View Full Version : 12000 Rpm

April 3rd, 2006, 02:46 PM
Logged two BB logs that had strange readings like 12000 RPM, -99 STFT, O2S11 flatlining, unknown status for Fuel system. Next log was entirely normal, same PIDs, same Black Box. Anyone else experience this?

April 3rd, 2006, 04:44 PM
Yes, I sometimes see "strange data" from a BB log...

When I include DYNCYLAIR_DMA in the pids to log, I then sometimes see DYNAIRCYL_DMA and RPM mysteriously disappear when I retrieve data from the BB, and TRQENG goes to 22000 ftlb, and other things like this;

Sometimes it happens consistently, and I have to connect to vehicle for real and then program the BB again, and everything then goes correct for a while.

During all of this I make sure the VIN is correct (which it is), and the OS and trans. (which revert back to NA and manual under certain conditions... see the other thread).

I'm still trying to "characterize" when it will happen.

Hmmm, so I'm not the only one....

April 3rd, 2006, 10:50 PM
DYNCYLAIR_DMA was the last Pid entered in my Average run selection. It did not enter or has disappeared from the Black Box. When I looked for Dyncyclair in the Pid selection it showed up as unsupported untill I re-entered the Operating system. In any case Dyncyclair never transfered to the BB but it seemed to have corrupted some of the other PIDs.

April 4th, 2006, 02:35 AM
I had programmed the BB with 26 pids (24 channels) including DYNCYLAIR_DMA and RPM.

The log shows RPM zero, DYNCYLAIR_DMA missing. TRQENG at 38000 ftlb.

Also when I open a file that was saved from a BB log, the OS and trans. revert to NA and manual.


CYLAIR is zero becausae of SD mode. :cheers:

BEN_WBO2S is all over the place because I happened upon a Blackwing lid from a friend and I tried it out;
I doubt the flow has really changed this large amount;
MAFFREQ is very low and I suspect it has to do with this lid, or bad data;
I am not impressed with the poor fit/finish of this lid. :bawl:

Timing is set low because I see a lot of pinging from stupid gasoline. :bawl:

Toward the right, AD2 voltage spikes high, I wonder what happened here.

April 4th, 2006, 06:03 AM
Mine was first log after Auto Tune. Kind of caught me by suprise. Saw 12000 RPM at 21% throttle.
Nice sreenshot, how did you make it appear in the text box?

April 4th, 2006, 07:18 AM
Nice sreenshot, how did you make it appear in the text box?Thanks; I hosted it on http://imageshack.us and inserted the link using the "Insert Image" button on the thread reply toolbar.

(When you're at imageshack, press the Browse button and open the image on your PC, then press the Upload button, then copy the link (usually the last link on the page)).

April 4th, 2006, 07:23 AM
With your Torque and my RPM we'd be untouchable.

April 4th, 2006, 08:47 AM
With your Torque and my RPM we'd be untouchable. LOL... HP = TQ x RPM / 5252 = 38000 x 12000 / 5252 = 86824 HP

April 4th, 2006, 10:35 AM
Well I just had it happen again. Recorded a log, everything was fine including dyncyclair_dma, previewed the log and then saved it, cleared the log from BB. Cruised the net, looked at log for LTFT's, whole time the BB was connected to USB, When I checked to see that the log had been removed from BB I also checked the PID's, Dyncyclair_DMA was no longer in the BB. Maybe I'm just loosing my mind but I normally run the same log numerous times.
I've had this happen before and knew it was something I was doing.
Time for a beer or three. :beer:

Did I ever tell you how I met my first wife?
She stepped on my hand as I was leaving a bar.

April 4th, 2006, 02:01 PM
She stepped on my hand as I was leaving a bar. You were on a pub crawl, that's how come she could step on your hand.

April 5th, 2006, 01:05 AM
After reboot without entering OS, Dyncylair_DMA does not show in BB. After entering OS Dyncylair is in BB, this is without reloading PID's. Till there is a fix I'm going to re-load my PID's after retrieving log files cuz everytime I load a log file in Scan the OS disappears. Hope that helps.

April 5th, 2006, 01:37 AM
After reboot without entering OS, Dyncylair_DMA does not show in BB. After entering OS Dyncylair is in BB, this is without reloading PID's. Till there is a fix I'm going to re-load my PID's after retrieving log files cuz everytime I load a log file in Scan the OS disappears. Hope that helps.
So if you reprogram the pids into the BB then this doesn't happen...?

April 5th, 2006, 03:54 AM
So if you reprogram the pids into the BB then this doesn't happen...?
Just ran two logs, both were OK. Dyncylair is visible in BB regardless of OS showing or not after first opening Scan, after reboot, but if I close and reopen Scan, Dyncylair is not visible in BB until I load OS. So just to avoid the aggrevation of a useless log I'm going reload the PID's each time. :nixweiss:

April 5th, 2006, 10:20 AM
Also when I open a file that was saved from a BB log, the OS and trans. revert to NA and manual.

When I open a BB log with the OS in place some of my items show N/A, mostly O2's and STFT's. My work around is to reload log file two more times. Once to clear OS and the second time everything loads as it should.
My OS usually clears when I load a log file, my trans always comes up correctly as manual.

April 5th, 2006, 11:59 PM
Crap. Ran a quick log this morning. Downloaded it several times, first time previewed and saved was corrupt and no Dyncylair. Then saved same log straight from BB and it was OK. Previewed again and saved after entering OS and everything was OK. Time for a breakfast beer.

April 6th, 2006, 02:51 AM
So it seems safe if we do this...

a. reprogram the BB before logging (don't just clear it);
b. make sure the OS is correct before retrieving/saving BB data.

April 6th, 2006, 03:33 AM
So it seems safe if we do this...

a. reprogram the BB before logging (don't just clear it);
b. make sure the OS is correct before retrieving/saving BB data.

Seems that the information is there, just depends on how its downloaded. Having better luck saving directly from BB.
Blacky has been aware of the OS or MRU problem for a while but I guess they have been very busy. Kind of running down a steep hill till your legs are going so fast your body can barely keep up.

Any tips on getting rid of tip-in knock? I'd like to enrichen rather than pulling timing.

May 18th, 2006, 11:02 AM
I find that I can avoid the strange values and/or missing pids if I follow both of these "rules":

1. before programming PID's to the BB, make sure that OS and Trans. are correct (scan tool warns you);
2. before retrieving logged data from the BB, make sure OS and Trans. are correct;

(VIN, OS, Trans are displayed on the status line at the bottom of the scan tool window)

When opening a log file, the OS and Trans. are forgotten, so I have to re-enter those (File->Enter VIN);
seems like it would be good if those could be remembered in the customer info or somewhere.

Edit: In my earlier post, disregard a. (do not need to do a.):
So it seems safe if we do this...
a. reprogram the BB before logging (don't just clear it);
b. make sure the OS is correct before retrieving/saving BB data.

May 18th, 2006, 11:15 AM
Any tips on getting rid of tip-in knock? I'd like to enrichen rather than pulling timing.Sorry just noticed this... maybe increase those cells in the VE table.

May 18th, 2006, 01:33 PM
Sorry just noticed this... maybe increase those cells in the VE table.

Have most of the knock taken care of. Using COS, fuel much easier to control. Some of my knock was caused by getting on throttle in too high a gear. Cam has a tad higher torque band than advertised.

Now I'm having grief with Torque DMA pids. I have torque management active at idle, spurious because it's not removing any timing and at best .04% throttle. Trying to keep Traction control active for daily driving, damn near lost it in the rain a few days ago. I have control of the active handling and traction on the console so I don't need to remove it. But I would like to negate some of the rest.
Thanks Joecar