View Full Version : Thanks!

June 9th, 2013, 11:06 AM
To all of the Staff and everyone that posts/helps out here!

I read just about everything posted as while it may not always be relevant to my needs it helps me learn more about the software and hardware.

I recently changed from HP Tuners and while I wasn't proficient I was comfortable enough to not melt down engines, it's taken me awhile to iron out a few mechanical bugs with my combination and now I'm approaching the time to actually start Tuning it.

Just figured I'd drop a post while this was fresh in my mind after reading this morning’s new posts.

Brilliant forum guys with very little of the usual "Forum Elite" denigrating new users for asking what appear to be simple questions.

Ian J

June 9th, 2013, 04:26 PM
You're welcome Ian, biggest thing is if you're willing to listen and learn, at least a few people will be willing to help you out!

I need to see a vid of your car one of these days... :D