View Full Version : Another Calc.VET Check

July 6th, 2013, 02:52 AM
Would someone mind checking my work? I've read the summary notes and tutorials and I would like a second set of eyes to make sure I'm doing what I think I'm doing.

The setup:
bone stock L33 on 93 octane.
front driver o2 sensor removed and LC-1 installed instead. This is a temporary setup as I have headers and an exhaust on the way but wanted to nail down a baseline to verify any gains or losses. I ultimately would like to run SOL SD on a COS, but that will come

My intention was to perform Calc.VET with no trimming and only use the LC-1 to modify my MAF and calculate the VE table. I set:
B0120 - 400
B0701 - Disabled
B3313 - 284
B3609 - 1
B3801 - Disabled
B4108 - Disabled
B4206 - Disabled
B4205 - Disabled (on second iteration. missed on 1st attempt)
Modified downshift points to make it easier to hit low rpm high load cells

for my first iteration I used the calc_pids.txt as posted in the Calc.VET thread, but for my second iteration I modified it to ignore LTFTs in my calculations. I was under the assumption that disabling CL would take care of that but decided to eliminate any doubt. Driving steady state afterwards my Lambda is spot on 1.00, but I do get some fluctuations on accel and decel.

and now for my files.. Started with LS1B_CalcVET_0001, made Log 0001, copied new tables to tune 0002, tested on LS1B_0014. modified calc_pids.txt, made log 0002, copied tables to tune 0003, tested on LS1B_0015. Logs 0033 and 0035 were testing LS1B_0015. I am not sure what all PIDs to watch, So I used the ones I had been logging prior to calc.vet.

Thanks in advance!


July 7th, 2013, 01:21 PM
If you want to use wideband only, then in CLC-00-305 (referenced by CALC.VET) and CLC-00-315 (referenced by CALC.MAFT) use the pid CALC.WO2BEN instead of CALC.SELBEN, as your calc_pids.txt shows you have done.

Post some screenshots of your maps...

I'm looking thru your files (thanks for organizing the logs to the tunes).

July 7th, 2013, 01:47 PM
Here are screenshots of my maps and transient filter from log 0002.


Thanks for looking at my files. I'm sure you noticed where the CL fixed adjustments influenced the table shapes.

edit: disregard spark advance pic. I accidentally inserted it even though its completely unrelated

July 7th, 2013, 03:38 PM
MAF map looks very good.

VE map looks progressive/consistent (I'm more used to viewing VE in [g*K/kPa].

BTW: on each of your maps, in the properties, on each of the Data, Row, Col tabs do checkmark "Show Units" and save the properties.

I'm still looking thru your files...

July 7th, 2013, 04:16 PM
MAF map looks very good.

VE map looks progressive/consistent (I'm more used to viewing VE in [g*K/kPa].

BTW: on each of your maps, in the properties, on each of the Data, Row, Col tabs do checkmark "Show Units" and save the properties.

I'm still looking thru your files...


Do most people work in gK/kPa? I'm new enough to reading this I can change now and not feel like I'm relearning it?

Ill get the show units next time.
Sorry I had so many files on this one

Also, did I over smooth my VE table when I pasted it in? I tried to smooth out the higher rpms that didn't get a high cell count, but I'm not guaranteeing I succeeded. I know it's ok to have some bumps and dips, but I'm not sure what magnitude is acceptable.

And also.. I cheated wiring my LC-1 up and just put it on a switch. I haven't been turning it on every time I drive so is that going to effect it's accuracy at all?

July 7th, 2013, 06:46 PM
No, only a few view VE in [g*K/kPa]... and when you do you will see that VE is airmass (g) normalized for temperature (K) and pressure (kPa).

No, I'm not saying you smoothed your VE table, I'm saying the CALC.VET map produced a good VE table that appears naturally smooth/progressive (no steps/lumps/spikes).

Be careful if you don't power on your LC-1 while engine is running, the sensor will foul and stop working.

July 7th, 2013, 06:56 PM
Set your B3609 to 0.1 or 0.01 in all cells.

July 7th, 2013, 07:01 PM
You're running too rich (PE set to 1.2 EQR) and I'm wondering if this is cause rich knock... since your WO2BEN is close to 1.0 in most places (including PE) then try setting PE to 1.165 (which is already suitably rich).

July 7th, 2013, 07:02 PM
Hmmm, your MAF seems to peak out at 200 g/s at 5700 rpm... I would have expected it to reach 270 g/s... I agree with you, something is going wrong regarding your MAF... hmmm, I would have expected a large WO2BEN correction, but your WO2BEN is very close to unity... I think something else is going on... what does your MAF plumbing look like...?

Does your B4001 IFR table match your injectors...?

July 7th, 2013, 10:14 PM
No, only a few view VE in [g*K/kPa]... and when you do you will see that VE is airmass (g) normalized for temperature (K) and pressure (kPa).

No, I'm not saying you smoothed your VE table, I'm saying the CALC.VET map produced a good VE table that appears naturally smooth/progressive (no steps/lumps/spikes).

Be careful if you don't power on your LC-1 while engine is running, the sensor will foul and stop working.

Ah ok.

And I will pop in a relay when I get back

July 7th, 2013, 10:16 PM
You're running too rich (PE set to 1.2 EQR) and I'm wondering if this is cause rich knock... since your WO2BEN is close to 1.0 in most places (including PE) then try setting PE to 1.165 (which is already suitably rich).

Hmm ok. I hope that helps with the knock because it hasn't been making much sense why it was knocking

July 7th, 2013, 10:20 PM
Hmmm, your MAF seems to peak out at 200 g/s at 5700 rpm... I would have expected it to reach 270 g/s... I agree with you, something is going wrong regarding your MAF... hmmm, I would have expected a large WO2BEN correction, but your WO2BEN is very close to unity... I think something else is going on... what does your MAF plumbing look like...?

Does your B4001 IFR table match your injectors...?

I think your giving me too much credit. I didn't realize I was having a problem there, but I did wonder why the MAF peaked so high because I thought that motor made peak power at 4800 rpm.

MAF plumbing is all stock. I've had the truck for 10k mi. It was originally owned by a retired police officer who bought it new and I can't find anything he's changed on the truck.

I haven't changed B4001 on purpose. I assumed it would have been accurate from the factory??

July 8th, 2013, 01:47 AM
So you think the MAF is ok then...?

July 8th, 2013, 03:20 AM
I wouldn't swear by it, but the plumbing looks original. Do you recommend trying a cleaner or swapping MAF sensors?

July 8th, 2013, 06:58 AM
Yeah, try cleaning the MAF by spraying the backside of it with CRC MAF Cleaner... if water condensation forms after cleaning (due to the MAF cleaner evaporating) make sure it dries off before trying the MAF.

July 8th, 2013, 06:58 AM
Also check the air filter... what air filter does it have...?

July 8th, 2013, 09:17 AM
Alright, ill give that a try this weekend when I get home.

And a wix high capacity stock replacement paper filter. I don't remember if I changed it my last oil change or when I bought the truck, but it's no older than 10k mi

July 12th, 2013, 01:59 PM
Just got back in town to pick up some MAF cleaner and while I was there I priced a MAF sensor (ouch) and I have an alternative idea I'd like an opinion on..

What are the chances that I have a problem beyond the MAF sensor? I was intending on running a COS in SD mode in the end anyways, so now I'm thinking the time I will probably end up spending chasing down the MAF problem, I could spend this weekend moving over to a COS now that I have my LC-1 hooked up. Timing for me couldn't be better as I actually have a few weeks straight ill be in town.

Good, bad, stupid idea??

July 13th, 2013, 12:54 AM
After sleeping on it.. Here goes COS 03. Ill report back once it's running again!

July 13th, 2013, 04:11 AM
Back on the road. Only question I have is now when both the scan tool and tune tool is open I get a vin mismatch error and the scan tool reports a no vin. I'm not sure what I need to do (if anything) to fix that.

July 13th, 2013, 05:15 AM
Joe's probably gone for the weekend so I'll take a shot to get you going? Not set in stone but I think once you write a COS you need to use Scan Tool and Change VIN, under Bidirectional.

July 13th, 2013, 05:32 AM
Ok. Ill see if I can figure out how to do that

July 13th, 2013, 07:46 AM
Thanks. That fixed it

July 13th, 2013, 06:04 PM
+1 what EM said.