View Full Version : Valet mode finally

April 15th, 2006, 02:24 AM
Ok, Its finally done. Valet mode lives.

My 99 HSV R8 didnt have a wire connected to the right pin. In fact nothing was connected at that point, just a hole in the connector. The PCM had the pin to accept the wire, so I did some investigations.

I thought I might know where I could find some wire with the right connector socket to fit the pcm. I ended up using a piece of wire from an old computer case. You can use one of the wires that connects to the mainboard for speakers, power on led, reset switch etc. The end that connects to the mainboard can be separated from the plastic "jumper" with a pin. You end up with a piece of wire terminated in a small metal socket.

Ok next step was to get the right pcm socket. The custom OS tutorial has the details for this. The socket is also numbered so its not too hard. I had to poke the rubber seal through with a fine drill bit then pushed the wire through. It has like an arrow head tab on it so it goes in one way and doesnt come back out. This helps when you push the pcm socket back onto the pcm so the connectors slip over all the pins and dont come back out.

Once done I just needed to extend the length of the wire to a toggle switch. Actually Id got to this point a few weeks ago. However drilled my first hole slightly too high up, so I left it lying lose. (Bad idea as the car cut out on a couple of occasions during some spirited cornering! At least I knew it worked)

Anyway got it all wired in properly today. Just a simple 2 pole toggle with open and closed (earthed). Works well. Pretty well hidden if you mount it on the header tank bracket. But some may like to put it somewhere more stealth. 20mph and 2000 rpm max on valet now, works very well.

Just wanted to let everyone know, just in case they had the issue with no wire available to tap into. Just swipe one from an old PC :)

April 19th, 2006, 08:55 AM
I might just try and install one.

:cheers: :cheers:

September 1st, 2006, 10:20 PM
What would be some good settings to put in it - to just disable the car from the switch rather than let it run at all. Maybe it will start but not go anywhere? Just looking for some options.

1/ Disable totally

2/ A good safe true valet mode setting so its driveable but not stealable (at a sensible speed)

September 2nd, 2006, 02:30 AM
Ive not tried disabling totally. But I set it to 1000rpm and like 4 kmph before I went away once. Came back started it up and it wouldnt go anywhere. Any throttle almost killed it, it only idled. And driving anywhere, forget it.

Try max rpm of 600 or something that might keep it dead. Let us know what happens.

Else I recon Max rpm of 3000 and mph of 30 for a true valet mode.

September 2nd, 2006, 02:46 AM
Try max rpm of 600 or something that might keep it dead. Let us know what happens.

I might have to try this just for that reason... Might work great for a anti-start device.

September 30th, 2006, 09:24 AM
Is the Valet Mode on all PCMs? I have a 2000 silverado 5.3 with a 2002 PCM. Do i have it? I cant find it on EFI Live.

Thanks guys!

September 30th, 2006, 09:45 AM
I think you need COS3 or COS5.

September 30th, 2006, 09:54 AM
Please explain COS3 and COS5..
I now have Commercial Upgrade, So do i have the abilites?

September 30th, 2006, 10:17 AM
Yes, Commercial FS allows you to flash in a different OS (including a Custom OS).

The Custom OS Tutorial explains how to do it...

Also, look in the COS section of the forum.

September 30th, 2006, 05:16 PM
Thanks Joe!

January 1st, 2007, 08:46 AM
OK I am trying to wire the valet mode toggle.

Here is where I am at...where do I go from here?



Where is this pin 56?

Looking at my PC Parts bin for the wire :cheers:

January 1st, 2007, 09:15 AM
On the PCM harness, there should be numbers indicating pin 41. Start there and count to the left to 56. I'll post the pin outs, if I can find them, from the service manuals in a few minutes.

January 1st, 2007, 09:19 AM
Here's the pin out of the red harness. The pin you want is inside the red do-nut.

January 1st, 2007, 09:22 AM
Yeah then take the grey plastic cover off and push a new socketed pin through so it connects with pin 56 when you reconned the plug. Then replace the grey cover. All you need to do is put a 2 pole switch on for open and earthed, your job is then done.

Set your custom OS valet settings for max speed and rpm and all is well.

Hey can anyone tell me if setting max rpm to under idle speed the car gets killed? I keep forgetting to try it.

January 1st, 2007, 10:08 AM
I'd say it would do, didn't test it though either. I set the RPM limit to 1500 and speed to 20km/h. Fair to say that it is fairly abrupt in first gear (M6) when the fuel cut happens :)

January 1st, 2007, 03:51 PM
Thanks guys!

I will get on that tomorrow, I take it the other cover has the numbers 81-160 for pinouts? I took off the right cover?


January 1st, 2007, 04:39 PM
Both the connectors have repetitive numbers. They are distinguished as being either the Blue or Red connector :)

Did you get the proper PCM connectors? I got mine from www.eficonnection.com, and they are perfect!!!

January 1st, 2007, 09:56 PM
Both the connectors have repetitive numbers. They are distinguished as being either the Blue or Red connector :)

Did you get the proper PCM connectors? I got mine from www.eficonnection.com, and they are perfect!!!

OK so looks like I guessed good and got the red one, I take it the other is blue in color (and I don't intend to mess with that at all).

What do I need for PCM connectors? I thought I just need to punch a hole and run a wire (using an PC LED wire) in the hole?

http://www.eficonnection.com/eficonnection/100w.aspx 18 gauge or 22-20 gauge?

January 2nd, 2007, 05:25 AM
I got 10 of each sent down here seeing as they cost basically nothing... I think I used 18 for the valet cause the wire was thicker than the FP harness wires.

January 2nd, 2007, 08:57 AM
Ordered both type connectors.

Waiting on the LT headers and connectors to procede with the project.

On to the console, have some dremeling to do to for the switches :cheers:

January 2nd, 2007, 09:08 AM
Are you going to hook valet to your NA / Custom switch?

January 2nd, 2007, 09:23 AM
Are you going to hook valet to your NA / Custom switch?

Yes I hope to use it for the custom Nitrous Tables

January 6th, 2007, 05:54 AM
OK got my connectors any tips B4 I screw something up :D

January 6th, 2007, 05:59 AM
Patience grasshopper.

January 6th, 2007, 06:16 AM
OK I will have another Sam Adams Winter ale before I go in...I will take pics of what I find :Eyecrazy: and how I progress...I may stash my LC-1 in where the PCM is too it should reach with the new headers there. Unless I can legnthen the O2 wire (I have old sensor with about 20" of wire with the correct end on it).

January 6th, 2007, 06:19 AM
be sure to secure the O2 sensor. Would suck to have it melt on the headers. And an extra beer will calm shakey hands as you surgically install the new wiring to the PCM harness.

January 6th, 2007, 07:53 AM
Here is pin 56


Just drill it out?

January 6th, 2007, 07:57 AM
Just poke a small drill bit through - doesn't need to be connected to drill :) All that has to happen is you break that orange top piece.

January 6th, 2007, 09:39 AM
OK took an extra hour, and about 3 more beers, but we got it, we were a bit confused on which way the conx went in, but we figured her out...just as we were told...LOL we are thick headed, but we did not break anything :cheers:


The trick was using something rigid enough to push the connector ALL the way through. Do not settle for 1/2 way, it will butt up and you will hear it SNAP into Place just like the factory ones.

Will be doing this on the Blue Conx side and get better pics using the TA Quickness EGR/Fuel Pressure PID trick vice using the Radio Shack Regulator and using up on of the two inputs on the V1.

Thanks for the connector link they are perfect!

January 6th, 2007, 10:08 AM
I think you'll need 3 conductors for the EGR pinning, 1 5vdc reference, 1 ground, and 1 signal input. And if memory serves, they are all over the blue connector.

January 6th, 2007, 10:46 AM
I think you'll need 3 conductors for the EGR pinning, 1 5vdc reference, 1 ground, and 1 signal input. And if memory serves, they are all over the blue connector.

I am on it like a Sailor on a Crack whore...


Maybe I should rephrase that LOL...

January 6th, 2007, 11:04 AM
You might catch something like that..

January 8th, 2007, 09:11 AM
Pic of the PCM connectors


Pic of the new Control Panel fitted to the console :)


January 8th, 2007, 03:58 PM
I am on it like a Sailor on a Crack whore...

Iv'e resembled that comment in towns that had signs that read "Keep all dogs and Sailors off the grass."

Excellent job Beer.

January 15th, 2007, 11:20 PM
I am sorry. I am a noob to this fourm!

On his switches he can enable alternate OS (or tables?)for Nitrous and NA by a switch? What all does that require?

January 16th, 2007, 02:33 AM
Nitrous switch or Valet switch only.
Help yourself to the custom tunes which are included as part of the software download. You can see in the custom extentions what the switch will enable.
You cannot change tunes though. Just trigger certain values to become active in the tune.

January 16th, 2007, 06:28 AM
On your version on the valet switch does it require momentary contact on start-up or can the switch be diabled during operation of the car?

January 16th, 2007, 06:33 AM
It's a toggle switch generally that is either on or off.

January 16th, 2007, 07:44 AM
Ok. So you can go into and out of valet mode while driving. I was just wondering. I asked because it affects where I would place the switch. Thank you!

January 27th, 2007, 04:09 AM
Beer I always thought of you as an Anchor Steam man like myself! Just when I thought there were no more good threads in the world, you send me this link. Thank God for Beer (and Ale).

January 27th, 2007, 09:38 PM
I get parolled Thursday from the prision ship... I hope to have it wired and buttoned up (as well as my Header install) a week from today. I may not load COS5 until I do the Ve tuning on the headers. I will update the thread when I show more progress. :cheers:

Here are some screens of what the COS lets ya do, no values finalized yet just to show what is availible



The above will reflect 3-6° as needed.


January 25th, 2008, 04:31 AM
Good thread. I am finally going to get my N20 and fuel pressure setup using the valet mode and EGR pins.

Thanks DOC.
:beer: :cheers: