View Full Version : Which cells to delete BTM and torque limiting on LQ4 Denali?

July 23rd, 2013, 10:33 AM
I logged a pull on a 2006 Denali and WOT at 1600 RPM produces 42% throttle opening and it very lazily opens up to 100% after that. I'm deathly afraid of the ETC tables and really hoping the answer's not in there, but I'm not seeing anything else intuitive in there unless I can copy/paste some other ETC table that won't brick this guy's PCM? I was figuring this was locked up in a BTM table of some sort, or do I just max out B0401 and I'm home free? I haven't downloaded his tune because I don't want to burn a license and fail at disabling his BTM. I plan to leave the tranny's TR stock since it's not an 80E but it is a 6.0L.

July 23rd, 2013, 12:30 PM
Pulling the tune costs 5min of time (and $0), post it up otherwise we cant help!

July 23rd, 2013, 12:39 PM
BTM only activates if you open the throttle with the vehicle brakes applied...

you might want to check that the brake switch is functioning/adjusted correctly and not intermittently triggering...

like Erik said, if we see the tune we'll see if we see something.

July 23rd, 2013, 02:03 PM
15583Well crap, he's an hour away from me. I've been looking at the stock tune for the 06 Silverado with LQ4 in hopes of it mimicking his OS. Are you saying that the LQ4 didn't have any torque reduction in factory form? Also, when I removed BTM from my truck I gained loads of low end torque and whether the brakes were on or not was irrelevant despite its description.

EDIT: I just peeked at the trans tune and noticed by its ratios that it's the 4L80E, so this tune is not it. I think I'd like to submit it to the repository when I pull the stock tune as there isn't one that's the same as mine in there from what I can see. I'll double check that one of the Express tunes doesn't have the 4L60/65/70E.

July 23rd, 2013, 02:28 PM
You could try setting B0401 and B0402 to max, but I don't think BTM is what is occurring.

July 23rd, 2013, 02:45 PM
If not BTM, then what else? Is the torque reduction locked in the ETC tables? I can't access those without being plugged into his truck. I see there's some abuse mode to be wiped out of the trans segment. Those damn ETC tables seem to be written in Chinese to me, I thought it'd be a simple commanded vs delivered TPS percentage but they managed to make it far more difficult than that.

July 23rd, 2013, 07:49 PM
You can see the ETC tables in the tune file by having your FlashScan connected to your PC (the ETC folders show up in red)...

there is no need to be connected to the vehicle.

July 24th, 2013, 12:37 AM
Is that where they typically limit the low end torque output? In my truck, they used the BTM tables which is why it took me so long to figure my truck out. I figured those tables shouldn't have mattered, but they did. The timing isn't being pulled, it's quite generous in that respect, it just won't allow the throttle to be fully opened until after 3000 RPM. If I pull an ETC table, will you be able to tell me if that's what they've done?

July 24th, 2013, 02:36 AM
Ok, understood, BTM can have effect on ETC even when BTM is not active (like you said making it hard to figure).

ETC is like voodoo, you can post the files or tables and someone may see something.

July 25th, 2013, 02:26 AM
OK he said he's coming down this afternoon, if deleting trans abuse mode and BTM doesn't work, then what? I'll obviously have a stock tune to post, I'll take a screenshot of the ETC table, but what other than spark and commanded TPS vs actual should I log so I can nail it down for good on Saturday?

July 26th, 2013, 12:00 PM
1560015601So I PE raped him (commanded .85 on a bone stock engine), disabled trans abuse mode, left 100% TM on shifts, cut upshift times in half, disabled (to the best of my knowledge) BTM, and it seems to have helped. It looks like we're getting 100% throttle now from 2000+, I just can't be sure if below that he even had the pedal down. Looking at the way the MAP ramps up to 2000, I'm thinking he wasn't flooring it from a dig. Unless it's the ETC tables now doing their thing and preventing it from opening 100% down there?