View Full Version : Need to force an upshift!

June 18th, 2013, 04:39 AM
Hi everyone, I have a fleet application where there are several year Colorados (E67 / T42) required to have speed limiters. The ECM is a breeze, easily set to 69mph. The problem is at WOT at 69, the trans will stay in a lower gear and the revs stay around 5k. I have changed the shift points in a way I thought would force an upshift, both at partial and WOT. End result is, if you approach the limiter slowly, it works fine, won't downshift, acts just like I expect it to. But if you floor it from a dig, it will stay at 5k forever at 69mph. I am including the original and modified file, keep in mind, I got a little fast and loose with the changes just to see what would happen. Nothing I changed seemed to make any difference though. Can someone tell me if I am way off the mark, or missed 1 particular table, or if the vehicle is possessed? Thanks.

June 18th, 2013, 05:34 AM
Can't view your tune from my phone, but you must also set the WOT upshift RPM for that particular gear so that it will let the truck shift.

June 18th, 2013, 06:10 AM
Look at your 2->3 and 3->2 shifts, they're set higher than 3->4. Need to change them to be lower than the 3->4 and 4->3 otherwise it wont shift and you'll bang the speed limiter.

June 20th, 2013, 06:30 AM
Ok, I took a closer look at those tables.....wasn't sure whether D3011 - D3019 (WOT shift points) were responsible for the shift point, or values in the Part-Throttle table. After looking at the original values, and seeing the WOT points as 318 mph, I have to imagine they're not used. How much attention does the computer pay to D3021 - D3027 ? Normally the gear/rpm blocks at the bottom of the screen have values to go by, but these are always blanked out (N/A), so is the WOT shift RPM important to modify as well? Waiting for another truck to be free so I can try out these changes. Thanks for taking a look at this so far.

June 20th, 2013, 10:29 AM
The WOT shift RPM will prevent a shift from occurring when the accel pedal is determined to be in a WOT state (stock is above 94%) so if your speed limiter 69 and your 2>3 WOT shift RPM is 5250 (which could be in the 70+ mph) you will never be able to reach the RPM necessary to let the truck shift if the pedal is held to the floor. You must also adjust the WOT shift speeds to match as well, otherwise you will still have this problem. I would give 2>3, 5 mph of hystereses so it's not shuttle shifting when it's banging off the rev limiter. So set 2>3 to be 64 mph (and the matching RPM) and then 3>4 to be 67.

I wish I could give you the table numbers but I don't have my computer with me.

I wish EFI had an app so you could at least view tunes from a phone...