View Full Version : Getting message "CASE not supported in this controller" for E67

August 18th, 2013, 09:05 AM
I am trying to do a case relearn and keep getting this message when I click the C.A.S.E. button. I could have sworn ive dont this before on E67s with EFI Live, am I crazy and its not supported? I am running the newest update and the truck is a 2007 tbss

August 18th, 2013, 11:55 AM
Which V7/V8 software builds do you have installed...?

What V2 firmware version...?

On the DVT tab are you selecting the E38/E67 controller...?

August 18th, 2013, 12:02 PM
Which V7/V8 software builds do you have installed...?

What V2 firmware version...?

On the DVT tab are you selecting the E38/E67 controller...?

V7.5.7 build 240
V2 version 2.07.48

I have tried DVT E67 and for the hell of it E38 as well...

Thank you!