View Full Version : {B4206} Use O2 With Open Loop Commanded Fuel Table

April 7th, 2006, 04:28 PM
{B4206} Use O2 With Open Loop Commanded Fuel Table

I auto tuned my VE (BEN's == 1.00+/-0.01) and am still in auto ve tuning mode, and I enabled B4206, and now what do I do...?

My log (I'll post a picture later) shows STFT's active, and the WBO AFR not always following the commanded AFR, it follows it at larger throttle positions;

...hmmm... I'm still thinking out loud :bash: ... any comments...?

April 7th, 2006, 05:23 PM
So was/is your intention to go back into Closed Loop? In the V3 Custom OS the B4206 cal is not present. It sounds like you are attempting to get the equivalent of the Semi-Open Loop?

Could it be that the O2 switch points are off? I'm kinda thinking out loud as well :)

April 7th, 2006, 08:45 PM
My intention was to see what B4206 does, but I'm not sure what to look for. :wave:

April 7th, 2006, 09:01 PM
My question would be "How does B4206 work...?"

It uses STFT to trim to the OLFA B3605 table, right...?

How far from EQ 1.00 can B3605 be and have B4206 be able to trim...?

(Log is on my laptop, have to wait to 'til I wake up tp post pic).

April 8th, 2006, 04:49 PM
I didn't just wake up now, I've been running some 240V wiring for our dryer...

Here's images of B4206 in action...



I should have logged HO2SV11 and HO2SV21...

I'm still playing around with this to see what it does.

April 10th, 2006, 06:50 PM


April 10th, 2006, 06:53 PM

April 10th, 2006, 07:00 PM
It seems the actual AFR is "short term closed loop" trimmed to 14.63 below some throttle position, regardless of commanded AFR;

and above that throttle position the mode is "short term open loop", and the actual AFR follows the B3605 OLFA table (the commanded AFR);

so where is the tuning parameter for the "B4206 short term closed/open loop" throttle position; I don't see it anywhere...?

Is this how it works...?

August 8th, 2007, 01:08 PM
interestingly I am looking for info on this, did you find anything out? I'm swapping from Custom OS3 to 12225074. I've got b4205 set to standard so sftf should activate anyway and ltft are also enabled just dont know if I should activate b4206

August 8th, 2007, 05:03 PM
interestingly I am looking for info on this, did you find anything out? I'm swapping from Custom OS3 to 12225074. I've got b4205 set to standard so sftf should activate anyway and ltft are also enabled just dont know if I should activate b4206No, I didn't have time to dig any deeper, and then I switched to COS5... :)

September 6th, 2007, 07:47 AM
rather than start a new thread yet again.

I reverted back to the standard OS to get things sweet in there then look at moving to OS3 perhaps.

What, if any, is the advantage of having the STFT/LTFT if you get your tune done close to what you are after? Is there really, one a dialed in tune, any advantage/drawback to going back to Closed loop functionality? I ask as its a pain in the arse to get CL trimmed nicely because as soon as I enable CL with LTFT/STFT commanded is correct but actual AFR is about +2 (ie lean).

I've gone back to what was my final OLSD tune but now using that to map the B5001 MAF table. I have found that throtle is smoother/crisper when using the MAF even when below 4000rpm.

If there is nothing too bad about just keeping it in OL but using the MAF I'll keep plugging on this route then possibly look at switching to OS3 and trying out semi-open loop.

I guess I'm just thinking of not having to rely on the narrow bands in the long run.

Thoughts on the above greatly appreciated (see Joe not a pm for once;))

September 6th, 2007, 08:54 AM
I am running in either OLSD or OLMAF (I alternate each week )...

I don't like relying on the NBO2's...

it should be just fine to run OL (...or in semi-closed loop which I sometimes do...)

no pm's... what am I ever going to with my free time... lol... :D

(actually, I reinstalled my stock manifolds, reinstalled AIR plumbing... getting ready to pass the sm0g/visual).

September 6th, 2007, 09:00 AM
where you based then Joe as smog/visual sounds like the new reich state of CA.

The biggest regret of living in CA many moons back was just HOW strangled their engines were due to emissions rules that bordered on genocide of horse power. I digress

I'm going to ditch those nb's - stick to the maf though and see how it goes - throttle is crisper with maf but it is runnig slightly lean..... still I'lm going to go that route and stick to it now.

Cheers as for free time you could write a MAF tuning guide as it is sadly lacking from the included tutorials (or did I miss something obvious again?!?)

September 6th, 2007, 09:08 AM
I live in sunny So. Cal. :):bawl::frown::D:confused::doh:...(I'm only allowed 6 emotions)...

A MAF tutorial should be written... it would be very much like the Auto VE tutorial with these exceptions:
1. first do Auto VE.
2. re-enable the MAF;
3. set B0120 to 400.
4. using the B5001 BEN map, follow the same procedure as for Auto VE.

If it references the AVE tute, it would be very short.

September 6th, 2007, 09:51 AM
Yes my son follow your feelings...know the darkside of the force! (OLSD)The weather is just starting to turn for the better in the land of the gun totn', kiss my ass emissions state of Florida.


September 6th, 2007, 10:26 AM
My banned puppies (no the cat's don't count)...

Soon to be augmented by this (which happens to be legal)...

Observartion: F-body cars are asymmetrical (3rd and 4th gen).

September 7th, 2007, 02:56 AM
At least here we can still get away with things - only thing is cats are a must - cats are the biggest con prior to global warming.

I'm not going SD doc - not least until I've tried the MAF out first - maybe even going for a larger one at some point in the future with an otrcai.

Our weather is too unpredictable to rely on a static charge temp so I'm figuring if I can get MAF working great, if not I'll go SD and go OS3 and start again with the tables there.

Used to live up in San Jose back when Exodus were still around god them were the days but shit were the cars crippled or what!