View Full Version : BBL Aborting Prematurely Aborting--*.EFI and *.EFX files attached. Please analyze

February 16th, 2014, 12:57 PM
As stated, BBL is prematurely stopping, d/c logging, then saves file. How do you read the EFX files?
I have a suspicion the V2 box is not making good contact w/card. I have used not less than 5 cards in the past trying to figure this out.

Any suggestions?



February 17th, 2014, 06:16 AM

Which SD cards do you have...?

Which V8 build version...?
Which V2 firmware...?

EFX file has some binary format that Paul can view with his tools.

February 17th, 2014, 06:57 AM
V8 VER :
bootblock : 2.7.6
firmware: 2.7.52

this part card is an OPTIMA 4GB

February 17th, 2014, 07:01 AM
Can you please run a couple of tests on the SD Card:

Power up FlashScan and select F4 Options -> F4 Self Tests -> F4 (hidden option)
You will see a screen titled "MANUFACTURING TESTS" with a message about requiring a second FlashScan device, just press Ok.
In the next screen in the bottom right hand corner are two values that will appear as "Cx Wx", where x is either 0 or 1.

Cx is the SD Card present switch, if it is C1 then an SD Card is detected in the SD Card Slot. If it is C0 then an SD Card is not detected.
Wx is the write protect switch, if it is W1 then the SD Card's lock switch is set to locked, if it is W0 then the SD Card's lock switch is set to not locked.

With the card inserted and unlocked, gently wiggle the card in the SD CArd holder and watch to see if either of the Cx or Wx values change - they should not change.

If the SD Card switches are operating correctly then try the SD Card test by selecting option "3.SDM" (AKA right arrow).
All data will be erased from the SD Card so only run the test with a card that contains no data that you want to keep. You will need to reformat the SD Card once the test is complete.
The SDM test will display -OK- at the end if the SD Card operation was successful.

If all tests are successful, please obtain the SD Card Info as follows:
F4 Options -> F2 File System -> F4 File Sys Info -> F3 SD Card Info.
Use the EFILive_Control Panel software on your PC to take screen shots of each of the the FlashScan screens:


showing each of the relevant SD Card info screens, like these (you'll need to scroll down using the down arrow key on FlashScan's keypad):



February 17th, 2014, 07:23 AM
Ok, upon wiggling, I got C0 AND C1. I guess its loose. Suggestions?





February 17th, 2014, 07:30 AM
Is your SD card thin...?

Is there a clean cardboard "template" (no shards/swarf) you an piggyback on the front of the SD card to take up the wiggle room...?

( my $0.02 based on what some other people have done )

February 17th, 2014, 08:18 AM
I had to take a piece or 2 of scotch tape and make my SD card a little thicker so it wouldnt accidentally lose its connection. Quick, easy and havent had an issue since.

February 17th, 2014, 07:08 PM
I ended up putting some scotch tape strips on, about 6 on the end near the metal connectors and that did the trick. Found a new problem logging though!
TPS = 99.6% at idle. Not sure if thats the tool or the truck has a problem.

Also, wondering why I cant use the SCAN tool to read from the V2 vs using the explorer to transfer the log file. I noticed there is a menu option to do this, but its disabled.

February 18th, 2014, 12:08 AM
TPS at 99.6%: re-assign the TPS pid to the chart and replot.

Also, measure the voltage on the TPS signal using a DMM.

February 18th, 2014, 05:45 AM
TPS at 99.6%: re-assign the TPS pid to the chart and replot.

Also, measure the voltage on the TPS signal using a DMM.

Looks like I'll be using internal mem still failing.
Any idea size of internal mem?

1 of 3 pids is indicating correct data with regard to tps. The absolute sel works fine

February 18th, 2014, 07:58 AM
V2 internal memory should be large enough for some logging (~20 minutes if I remember right).

February 18th, 2014, 08:51 AM
Also, wondering why I cant use the SCAN tool to read from the V2 vs using the explorer to transfer the log file. I noticed there is a menu option to do this, but its disabled.

The V7.5 scan tool can only read data logs from FlashScan V1 devices. It will never be able to read scan tool data directly from the V2 device.

EFILive V8 will eventually be able to read log files directly from the FlashScan V2 device.


February 18th, 2014, 09:29 AM

Also, wondering why I cant use the SCAN tool to read from the V2 vs using the explorer to transfer the log file. I noticed there is a menu option to do this, but its disabled.You can use EFILive Explorer to move the log file from V2 to PC, and then you can view it using V7 scantool.

February 19th, 2014, 05:03 PM
V2 internal memory should be large enough for some logging (~20 minutes if I remember right).

EFI Explorer indicates it is ~4MB. My config is approximately 0.5MB, leaving 3MB+ for logging. Works for me.
Plenty of room for 1/4 mile testing.

The V7.5 scan tool can only read data logs from FlashScan V1 devices. It will never be able to read scan tool data directly from the V2 device.

EFILive V8 will eventually be able to read log files directly from the FlashScan V2 device.


Drag and drop works just fine. Not sure what to make of V8 yet. Sure it will be good though.