thanks Joe. I'll give it another try with my corrected LC-1 (weather has been crappy here anyway). I understand CALC.W02BEN for AutoVE and I saw in the "tutorial" where I should use CALC.SELBEN for the MAF table but what 'data' do I use for the VE table map?

May 9th, 2013, 01:33 AM
I'm still looking at your files, I'm running behind.

- MAF: paste-multiply CALC.SELBEN,
- VE: paste CALC.VET [g*K/kPa],

noting that Calc.VET corrects the existing MAF and calculates a new VE from that.