View Full Version : PIDs to log?

May 28th, 2013, 02:00 PM
For example, if I want to soley log AFR / PE during WOT, what are the PIDs that you would use to get most info and yet make it scan best by keeping them minimum?

Example for a Spark and KR log
For a AFR and PE at WOT log
For a general cruise AFR log
For an Idle AFR log
MAF Tune log

Seems only I findpeople saying log under 24 PIDs at all times or the info on VE tuning. Some finds I got MAF tune PID selections. Just no real info on the best ones to use that keep it simple yet effective on gathering info. I mean if I am doing spark and kr, I obvioulsy use what the 2 maps require (dyncylair vs rpm). But then some tell me do VSS, RPM, AFR, WB, IAT, ECT, Fuel Status, TPS, etc all the time.

May 29th, 2013, 03:15 AM
In fast mode, a frame can hold the data for 24 pids... on the 0411 PCM 10 frames can be read per second...

if you log more pids then you will be using 2 or more frames.

There are other modes, see the scantool pdf for a description of how these affect the number of pids and the sample rate.

May 29th, 2013, 04:14 AM
Oh ok.
Just since I have a wideband O2, I need to log 3-4 PIDS alone. Listed and questions below.
GM.EquivRatio = not sure why ?
EXT.AD1 - my AEM wideband white wire inputs to my V1 analog port
CALC.AFR_PLX1 - my AEM wideband translation ?
CALC.WO2 BEN - not sure this exactly and if I need to use it every time I use the other 3 ?

So should I use WB PIDS above every log? Or just when logging for air and fuel? Spark?

Should I always log VSS, RPM, TPS, ECT, IAT, Spark Adv, KR ?
Gimme just the basics. I understand that if I am logging MAF for example, I can go to the tune tool and see what peramiters it is using, and log those as well.

May 29th, 2013, 04:35 AM
EQIVRATIO seems to include some commanded fuel changes that AFR does not; also it is the reciprocal of lambda (meaning it avoids having to know the stoich AFR).

Does the AEM have the same AFR:voltage transfer function as the PLX...? Do you have a pdf user manual for your AEM...?


WB_LAMBDA can be calculated as CALC.AFR_PLX1/14.7 (or whatever the PLX or AEM assume stoich to be).

May 29th, 2013, 05:08 AM
Yes, AEM uses the same AFR vs. Voltage curve as the PLX. I use the PLX calc PID for my AEM wideband. AEM also gives Lambda vs. Voltage so you can make your own calc pid for lambda.

May 29th, 2013, 05:12 AM
Yes I do and IIRC we went over them a while back and determined PLX was the same as AEM...AEM isnt listed in the EFILive unfortunately.
Attached the PDF Insturctions. Thx for looking over that for me in advance Joe :)

May 29th, 2013, 05:48 AM
I got my UEGO used so I only got the AFR Black faceplate...no Lambda faceplate. So as far as digital gauge is concerened, I can only use it as AFR.
Question since you have this gauge...how much back and forth while driving does yours fluctuate on a regular basis? You can see from my log attached earlier just how much mine does. Just curious.

May 29th, 2013, 06:10 AM
I got my UEGO used so I only got the AFR Black faceplate...no Lambda faceplate. So as far as digital gauge is concerened, I can only use it as AFR.
Question since you have this gauge...how much back and forth while driving does yours fluctuate on a regular basis? You can see from my log attached earlier just how much mine does. Just curious.

Flip the face over, lambda is on the back :cool: And then you need to turn the little dial inside to P1 I think to display lambda for gas.

When cruising it fluctuates from I'd say 14.3-15.1, but averages out to around 14.7 in the log. This is normal as the narrowband O2's are trying to maintain stoich and are constantly under and overshooting.

May 29th, 2013, 07:06 AM
Oh snap..seriously :) haha I feel dumb :( But didnt buy it new and never read the entire instructions....just the install wiring part.
Yes I recall seeing the dial.

Ok yea mine too prettymuch. Just wanted to compare

May 29th, 2013, 08:21 AM
Yes I do and IIRC we went over them a while back and determined PLX was the same as AEM...AEM isnt listed in the EFILive unfortunately.
Attached the PDF Insturctions. Thx for looking over that for me in advance Joe :)Ah, yes, I remember... no worries.

May 29th, 2013, 10:08 AM
So should the wideband be utilized on every log? Or are there some exceptions where WB Input are not warranted and deemed just taking space in the PIDs selection?

May 29th, 2013, 10:16 AM
So should the wideband be utilized on every log? Or are there some exceptions where WB Input are not warranted and deemed just taking space in the PIDs selection?

WB is probably the most important, especially if you are doing WOT. I sometimes just log the voltage, and then afterwards I'll select the WB calc pid and it will still plot it. I'm not sure if calc pids slow down the logging.

May 29th, 2013, 11:05 AM
The wideband pids (both analog and serial) do not occupy any pid channels... they come along for the ride for [what appears to us] free...

so you should always log whichever ones are appropriate to your wideband and your FlashScan connection.

May 29th, 2013, 11:07 AM
i.e. all the pids named "EXT.xxxx" occupy no pid channels... so always log the ones you need.

May 29th, 2013, 11:08 AM

analog wideband: log EXT.AD1.

serial wideband: log: EXT.WO2LAM1, EXT.WO2EQR1, EXT.WO2AFR1, EXT.WO2ST1.

May 29th, 2013, 11:19 AM
The wideband pids (both analog and serial) do not occupy any pid channels... they come along for the ride for [what appears to us] free...

so you should always log whichever ones are appropriate to your wideband and your FlashScan connection.

Hmm I was speaking in reference to my V1. Do EXT pids only work with V2? EXT.AD1 does work with my V1, but EXT.WO2LAM1 does not, unless I didn't set it up correctly.

May 29th, 2013, 12:47 PM
Hmm I was speaking in reference to my V1. Do EXT pids only work with V2? EXT.AD1 does work with my V1, but EXT.WO2LAM1 does not, unless I didn't set it up correctly.

Yes, since V1s dont have a serial input, you cannot use any serial PIDs. Use the corresponding analog PID.

May 29th, 2013, 02:02 PM
Oh ok Joe, yes I only use one EXT PID, so thats my only free one :)

I got V1. Using it wired up analog is fine for me for now :)

I jst wanted to make sure in general I am doing this right when logging. I have posted a few logs in different threads I had with questions...never did I get any feedback I was doing it wrong. But then again every person doing a reply doesnt nessesarily check out the log and file of the poster

May 30th, 2013, 04:35 AM
Hmm I was speaking in reference to my V1. Do EXT pids only work with V2? EXT.AD1 does work with my V1, but EXT.WO2LAM1 does not, unless I didn't set it up correctly.EXT.ADn pids work with both V1 and V2 (analog wideband).

EXT.WO2xxx pids work only with V2 (serial wideband).

May 30th, 2013, 04:37 AM
Oh ok Joe, yes I only use one EXT PID, so thats my only free one :)

I got V1. Using it wired up analog is fine for me for now :)

I jst wanted to make sure in general I am doing this right when logging. I have posted a few logs in different threads I had with questions...never did I get any feedback I was doing it wrong. But then again every person doing a reply doesnt nessesarily check out the log and file of the posterCan you point me to those threads...

I'll take a look (but I don't know 4.3L's too well).

May 30th, 2013, 06:01 AM
Easier for me to just attach a few logs here.

This was where I got some KR on a 3rd gear pull onto interstate. I get KR around 4000

One is a simple WOT run form a while back

May 30th, 2013, 09:36 AM
Log 1: the KR waveform is not sufficiently sawtoothed (not closely spaced), to me looks like mechanical noise, not detonation knock.

Log 2: no KR present.

May 30th, 2013, 02:50 PM
Log 2 was a while back and prob before I started adjusting AFR/PE Ratio. Plus it may have been an off line WOT run.
Whereas Log 1 was recent, a 3rd gear start pull, with load (slight uphill getting on interstate) and after some adjustments.

I appreciate you looking at that and the insight about how the KR Waveform should be. See, I didnt know that and that helps me alot!