View Full Version : FlashScan being recognized as "Scan Only" when uploading tune

March 1st, 2014, 05:26 AM
Hello All,

I have purchased a Flashscan V1.2. It came with some registration information that did not match the serial number of the flashscan device that I received. In addition, it is an "Autotap" registration certification printed on a piece of paper dated June 22 2004. I was told that the registration key on the paper was the correct one, but I have been unable to get my EFILive software to register. When I view the Flashscan V1 PCM license information it says that it is a Personal Scan&Tune. The Firmware is the most current one dated 18JAN2005, and shows that it has completed 20 reflashes.

When I go to upload a modified tune to my car (2002 Camaro LS1B), it says that my cable is "Scan Only" and it won't upload the tune. So, just to test, i used my old registration information from my prior flashscan and it took the registration (no longer in demo mode without the flashscan plugged in). I tested it again, still the same result. What gives? Is it because I have been unable to get my EFILive software registered with the correct serial number to the device I'm trying to use? Or is there something wrong with my Flashscan v1.2? I also checked the driver version and I'm using the most current one 2.08.28, and using the most current EFILive software on Windows 7.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


March 2nd, 2014, 10:17 AM
Log a help desk issue as described here: http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7778-QEKN-0400
Include the *.blx trace file from the failed flash attempt.


March 5th, 2014, 01:35 PM
Log a help desk issue as described here: http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7778-QEKN-0400
Include the *.blx trace file from the failed flash attempt.


Help Desk question opened. I'll let everyone know the result. Attached are pictures of the issue I'm having just for everyone's reference.


July 14th, 2015, 05:16 PM
Did you ever get this resolved? I am having the exact same issue and have tried reinstalling, rolling back to an earlier version of 7.5, then a v6, usb drivers, restarting computer, different usb cable etc etc to no avail

July 14th, 2015, 09:14 PM
Did you ever get this resolved? I am having the exact same issue and have tried reinstalling, rolling back to an earlier version of 7.5, then a v6, usb drivers, restarting computer, different usb cable etc etc to no availDoes your blue card info match your V1's serial number...?

July 14th, 2015, 09:16 PM
Did you ever get this resolved? I am having the exact same issue and have tried reinstalling, rolling back to an earlier version of 7.5, then a v6, usb drivers, restarting computer, different usb cable etc etc to no availDoes your blue card info match your V1's serial number...?

Do Help->About and post a screenshot.

July 15th, 2015, 07:26 AM
Does your blue card info match your V1's serial number...?

Do Help->About and post a screenshot.

Soooooo... Problem is i changed laptops over a year ago and had never re entered registration number. :bash: somehow i figured authentication code was the same. Emailed support with my serial number and am waiting for a response. Posted for future reference for anyone

July 16th, 2015, 05:17 AM
Soooooo... Problem is i changed laptops over a year ago and had never re entered registration number. :bash: somehow i figured authentication code was the same. Emailed support with my serial number and am waiting for a response. Posted for future reference for anyone

I lied. recieved a registration code, and issue date, entered both into efilive, still same results. waiting on tech support to respond.

Joecar - i have used builds 282, 283, 286? (july pre release) as well as v6 on two seperate laptops, changed usb cables, still reads the pcm fine, but continually refuses to reflash the pcm..... glorious.

July 17th, 2015, 12:31 PM
I lied. recieved a registration code, and issue date, entered both into efilive, still same results. waiting on tech support to respond.

Joecar - i have used builds 282, 283, 286? (july pre release) as well as v6 on two seperate laptops, changed usb cables, still reads the pcm fine, but continually refuses to reflash the pcm..... glorious.

After you get the "This device is a scan only device" error, can you please locate the newest trace file in the folder:
\My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\Bug reports
The file will be named like this: YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_download.blx
where YYYYMMDD is the date and hhmmss is the time that the failure occurred.

Please send the *.blx file(s) to me at paul@efilive.com
Include a link to this thread so I know what it is about.


July 21st, 2015, 06:08 AM
Figured I'd chime in here, I'm estringer's roommate, trying to help him diagnose this problem. Helpdesk has been no help offering nothing but generic answers and still hasn't replied to our correspondence last week, but we have traced the problem to something in the builds. V7.5 build 126 which is not available but he happened to have on an old harddrive had no problem flashing his car. It should be noted that 126 still supports .tun files.

I'll remind him of this thread and have him email the *.blx file anyways, because I would like to see him be able to use a more current version. Your responses are appreciated Blacky.

July 21st, 2015, 07:50 AM
The problem is not with anything at your end.

The EFILive V7 software was changed a while back to only allow flashing from V1 devices that are licensed as Commercial Scan and Tune. Personal Scan and Tune devices no longer support flashing. Obviously our intention was not to remove functionality from V1 Personal devices. A free upgrade to Commercial Scan and Tune is available for all V1 Personal Scan and Tune owners. To obtain the upgrade please send your FlashScan V1 serial number to me at paul@efilive.com and I will send you back the upgrade code.

Sorry for the delay and the confusion, I had forgotten that we had made that change to the software a while back.
