View Full Version : 97 Corvette Idle Help

May 20th, 2013, 02:28 PM
Still fighting idle issues. It appears many PIDs are unsupported on my PCM. Anyways97 Corvette, FAST 90mm intake, 90mm TB Supercharger, cam and a tune thats pretty close except for idle issues. I m looking for recommendations for direction on resolving my nagging issue.
High Idle 2000 rpm until relearn and takes several miles and trips to learn. All this started when I changed the intake and TB. It has been the hardest thing to tune. I had Wait4me help on the tune and he got it close but I m still a little off.
A/C turn on also sets the car into cruise mode until it relearns.
After it learns it will sometimes stall out in ambient temperature changes.
I m thinking of adjusting B4307 down since I have these in the current tune:
-40 c 24.267578 24.267578
21.267578 21.267578
18.267578 18.267578
16.267578 17.251953
14.267578 14.992188
12.267578 12.732422
9.933594 11.097656
9.933594 11.097656
9.933594 11.097656
+140c 9.933594 11.097656
Any help is appreciated and Thank You in advance for reading this far!