View Full Version : DSP5 is acting weird - ADVICE PLEASE

June 28th, 2013, 04:16 PM
Hey guys,
I hate to post on the forum and get help unless I am at my wits end.

Here is my issue - I finally got another ECM for my customers truck, it has been taking single full flashes great and cal flashes smooth as silk as well. His DSP5 switch finally came in, so we were excited to get it in, naturally lol. Anyways! I grabbed his tow tune to be set as his base tune, that way if something happened to his switch, he would always have a little power to do something with. Now here is where is begins to get tricky as piss, so pay attention.

I crudely ran the wires just to make sure the switch was working. Wired them in, it seemed to be working fine. the truck also accepted the DSP5 Tune fine. NOW, the tune may have been doing this before, but if it did, I didnt notice it. The tunes were switched around. My customers lope tune was set for Position #1, and it was loping on #2 instead of position one. I checked the wires to the ecm, and checked the pin stopper on the switch. Everything was fine. The tune even showed that the lope tune was in the TABLE 1 position!

I am completely baffled at this. Now, whenever I converted his tow tune to his DSP5, and I loaded the scripts, it did not seem like everything copied right. Many values were different looking from the stock tune. Now, is this something I did, or what? I feel like it couldnt be anything except my tune. I didnt have time to log, nor check the voltage. I DO KNOW that the switch was changing the tunes because the truck WOULD lope, but it loped in the WRONG key position!!! Lope was programmed into 1, and it loped on positon 2!!! How is this possible?!? It has to be something in the tuning. I feel like the scripts messed up the tables somewhere, somehow. I would appreciate any advice on this. the customer is going on vacation, so I loaded him his light tow tune so he could pull his boat and we said we would fix the problem when he is off vacation. I am at a brick wall, and very frustrated. ALSO, he would mat his truck to the floor, and the fueling would not kick in until almost 35-40 MPH. The thing is, when the fuel finally kicked in, you could tell the difference between each tune selection in how hard it would pull. This is what has me baffled. Its like its halfway working. I would love to send my DSP5 tune to someone and let them see if they can see if it has a major flaw somewhere, anywhere.

Thanks alot for any help and any advice guys.


June 30th, 2013, 03:30 AM
If you have a defective switch, or it had the wrong pins, intermittent contact, ect that can mess you up.

I suggest using the DSP tune PID and DSP voltage pid and monitor what it is doing.

Also there are some switches that are cheaply made and that can be all it is as well.

July 4th, 2013, 05:42 PM

also double check that the pins in the ecm for the DSP switch are pushed in all of the way. sometimes they aren't seated properly and can cause all sorts of issues like you described. logging will tell you if it is falling back to tune #1 while in #2. disconnecting the wires will cause it to go to the base tune