View Full Version : Innovate wideband MTX-L

May 23rd, 2013, 05:45 AM
Hi, first post here and hoping someone might be able to help me as ive had a look around the net and cant find much info.

I installed one of these kits yesterday, was brand new from a sealed box, followed all the instructions and read through a "how to guide" on another forum and installed it just how it said. Was working fine for id say about an hour total of driving and then the gauge starts playing up and the readings were going all over the place, one minute its rich at 8, the next its lean at 22, then it just stuck at the bottom of the gauge on 8. So i turn it off and restart it and it just gets stuck on hrt and wont go any further. I tried re-calibrating it and it sits on hrt for ages like 5 mins then changes to cal and sits on that for around 5 mins and then throws up error code E8. Ive checked the code and it says dodgy sensor.

Ive pulled the sensor out the exhaust and tried it in free air and it dont make any difference, the sensor does get quite hot tho, but not all the time, bear in mid ive tried re-calibrating it a dozen times and sometimes its a bit hit or miss, sometimes it wont make it to calibrating and just gets stuck on heating it up. Ive rechecked all wiring, tried different points for the earth including on the engine.

Any help would be much appreciated.

May 23rd, 2013, 06:22 AM
The sensor itself has failed.

May 29th, 2013, 03:37 AM
Cheers, i was thinking that or the cable as testing it sometimes it would heat up, and sometimes it wouldnt. Tbh a sensor shouldnt fail after a days use, its not like i misused it, i installed it how it should be.

Ive sent the entire kit back so they will send me a replacement. Im dubious now as as it only lasted a day i would prefer a refund and go with a NGK one.

May 29th, 2013, 04:38 AM
Innovate's quality has taken a beating.

May 29th, 2013, 05:25 AM
Yes so ive been reading. Just wish i had of done more research than i had done before i made the purchase, if i know now what i knew then then i wouldnt of brought it. :D They used to have a forum but it got taken down, probably because of all the complaint threads that were made, customer service seems also non-existent.

May 29th, 2013, 07:19 AM
My old LC-1 works flawlessly... my newer LC-1 works ok most of the time, errors sometimes.

June 5th, 2013, 06:58 PM
Had troubles with my MTX-L when i first got it, error codes etc etc, sensor sometimes heating and sometimes not......... the problem was in the cable that links the sensor to the gauge......my supplier replaced the cable under warranty within the week and now it has worked flawlessly ever since and its over a year and a half old now with no probs. :)


June 5th, 2013, 11:15 PM
Thats what i said to the seller, its probably that 8ft cable as ive read the connections are dodgy. I sent the whole kit back and wil probably go with an AEM or NGK one now. Shame as i did like the gauge, i just dont fancy risking getting another one tho, did think about the LC-1, but again, innovate, dodgy. :D