View Full Version : T43 Autocal V2 Licensing Issue and knowledge confirmation.

March 27th, 2014, 07:44 AM
Ok...customer sent me their TCM T43 to be programmed. I used an AutoCal to do so and sent him the TCM back with the AutoCal. It was a few months since the order was fulfilled. He decided to go a different direction and return the TCM for a full wipe clean.

Problem is, once I read the file in there and look at the Calibration tab I see that the ID and checksums all match, BUT the VIN# and Calibration and BCC Identifier# themselves are different. Additionally, neither the V2 or Autocal are showing as licensed to the TCM.

Did the initial program never take? I see where a license was used and the tune I loaded into the Autocal in Dec, but upon reading the TCM it's showing the last program date was in November. So I'm at a loss!

Could I have lost a license somewhere? Did he send me the wrong TCM? Could he have had it reprogrammed with EFILive/HPT/GM Tech Tool and kicked out my license?


March 27th, 2014, 08:57 AM
The TCM serial number won't get changed on a reflash with any programmer (EFI, TechII, HPT), if the TCM serial number is different to the one you expect then it is not the same TCM.
Have a look at the file you originally read from that TCM vs what you just read and compare the TCM serial number.
Serial Number DVQ313719911

Also, notice the description for the programming date says - Last Programmed by GM, this date code is only written by TechII when it flashes, not EFILive.


March 27th, 2014, 09:35 AM
Thanks for the quick response, Ross. Good to know for the future. Problem is, the TCM was sent to me as a "blank" disposable TCM, so I didn't bother to pull the actual original calibration file from it (to compare the serial number). However, I do see that my comments section was wiped out, too. So the main question I guess I need to know (for future reference too) is would the license and/or my comments section be preserved or wiped out in a TechII rewrite?

March 27th, 2014, 09:44 AM
The comments aren't actually written back to the controllers, that is just something tagged on the end of the .ctz / .tun file.
I think you'll find the TCM actually has the serial number stamped on it somewhere.