View Full Version : RoadRunner not updating during RTAC

June 8th, 2014, 12:58 PM
Never had this issue before? Been using the RoadRunner without fail for quite awhile but now when I click on either the course or fine control it grays out the cells it's been in but makes no changes?

I'm doing this in SD and CL for the VE tables. Just likeI always do and then re-enable the MAF and finish the adjustments on it.

I've gone over the cal links.txt file and it's set right for CALC.LTFTBEN or CALC.SELBEN and tried it on MAF and VE tables and same thing, looks like it's working properly and graying out cell it's been in that needed adjustment but no adjustment. There's plenty of room for adjustment set to accuracy of 1% and LTFT are ranging from 93 to 108. It usuaully brings this right in line with some driving.

I'm pretty familar with all the RR settings, I use this quite a bit and have gone over them a few times, did a hard reset. Started both Tune and Scan tool over and over again but still the same. Could it be a computer folder issue not allowing changes?

I'm missing something?

Haven't used it much in 6 months do to medical issues, had a Gall bladder removed last June... been sick since and found esouphogous cancer, chemo, radiation and the cancer is gone, found a hernia so had a surgery for that in January. Then the cancer surgery went well for 3 weeks and complications brought on another surgery which leaves me.... well not together and have 4 months to heal and get the surgery again. Been a bad year here...

June 8th, 2014, 02:17 PM
filter set configured?
recording data?

June 8th, 2014, 02:38 PM
Hey Mr prick! Long time no see... thanks but yes I have filters set that I normally use, adjusted them just in case and the scan tool was recording.

June 9th, 2014, 05:01 AM
After deleting my filters and re-entering them I've got it working again. Thanks Mr Prick! Not sure what was wrong, must have hqad something overlap or they were corrupt!

April 20th, 2015, 01:23 AM
I`m having the same problems.

RTACS is active and updaing using a custom operative system, but not on my normal 12212156 OS . .

I have read all the articles related to https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?6318-A-way-to-cheat-and-fix-your-strims-ltrims-using-Rtac-Very-quickly


Does this still apply to V7.5.7 (Build 281)?

April 20th, 2015, 10:17 PM