View Full Version : Ethanol Sensor on MAF circuit LS1

January 19th, 2014, 12:29 PM
Guys I have a theory id like to put past the brains trust

What's everyone's thoughts on using the GM ethanol sensor on an Ls1 by inputting the frequency signal into the MAF circuit which is unused in an SD application

You would then creat a calc pid to interpret the 50-150hz signal

January 19th, 2014, 05:38 PM
If you feed a signal in there it will be used again (by the airflow calculations), Mmm, actually if you set the high fail to 20Hz it should stop looking at the signal.
And is this just for monitoring ethanol % ?

January 19th, 2014, 06:57 PM
If you feed a signal in there it will be used again (by the airflow calculations), Mmm, actually if you set the high fail to 20Hz it should stop looking at the signal.
And is this just for monitoring ethanol % ?

That's the theory. The plan is just for scanning. (Unless you guys want to revisit 0411 development hint hint). But yeah anyway saves installing an extra gauge when you could just use the V2.

I've been told the MAF starts at 1.5khz. But will the PCM still read a lower frequency?

January 19th, 2014, 08:52 PM
Unless you guys want to revisit 0411 development hint hint
Ahhh, no, pretty unlikely, sorry.

I've been told the MAF starts at 1.5khz. But will the PCM still read a lower frequency?
Actually I have no idea, maybe the other option is to look at other manufacturers who do FlexFuel and see what they use, one of them might be a 0 to 5V signal.

January 24th, 2014, 01:01 AM
zeitronix can output a 0-5v signal from an flex fuel sensor.