View Full Version : Autocal bootblock/firmware upgrade bricked the device

November 21st, 2013, 10:04 AM
Help. I just had to install the latest version of EFI live as my tuner sent me a file that was saved with that SW. When I opened it, the SW prompted me to upgrade the bootblock and firmware of the autocal device, and I did it in the right order. Even though I followed the proper order, it bricked my device and I am unable to get any response from the device to try and fix it. I needed a new tune prior to moving in 3 weeks and it looks like this is going to make that impossible. Help!

November 21st, 2013, 11:00 AM
Your tuner is who supports your AutoCal.

Did you install the new software (which V8 build version)...?
Did you flash in the bootblock (which version)...?
Did you flash in the firmware (which version)...?

What does your AutoCal do...?

November 21st, 2013, 11:21 AM
Your tuner is who supports your AutoCal.

Did you install the new software (which V8 build version)...?
Did you flash in the bootblock (which version)...?
Did you flash in the firmware (which version)...?

What does your AutoCal do...?

I upgraded EFI Live from V8 (earlier version) to V8.2.2 build 237. I flashed the bootblock with the one that was presented within the software (the software prompted me to do the bootblock and the firmware upgrade), and waited for that to complete and for the autocal to go into polling mode. I flashed the firmware as required and the software gave an error message (don't remember what it was) and the autocal became non-responsive. I have left a message for Chuck, my tuner, to try to get this fixed but am trying to see if there is any way I can fix it on my end.

November 21st, 2013, 11:43 AM
I upgraded EFI Live from V8 (earlier version) to V8.2.2 build 237. I flashed the bootblock with the one that was presented within the software (the software prompted me to do the bootblock and the firmware upgrade), and waited for that to complete and for the autocal to go into polling mode. I flashed the firmware as required and the software gave an error message (don't remember what it was) and the autocal became non-responsive. I have left a message for Chuck, my tuner, to try to get this fixed but am trying to see if there is any way I can fix it on my end.

The error code # and description are IMPERATIVE for anyone to offer you support, as is the software versions/firmware/bootblock you now have along with the same details of what you upgraded from. The error code list is contained in your V8 installation. Click on your windows icon and navigate to Program Files>EFILive>V8>Documents. The information contained in that document will inform you of the next step to resolve your issue.


November 21st, 2013, 11:54 AM
The error code # and description are IMPERATIVE for anyone to offer you support, as is the software versions/firmware/bootblock you now have along with the same details of what you upgraded from. The error code list is contained in your V8 installation. Click on your windows icon and navigate to Program Files>EFILive>V8>Documents. The information contained in that document will inform you of the next step to resolve your issue.


How can I get any of that when the autocal won't connect to the software and allow anything to be read?

November 21st, 2013, 12:02 PM
I have saved the trace per instructions I found in a previous post and can email the trace if that would help. It won't let me upload as it is an .htx file.

November 21st, 2013, 12:05 PM
Trace files are submitted through our support ticket process. http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7778-QEKN-0400

Your tuner will need to submit the support ticket given you are using AutoCal and he will need to confirm the software/firmware/bootblock of the FlashScan V2 that is being used to create your tunes too.


Chuck CoW
November 21st, 2013, 01:29 PM
Cindy.... I'm the tuner here and this autocal bricked with the latest firmware install.

He is running windows 8 and we're currently attempting the drivers while I'm remoted into his machine......

some time expires.............

It was a terrible fight for over an hour and involved every bit of EFI LIVE experience I've got, but We're back online and UNBRICKED.

We did multiple driver changes and finally we were able to get the AutoCal into dead poll manually and fixed it with explorer for bootblock

and connection manager for the firmware.

Way more work than it should have been, but it's fixed. ;)

Chuck CoW

November 21st, 2013, 04:13 PM
Thanks for all the support from Chuck and the EFI team to help get this fixed.

November 21st, 2013, 07:50 PM
Cindy.... I'm the tuner here and this autocal bricked with the latest firmware install.

He is running windows 8 and we're currently attempting the drivers while I'm remoted into his machine......

some time expires.............

It was a terrible fight for over an hour and involved every bit of EFI LIVE experience I've got, but We're back online and UNBRICKED.

We did multiple driver changes and finally we were able to get the AutoCal into dead poll manually and fixed it with explorer for bootblock

and connection manager for the firmware.

Way more work than it should have been, but it's fixed. ;)

Chuck CoW

Good work chuck!

November 21st, 2013, 11:47 PM
Cindy.... I'm the tuner here and this autocal bricked with the latest firmware install.

He is running windows 8 and we're currently attempting the drivers while I'm remoted into his machine......

some time expires.............

It was a terrible fight for over an hour and involved every bit of EFI LIVE experience I've got, but We're back online and UNBRICKED.

We did multiple driver changes and finally we were able to get the AutoCal into dead poll manually and fixed it with explorer for bootblock

and connection manager for the firmware.

Way more work than it should have been, but it's fixed. ;)

Chuck CoW

Good work Chuck,

If you believe that the firmware update in either the November 7 or November 21 release was the cause of the issue, then best you log a support ticket so that appropriate investigation can take place. As already indicated, the software and firmware versions the customer was upgrading from and to, along with your steps for resolution will be required for our support staff to attempt to duplicate it.



Chuck CoW
November 25th, 2013, 01:27 PM
Good work Chuck,

If you believe that the firmware update in either the November 7 or November 21 release was the cause of the issue, then best you log a support ticket so that appropriate investigation can take place. As already indicated, the software and firmware versions the customer was upgrading from and to, along with your steps for resolution will be required for our support staff to attempt to duplicate it.



Remembering...... Ahhhhhhhh... Remembering the days of old when problems were quickly resolved via e-mail....

Those were the days.... :(
Chuck CoW

Chuck CoW
November 26th, 2013, 07:52 AM
While we thought we were done with this, the customer now tells me that after creating a 30-40 minute datalog,

the device does not save the datalog. After pressing the left button to end the log, it says "EXIT" and no file is saved.

Anyone have any thoughts on this???


November 27th, 2013, 04:24 AM
Remembering...... Ahhhhhhhh... Remembering the days of old when problems were quickly resolved via e-mail....

Those were the days.... :(
Chuck CoW

Problems are still resolved quickly Chuck, I'm not sure I know of any computer software company that allows you to contact a developer directly for support issues.
The more information provided up front, the faster the process.


November 27th, 2013, 10:42 AM
I have had this device for several years now. This is the first time I have ever had an issue getting a data log to store on the device, and this only happened after the update of the software. Beware of making this update as it may do the same thing to your device.

Bootblock version: 2.07.06 (8/2/2013)
Firmware version: 2.07.53 (11/19/2013)

The device will not allow me to save a data log. When I start the data log by selecting "record data" everything starts up correctly. However, once into data log mode the buttons each only give me one option. Pressing the down arrow (next) shows "Frame 0" on the screen and nothing else. Pressing the ok button either pauses or restarts data logging (timer continues regardless). Pressing the up arrow (prev) only leads to one option "<-Exit". None of these results in a correct data save.

I have even attempted the workaround by loading the device with multiple tunes and/or previous data logs to approx 5.7MB out of the 6MB available storage space on the device. A previous datalog that was approx 45 minutes in duration totaled approximately 2.84MB, which if evenly distributed would lead to a data log file size of .063MB per minute. Given the small amount of storage space left on the device (0.3MB) after the other files were loaded, the device should have run out of storage space and properly saved the data log after approximately 5 minutes (at .063MB/min). However, the data log ran on my vehicle for almost 30 minutes and never closed out.

Chuck is working to help me fix this, but we need a quick response from the team here to help get it fixed as I move in 2 weeks and have to have these tunes working properly before then.

November 27th, 2013, 10:55 AM
This person seemed to have a similar problem yet there was not a response to his/her thread:


November 27th, 2013, 11:19 AM
This person seemed to have a similar problem yet there was not a response to his/her thread:

http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?22567-Data-logging-help!Ok, thanks, I had not seen that post.

November 27th, 2013, 11:22 AM
I have had this device for a few years and never had this issue. I am getting concerned as I need this fixed ASAP so I can get my vehicles working properly and prepared to drive 900 miles for my upcoming move.

November 27th, 2013, 11:26 AM
Pressing the down arrow (next) shows "Frame 0" on the screen and nothing else.

If the Frame counter is not increasing then no data is being recorded. Thus, when you exit the data log option, no file is saved because no data was logged.
So the real question should be why is no data being recorded, rather than why is the file not being saved?

Maybe try setting up the data log to just record, RPM, ECT, IAT and VSS and try recording that set of PIDs.

If that also fails, then do this: Start data logging, wait 10-20 seconds, stop the data log, then save a trace file on the AutoCal before powering it off. Then create a support ticket and include the trace file (it will be a *.efx) file that you will need to copy off of the AutoCal device using EFILive_Explorer.

Info on how to create a support ticket here:


November 27th, 2013, 11:32 AM
Paul, I can do all that, but the real issue is going to be turnaround time for support as I move in two weeks and must have this fixed before then.

November 27th, 2013, 12:43 PM
The more information that you provide through the help desk, The faster the support turnaround will be.
I only check this forum once or twice a day and I simply don't see most messages that I have not already posted in. The help desk tickets are constantly updated, as soon as you post a message in your ticket it shows up in my email instantly (if its been allocated to me).

The help desk tickets are still handled by the same people that previously answered questions via email and via this forum. Its just that now that the volume of users and therefor support, has grown so much over the past 12 months that to manage it effectively we need to use the help desk system. The help desk system allows us to query what issues are outstanding and what issues have been or are being handled by someone else. It prevents issues from being forgotten and it allows us to easily look up how many people are being affected by the same or similar issues.

All issues logged via the help desk take priority over anything on the forum or anything sent via email, so if you want faster turnaround, use the help desk. That's where our support resources are focused.


November 27th, 2013, 12:55 PM
Paul, I can do all that, but the real issue is going to be turnaround time for support as I move in two weeks and must have this fixed before then.

Given that I have very little info to work with (which is why it is always a good idea to log a help desk request and supply all the info in the first place), I can try and offer one suggestion...

If you are logging a vehicle with an automatic transmission, say an E38 and T43 combo, and your BBL PIDs are set up to include both the E38 and T43 controllers, but if you only have ECM PIDs selected or only have TCM PIDs selected, then no data will be logged because whichever controller has no PIDs selected for it will never transmit any data and each frame of data is only recorded by FlashScan/AutoCal when both controllers have sent a complete frame.

So if you are only logging ECM PIDs, then unselect the T43 TCM and if you're only logging TCM PIDs, then unselect the E38 ECM. The same goes for any ECM/TCM combo.


Chuck CoW
November 27th, 2013, 01:32 PM
Given that I have very little info to work with (which is why it is always a good idea to log a help desk request and supply all the info in the first place), I can try and offer one suggestion...

If you are logging a vehicle with an automatic transmission, say an E38 and T43 combo, and your BBL PIDs are set up to include both the E38 and T43 controllers, but if you only have ECM PIDs selected or only have TCM PIDs selected, then no data will be logged because whichever controller has no PIDs selected for it will never transmit any data and each frame of data is only recorded by FlashScan/AutoCal when both controllers have sent a complete frame.

So if you are only logging ECM PIDs, then unselect the T43 TCM and if you're only logging TCM PIDs, then unselect the E38 ECM. The same goes for any ECM/TCM combo.


Paul... The way I typically set up my pid sets up I ONLY log the ECM and never the trans, However I do have the SERIAL WIDEBAND pids logged (or at least selected)

in my config file. In this case, the serial pids are not being used, but they are there in his config.

Every config I send out has the serial pids selected, but most people have no use for them.

Could this be what's causing the problem with the latest release?

Chuck CoW

November 27th, 2013, 01:39 PM
Paul... The way I typically set up my pid sets up I ONLY log the ECM and never the trans, However I do have the SERIAL WIDEBAND pids logged (or at least selected)

in my config file. In this case, the serial pids are not being used, but they are there in his config.

Every config I send out has the serial pids selected, but most people have no use for them.

Could this be what's causing the problem with the latest release?

Chuck CoW

No, the serial wideband PIDs can be selected or not it should not make any difference.


Chuck CoW
November 27th, 2013, 01:52 PM
No, the serial wideband PIDs can be selected or not it should not make any difference.


So, you think this could only happen if pids were selected from 2 controllers at the same time?

I'm assuming that this is something new?

I can't see the device behavior from here and I've got sever people sending logs with current software and what I believe to be

identical config files.

What can we do to test this futher? Narrow down the pid list to only a few simple ones?

Chuck CoW

November 27th, 2013, 02:56 PM
Let me know what needs to be done to try to fix this. I'm free for the next four days before I'm back at work.

So, you think this could only happen if pids were selected from 2 controllers at the same time?

I'm assuming that this is something new?

I can't see the device behavior from here and I've got sever people sending logs with current software and what I believe to be

identical config files.

What can we do to test this futher? Narrow down the pid list to only a few simple ones?

Chuck CoW

Chuck CoW
November 27th, 2013, 03:08 PM
Using the BBX (F5) from the V8 software, you can open the scan settings and de-select some of the pids (maybe half of them) and save the config

with a new name like configtest and then program it. Attempt to create a datalog and see what happens.

Try to stick to simple sae generic pids like MAP, RPM, KR, ETC, TP, HO2S11, and ones like that.

Let me know how it works.

Chuck CoW

November 27th, 2013, 04:07 PM
So, you think this could only happen if pids were selected from 2 controllers at the same time?

No not that. What I was saying was that if you have two controllers selected (i.e. an E38 and a T43) but you only have PIDs from the E38 selected and zero PIDs from the T43 selected then it won't log.

That is because when the logging starts, the FlashScan/AutoCal firmware collects data from both controllers, because no PIDs are sleeted for the T43, then no data is ever received from the T43 and the firmware waits forever for data from the T43 regardless of how much data the E38 send back.

The solution is to select both controllers only if you also select at least one PID from each of those controllers.

If you only want to log E38 PIDs, then only select the E38 controller, and not both the E38 and T43 controllers.


November 27th, 2013, 04:11 PM
Using the BBX (F5) from the V8 software, you can open the scan settings and de-select some of the pids (maybe half of them) and save the config

with a new name like configtest and then program it. Attempt to create a datalog and see what happens.

Try to stick to simple sae generic pids like MAP, RPM, KR, ETC, TP, HO2S11, and ones like that.

Let me know how it works.

Chuck CoW

^^^ This plus make sure you only have the E38 selected.

This first image shows the correct way to select controllers for logging the E38 only

This second image shows the wrong way to select controllers for logging the E38 only


Chuck CoW
November 30th, 2013, 09:26 AM
^^^ This plus make sure you only have the E38 selected.

This first image shows the correct way to select controllers for logging the E38 only

This second image shows the wrong way to select controllers for logging the E38 only


Ok, cool.... Thanks for the heads up. If he has not done this by monday I'll give it a try with him.

Chuck CoW

Chuck CoW
December 3rd, 2013, 09:30 AM
Ok, cool.... Thanks for the heads up. If he has not done this by monday I'll give it a try with him.

Chuck CoW

Paul.... Seems to be working now. I loaded the CONFIG myself and it appeared to work fine....But it would not log data.

I have found with a few customers that "FORMATTING THE CONFIG SYS" and re-loading the config from scratch seems to help with

"strange" problems.

What are the rules of firmware updating or config updating and why is it sometimes necessary to format the config and other times

it just as simple as updating or programming the config?

Chuck CoW

December 3rd, 2013, 09:37 AM
I always format the config system after a firmware change, never had a problem so far...

Chuck CoW
December 3rd, 2013, 11:21 AM
I almost never had to do it and I've got LOTS of autocals in the field...

Maybe we can have Paul make the new BBX software automatically format the config every time

just prior to flashing it???? It does not take any time and maybe it will make the whole autocal process

less of a headache.

Chuck CoW

December 3rd, 2013, 11:46 AM
Paul.... Seems to be working now. I loaded the CONFIG myself and it appeared to work fine....But it would not log data.

I have found with a few customers that "FORMATTING THE CONFIG SYS" and re-loading the config from scratch seems to help with

"strange" problems.

What are the rules of firmware updating or config updating and why is it sometimes necessary to format the config and other times

it just as simple as updating or programming the config?

Chuck CoW

There are no "rules" except that ALL the files on the device in the [CONFIG] folder must be the latest versions that are released with the software. The [Check Firmware] button in the main V8 SCan and Tune software window, now checks the dates of the config files on the device and alerts you to any that are out of date with respect to the files installed on your PC. That "alert" relies on the device's date being correct, if the date on the device is incorrect then the file date validation will most likely not work.

To always be absolutely 100% sure you have the latest files on the device, do what you did and reformat the device and then use the [F5: BBX] option to re-copy all the required files. Also in the BBX window the [Program] button has a number of drop down options. One of which is "copy all files", that will overwrite all files on the device regardless of their date/time stamps and should work just as well as a re-format/copy procedure. The only difference being if there are any old files on the device that have not been selected in the BBX option and therefor won't be overwritten with newer versions, then those old files won't be removed from the device.

Hint: When setting up an AutoCal, you should always uncheck all the DTC files, they just take up room and are not used by AutoCal (only by FlashScan). A future update will be made that does not copy those files to the AutoCal device.


Chuck CoW
December 3rd, 2013, 12:10 PM
Can we change the "program" button to something like you said or make it format config before writing?

The customer service time required to admin the autocals is horrendous as people are not "intuitive" like us

computer guys are and there are just too many ways they can go wrong.

This device needs some idiot-proofing because not everyone that wants their vehicle tuned needs to know the

ins and outs of this tool. While it's a fantastic device that can do just about anything you need, it's way more

complicated for the end user (and us poor customer service / resellers) than it should be.

I'd love to have a talk with you about some ways to simplify this whole autocal process.

Chuck CoW

December 3rd, 2013, 12:51 PM
[QUOTE=Chuck CoW;200456I'd love to have a talk with you about some ways to simplify this whole autocal process.Chuck CoW[/QUOTE]

The latest release has an updated [Check Firmware] button in the V8 software. That button will allow the user to check and update the firmware and all the config files in a single place with only 3 button clicks.
What else do you think needs to be simplified?



December 4th, 2013, 04:41 AM
. . .

That button will allow the user to check and update the firmware and all the config files in a single place with only 3 button clicks.
. . .


PaulThis is very helpful, saves a lot of time, is so simple it can't be messed up, and is easy to explain to people :cheers: