View Full Version : E67 Canyon VATS disable

October 7th, 2013, 06:54 AM
On a 2008 a/t 4 cylinder GMC Canyon with an E67, I tried to disable the VATS. It seems to just upset it more, the red theft light flashes and it will not start. When I put the stock tune back in the red theft light stays on solid and after 15 minutes it starts.

I am doing this as an experiment, many of these trucks have theft / no start issues due to the Passlock system failing, most of them need ignition switch components to repair it. I really wanted to find out if while the parts get in I could fix the problem temporarily.

I read the entire thread with the VATS disable guide info, I don't understand when / why a patch is needed (I am just setting it to "Disabled" in the tune). This is not a swap, just a regular truck with a messed up theft system. I was really expecting a DTC telling me why it's not starting but at the time there isn't one.

I tried both Cal and Full flashes, I think there is still a way to make it work without adding wiring or a relay, maybe I'll try a different OS? It's 12620193.

October 7th, 2013, 08:15 AM
Post a list of tables and values you've changed.

Usually you have to set the VATS to type 2 or 3 then apply the VATS patch (red folder so need V2 plugged in to view). Full flash it then and see what happens.

October 7th, 2013, 09:43 AM
Thanks Erik I would love to try that! Thing is it's OS 12620193, are those VATS patches available? ( not one of the ones listed in other thread )

If not, could someone provide a good OS that would work on this? I have never done a VATS "patch"

Thanks again, it's am '08 4 cylinder automatic Canyon, stock.

October 7th, 2013, 10:40 AM
I cant test, have to plug your V2 in and check yourself Im afraid. If it's not, need to put a request into Support to have it added.

Post the tune too.

October 7th, 2013, 02:09 PM
The E38, E67 etc didn't have a global theft disable like the earlier stuff, as Erik said, just set to Type 2 VATS and apply the patch, that'll force a VATS pass on the ECM. Pretty sure every OS has the patch done.

October 7th, 2013, 11:40 PM
Thanks. A little guidance on how to apply the patch would be greatly appreciated. Here is the tune.

Also to be clear the symptom is intermittent no crank with a red theft light (lock). It's not a "crank and no start.


The currently loaded file's operating system does not support custom operating system upgrades using this option.

Some custom operating systems must be applied by full flashing the target controller with the custom operating system's file directly.
Or, you may need to use a later, stock operating system that does support this upgrade option."

If anyone has a better OS for this could you please post it? Or possibly I can upgrade it with a Tech2 to a better one (one of the listed ones in the other thread that has a patch).

October 8th, 2013, 05:30 AM
The BCM had a B2960 in it. There is a TSB advising to replace the ignition switch for this concern. I am really just doing all this to learn about VATS disable stuff.

October 8th, 2013, 08:47 AM
Boost, look at System -> VATS -> VATS Type {G1210}. It has the steps needed to disable VATS. {B9903} will appear when you have your V2 plugged in, believe it's the VATS patch.

October 8th, 2013, 11:25 PM
Thanks again for your help. So just to be clear the definition of the patch is just a setting that is available and not a special procedure that has to be done (?) And from the sound of it the V2 has to be plugged in but not necessarily hooked up to the vehicle (?)

In any case with everything plugged in and powered up (V2, truck) I don't really see any extra settings available. I have tried various combinations such as full flashing it to Type 2 and Type 3 but all it does is piss it off and it does not crank, with the red theft light flashing. When I put it back stock it's fine - but returns to the intermittent no crank and having to wait 15 minutes for theft to clear itself (the original concern).

Also, I have updated the BCM cal. with the Tech2 to to one that according to GM fixes theft problems, but it did not help.

Note - this vehicle has an aftermarket key, I am pretty sure it's a possible root cause. The factory key has a transponder thingie in the head and the code that sets is defined "Incorrect but valid security info".

Again, I am using this opportunity to learn more about what can be done with VATS through EFILive. A while ago I had a customer call me and ask if I can turn it off on his Colorado. I confidently said yes, little did I know that it is more complex.

Thanks for the help, I'll keep working on it.

October 9th, 2013, 02:28 AM
Boost, look at System -> VATS -> VATS Type {G1210}. It has the steps needed to disable VATS. {B9903} will appear when you have your V2 plugged in, believe it's the VATS patch.

This is what the description for G1210 says:

"Selects the Anti Theft System used on the vehicle.
There is no defined VATS disable in this ECM, to disable VATS you must select either Type 2 or Type 3 from this list and apply the VATS patch to the operating system.

See Also: {B9903} "(not available in this operating system)""

B9903 is not available in this OS with or without the V2 plugged in.

October 9th, 2013, 04:58 AM
Lets make this simple:
Plug V2 into PC, enter pw (if setup)
Open tune
Change VATS Type to "Type 2" or "Type 3" {G1210}
Change Disable VATS Patch to "Applied" {B9903}
Save file
Full Flash.

B9903 is indeed available in that tune, see attached screenshot.


October 9th, 2013, 05:13 AM
Thank you, will try that now!

October 9th, 2013, 06:28 AM

I almost posted a big ole' rant about how I can't find the red folder even though I am following all the steps. I decided to give it one more try, this time selecting Type 3 instead of Type 2. What do you know, it decides to pop up. I honestly can't tell you if it's the Type 3 that made the difference, or just plugging in and out of the V2 one more time.

It was worth looking like a big idiot because I learned something new and this is my passion so I need to know as much as possible. Thank you Erik, Ross and everyone that helped.

For anyone that is having trouble with this, just do all the steps patiently and repeat if necessary. In my experience it did not appear the first couple of times.

I will report on if the problem is fixed once and for all. So far it looks great.

October 10th, 2013, 08:48 AM
Still awesome, appears to be totally fixed, and I got paid 11 hours for the repair :rotflmao: