View Full Version : How to load just manual trans calibration to auto calibration tune?

February 24th, 2014, 05:51 AM
Hi all,

Searched & did not find exactly what is needed. Have a tune where the trans calibration is for an auto, but am using a manual transmission. Is there an easy way to import a manual calibration into the existing tune so that I don't have to copy & add everything else from the automatic tune file onto the manual tune calibration? I have the manual trans tune file from the same OS ready to go, just don't how to get existing tune onto it without copy & paste every part of tune. I need the existing tune, just need to change the auto to manual. Thank-you

February 24th, 2014, 09:33 AM
Open the manual trans file as the calibration,
Open the auto trans file as the alternate,
Click the compare button (read L-R arrows), the Compare tab should become active.
In the Compare tab's pane, select/highlight all the differences except the transmission differences (i.e. select everything except Dxxxx and Exxxx),
Click Update (at the bottom).

Then save the file (with a new filename).