View Full Version : Removing seatbelt buzzer?

December 2nd, 2013, 10:45 AM
friend has a 09' Cummings. he was just curious if it was possible to remove the seatbelt buzzer. I told him id check for him.

December 2nd, 2013, 11:29 AM
Tell your friend if he wears the seatbelt, the buzzer won't be active. For the airbag system in the vehicle to function optimally, the seatbelt must be worn correctly, and the driver should position themselves as far back from the steering wheel as is possible.

Completely removing safety glass (from the windshield) from someone's face and scalp is a difficult task. Being ejected from the vehicle in a crash (not seatbelted) greatly increases the risk of serious injury or death.

December 2nd, 2013, 01:34 PM

Can't speak for his situation, but I know several farmers who use those trucks for feeding and are constantly getting in and out of the truck while driving thru fields wearing gloves when it's cold. It does get fairly annoying hearing that dinger on those days. If it were possible to make the seatbelt dinger not go off for speeds under 25-30, it would be great.

December 2nd, 2013, 02:02 PM
No good reason not to buckle up. Farmer tractors these days have cabs with roll bars, HVAC systems, sound systems, GPS systems - and seatbelts.
A seatbelt improves your safety, and keeps you at the controls. I worked the family farm as a boy a very long time ago - more than a few instances of farmers getting jostled off of the equipment - sometimes to their detriment, sometimes causing harm to others.
Not wearing a seatbelt is an outdated practice in our modern world. Only takes a second to buckle up.

December 2nd, 2013, 03:00 PM
I understand accidents happen, but you have to give way for basic common sense to prevail and not legislate it by annoyances. Yes almost all farm equipment comes with seat belts, as nowadays it can be operated on the highway right beside cars running 70 mph here in Texas. I've seen what is left of a 100 hp tractor when a semi truck wiped it off the road because the truck driver wasn't paying attention and never saw it. (There wasn't a useable part left for salvage) I'm not saying I don't think anyone should wear a seatbelt. I just firmly believe the operator should be allowed to asses the situation and determine if a seatbelt should be worn without the equipment insisting it. (10 mph across a flat field feeding or checking cows is a pretty safe operation)

For safety reasons, to limit the amount of lawsuits and payouts from John Q Public for doing stupid stuff, seat belts are required on almost everything; But the operator should be trusted to know and understand the operating limits and environmental conditions and risks involved in the situation. I also understand that here in America if anyone is harmed operating anything, the manufacturer is blamed for letting it be operated in such a manner. But adding chimes and flashing lights demanding his/her compliance is absurd.

I also understand legislation and the responsibility that would be blamed on the person who disabled said seatbelt alarm in the great US of A, and that because of this I doubt we will be able to put a minimum speed on the seatbelt chime if it did not come that way from the factory.

December 2nd, 2013, 03:28 PM
EFILive will not disable the seatbelt chime but that's ok, Dodge gives us procedures in the owners manual to do it...

Should be in the owners manual on the last page of the seat belt information, around page 47....

December 2nd, 2013, 11:12 PM
Is it too uncomfortable to buckle it behind you? I have to do this for my laptop on the passenger seat, it thinks someone is there and dings. (It's my GM car though).

December 7th, 2013, 05:56 PM
Reach between seats and unplug the seat belt connector. Place a small piece of tin foil in the female connector and them plug them back together. The foil closes the circuit to fool it in thinking it's buckled.

December 8th, 2013, 01:07 PM
EFILive has no plans to develop such a function.
