View Full Version : help with changeing WOT down shift pionts

December 30th, 2013, 01:13 AM
hi guys i would like to know which # to change to stop my A 6 from downshifting from 6th to 3RD at WOT at 120KMH

December 30th, 2013, 01:34 AM
none of them really. u need to adjust your part thottle shifts, then u match the wot tables to whatever your part throttle is set to.


this is mine with 3.27 diff gears.

that only allows mine to kick back to 4th. basically any speed below the 100%tps values will allow it to kick down a gear

December 30th, 2013, 10:59 AM
hi mate
thanks for that i will compare it to mine and adjust it
they can be a bit of a had full downshifting to 3rd at WOT at 120 KMH when you just want to pass some one on the highway hay

December 30th, 2013, 01:05 PM
im assuming all three part shit patterns are the same ???

December 30th, 2013, 07:35 PM
hi mate
thanks for that i will compare it to mine and adjust it
they can be a bit of a had full downshifting to 3rd at WOT at 120 KMH when you just want to pass some one on the highway hay

I've never needed to use wot to pass a car in my ve.

u only need to change the shift pattern that affects normal mode. if u want to do the same in sports etc up to u. I normally make my normal/cruise mode tables the same though.

December 30th, 2013, 08:18 PM
i know you don't need to go WOT to pass a car:laugh:
but its the only time i get to go WOT as we have no track here

December 31st, 2013, 05:21 PM
i copied all the settings you sent TREE COOL THANKS ,
it still down shifts to 3RD at about 80% throttle at 100 kmh , so dident fix what i hoped it would :bawl:
, the other thing it does with your # is it stays in 5th till you hit 78kmh wont change to 6TH till 78 KMH
which i find a bit annoying round town at 60/ 80Ks as its up and down 5TH/6th constantly,
with the stock tune # it changes up to 6th at about 68 kmh

can you explain to me the relevance of the # to speed like say its 80% > 99 > 3>4 does that mean it shouldn't down shift from 4 th to 3RD at any speed OVER 99 kmh ??? cant seam to grasp weathe i need higher # or lower # im happy with the drivability with stock tune #

except i don't want it to downshift to 3RD at over about 85kms

can you just change a few # in one column or do you have to do the whole column in rising % top to bottom

December 31st, 2013, 08:08 PM
can you explain to me the relevance of the # to speed like say its 80% > 99 > 3>4 does that mean it shouldn't down shift from 4 th to 3RD at any speed OVER 99 kmh ??? cant seam to grasp weathe i need higher # or lower # im happy with the drivability with stock tune #

Thats exactly what it means, Bob.

I think of the table numbers differently in my head for up and down shifting, since upshift and downshift are usually activated by different usage of the throttle pedal.

For upshifting, I think of it as sitting on a consistent throttle opening - then set the speed to shift at.
For downshifting, I think of cruising along a a given speed and then increasing the throttle to make the box shift down. Enter this speed against the throtttle position you want to make the shift happen at.

For UP-shift; Increaseing #s = more speed required before up-shifting for a given throttle opening (holds gears longer)
for DOWN-shift; Increasing #s = less throttle required at any speed to make it down-shift

except i don't want it to downshift to 3RD at over about 85kms

Keep the highest number in the 4->3 column as 85.

December 31st, 2013, 09:26 PM
hi darcy
thanks for the confirmation
it does make me wounder way it doesn't seam to work in my case , as i have had the 4 th >3rd # down to 72kmh from 75% to 100% TPS it still drops to to 3RD on WOT ??
is there some other setting that needs to be set along with the above ??

December 31st, 2013, 09:50 PM
It's probably the WOT tables overriding - as Dave mentioned, you need to set the WOT tables to match the part throttle tables. Set D1114 thru D1155 to the same as the 100% row of the 4>3 shift table.

I'm not sure if you can just set D1251, D1250 to 100% to eliminate the WOT tables from being activated.

January 1st, 2014, 12:47 AM
thanks darcy i have just done that so will try it tomorrow

January 1st, 2014, 03:28 PM
you'll probably find your tcm speedo calculation is out to shit. I used to have a similar problem like you, where the speed I was putting in was about 10kph out.

I used the speedo calculator in efilive and it works fine now.

January 1st, 2014, 05:17 PM
hi Dave
that could be so ?
as i have set up the part shifts 4>3 from 75% to 100% at 85 kmh and the WOT shift the same NOW (dident do that the first time ) leaving all the other # as per the stock setting and set the WOT RPM up shifts
at 5800rpm and it is doing what i want for the moment 1st 2nd 3rd up shifts at 5800 rpm and ,downshifts to forth only, above 88 kmh and under that speed will go to 3rd so im happy with that for the moment il have a play with second as it is set a bit close to third
thanks for your help Dave and Darcy cheers Bob

January 2nd, 2014, 06:43 PM
you'll probably find your tcm speedo calculation is out to shit. I used to have a similar problem like you, where the speed I was putting in was about 10kph out.

I used the speedo calculator in efilive and it works fine now.

could you give me a page shot of the speedo calculator thanks