View Full Version : What do I do with the text file I received from my tuner?

June 29th, 2014, 06:43 AM
I receive remote tunes from a gentleman on the east coast and he emailed me a text file that has something to do with the latest updates.
I don't know what exactly to do with that file, so it's just sitting in a folder on my desktop.

I have a 2005 Corvette A4.
And tuning via Autocal.

I have downloaded and installed all of the latest EFI Live software versions (june 21, 2014) and have updated my Autocal device as well.

I tried to record a data log yesterday and it doesn't seem to be recording...? I recorded a 40+ minute ride and when I pull it up in the EFI Live Explorer it says the file is only 2kb. That doesn't seem right.

I think it may have something to do with this text file my tuner sent me.
Either that or I am not saving the data log to my device properly.

Any and all insight would be greatly appreciated.


June 29th, 2014, 07:40 AM
I receive remote tunes from a gentleman on the east coast and he emailed me a text file that has something to do with the latest updates.
I don't know what exactly to do with that file, so it's just sitting in a folder on my desktop.

I have a 2005 Corvette A4.
And tuning via Autocal.

I have downloaded and installed all of the latest EFI Live software versions (june 21, 2014) and have updated my Autocal device as well.

I tried to record a data log yesterday and it doesn't seem to be recording...? I recorded a 40+ minute ride and when I pull it up in the EFI Live Explorer it says the file is only 2kb. That doesn't seem right.

I think it may have something to do with this text file my tuner sent me.
Either that or I am not saving the data log to my device properly.

Any and all insight would be greatly appreciated.


June 29th, 2014, 08:20 AM
duplicate post. Admin please delete

June 29th, 2014, 08:22 AM
I receive remote tunes from a gentleman on the east coast and he emailed me a text file that has something to do with the latest updates.
I don't know what exactly to do with that file, so it's just sitting in a folder on my desktop.

I have a 2005 Corvette A4.
And tuning via Autocal.

I have downloaded and installed all of the latest EFI Live software versions (june 21, 2014) and have updated my Autocal device as well.

I tried to record a data log yesterday and it doesn't seem to be recording...? I recorded a 40+ minute ride and when I pull it up in the EFI Live Explorer it says the file is only 2kb. That doesn't seem right.

I think it may have something to do with this text file my tuner sent me.
Either that or I am not saving the data log to my device properly.

Any and all insight would be greatly appreciated.


June 29th, 2014, 08:29 AM
I receive remote tunes from a gentleman on the east coast and he emailed me a text file that has something to do with the latest updates.
I don't know what exactly to do with that file, so it's just sitting in a folder on my desktop.

I have a 2005 Corvette A4.
And tuning via Autocal.

I have downloaded and installed all of the latest EFI Live software versions (june 21, 2014) and have updated my Autocal device as well.

I tried to record a data log yesterday and it doesn't seem to be recording...? I recorded a 40+ minute ride and when I pull it up in the EFI Live Explorer it says the file is only 2kb. That doesn't seem right.

I think it may have something to do with this text file my tuner sent me.
Either that or I am not saving the data log to my device properly.

Any and all insight would be greatly appreciated.


June 29th, 2014, 09:19 AM
Start one thread, not 4.....
Call your tuner and ask him what the go is. Have you opened it to see what is in there?

The 2Kb log file sounds like it only wrote the header info, as if you hit the cancel button accidentally after starting the log. Was there any data displaying on the screen while the log was being recorded? The only other option I can think of is that the Autocal/V2 may need to have the firmware updated, which may be what the text file is about.

June 29th, 2014, 09:31 AM

June 29th, 2014, 09:31 AM
Refer to

June 29th, 2014, 09:31 AM
This thread

Mean Green Z28
June 29th, 2014, 10:28 AM
He probably changed the extension so he can email it to you. Take out the .txt extension

June 29th, 2014, 10:39 AM
Start one thread, not 4.....
Call your tuner and ask him what the go is. Have you opened it to see what is in there?

The 2Kb log file sounds like it only wrote the header info, as if you hit the cancel button accidentally after starting the log. Was there any data displaying on the screen while the log was being recorded? The only other option I can think of is that the Autocal/V2 may need to have the firmware updated, which may be what the text file is about.

1. my apologies for the multiple threads. I posted them in different forums in hopes to get a reply.

2. I did another log moments ago...now nothing is recording. Something is definitely not right. The timer is rolling. But when I unplug the Autocal from the car and plug it into my laptop and open up EFI Live Explorer to get the file, nothing is there. I do not take my laptop along to do data logs so I cannot verify what, if anything was happening there.

3. All updates (hardware/software/firmware) are current.

4. It is Sunday, my tuner is not available. I thought I would try for answers here.


June 29th, 2014, 10:49 AM
Did you ask your tuner about this..?

June 29th, 2014, 11:04 AM
I merged all the threads into this one, so the above replies may appear to be out-of-order wrt the merged threads.

limited cv8r
June 29th, 2014, 12:35 PM
if you can post up the file, maybe someone can help you better.

June 29th, 2014, 03:33 PM
Is it the options.txt file?
If so; this is to programme the Autocal with the appropriate pids - your tuner should have given some instructions with it...

June 29th, 2014, 10:47 PM
Just confirming, are you stopping the log before disconnecting? If you don't, then the log file can get truncated.

June 30th, 2014, 03:06 AM
This is the file... AutoCal E40 scan settings.txt

Yes, I stopped the log after I parked the car. Granted, the timer still runs, but the log is "paused".

I still haven't heard back from my tuner yet...

June 30th, 2014, 03:48 AM
Can you post the file "AutoCal E40 scan settings.txt" here...?

Sounds like what darcy said above, you have to program this into your V2 (using V8 S&T).

June 30th, 2014, 04:05 AM
Can you post the file "AutoCal E40 scan settings.txt" here...?

Sounds like what darcy said above, you have to program this into your V2 (using V8 S&T).


Here is the actual file..

June 30th, 2014, 07:21 AM
This is the file... AutoCal E40 scan settings.txt

Yes, I stopped the log after I parked the car. Granted, the timer still runs, but the log is "paused".

I still haven't heard back from my tuner yet...

Are you STOPPING or PAUSING the log? They are not the same thing.

June 30th, 2014, 07:39 AM
Are you STOPPING or PAUSING the log? They are not the same thing.

After I park, i hit the "OK" button. Then I unplug it. That is all I have ever done. I have logged MANY runs doing it this way in the past. Have things changed with the latest updates?

Am I doing something incorrectly?

June 30th, 2014, 07:48 AM

Here is the actual file..Did you program that file into your V2 via V8 S&T -> BBX...?

June 30th, 2014, 07:52 AM
Did you program that file into your V2 via V8 S&T -> BBX...?
No I did not.
I was uncertain of where to put it and did not want to "experiment" for fear of bricking my autocal.

I know how to get to the BBX section. What do I do from there?

June 30th, 2014, 10:08 AM
Save your file in the following location:

\My Documents\EFILive\V8\Config

Then with your AutoCal connected to your PC, open the V8 software, select BBX, then from the F2 Scan menu (you should default to that page anyway)

Select Open (from the buttons at the bottom of the screen)
Select your file and click open (The pop up will land you where you saved your file)
Select the Program drop down and select Program Selections Only. This step will ensure any tune files or log files you have on your device will not be replaced during the programming process.

If in doubt, back those files up first using EFI Explorer and save them to your PC.


June 30th, 2014, 11:55 AM
Save your file in the following location:

\My Documents\EFILive\V8\Config

Then with your AutoCal connected to your PC, open the V8 software, select BBX, then from the F2 Scan menu (you should default to that page anyway)

Select Open (from the buttons at the bottom of the screen)
Select your file and click open (The pop up will land you where you saved your file)
Select the Program drop down and select Program Selections Only. This step will ensure any tune files or log files you have on your device will not be replaced during the programming process.

If in doubt, back those files up first using EFI Explorer and save them to your PC.


THANK YOU CINDY! That fixed it!:mrgreen:

June 30th, 2014, 01:34 PM
After I park, i hit the "OK" button. Then I unplug it. That is all I have ever done. I have logged MANY runs doing it this way in the past. Have things changed with the latest updates?

Am I doing something incorrectly?

Ok I think there are two issues here.

You are pausing the log, not stopping it. This will truncate the log file and can result in only the file header info being saved (2Kb in size). Normally this only occurs in sort logs though, with longer logs resulting in the last few minutes being truncated. It also flags an error on the SD card that requires a "disk check" to fix. This process can also truncate the file. To stop the log, press <cancel> and the Autocal should drop back to the menu after saving the file.

the "settings" file is a list of parameters to record data from. If the Autocal is in its 'vanilla' state, it will have nothing configured to log. So the log files won't contain any data. Once you have uploaded the parameters (as per Cindy's post) it should work better.

July 1st, 2014, 12:41 AM
Ok I think there are two issues here.

You are pausing the log, not stopping it. This will truncate the log file and can result in only the file header info being saved (2Kb in size). Normally this only occurs in sort logs though, with longer logs resulting in the last few minutes being truncated. It also flags an error on the SD card that requires a "disk check" to fix. This process can also truncate the file. To stop the log, press <cancel> and the Autocal should drop back to the menu after saving the file.

the "settings" file is a list of parameters to record data from. If the Autocal is in its 'vanilla' state, it will have nothing configured to log. So the log files won't contain any data. Once you have uploaded the parameters (as per Cindy's post) it should work better.

Cindy's instructions definitely fixed my issue.

But I will say, I left out a few steps when I described how I save my logs.
When stopping my data log, I hit "Ok" button on the Autocal, I then hit the "Previous" button and "EXIT" will show on the display. I then hit "Ok" once more, then it says..."Saving Log"(or something to that effect). Then I disconnect.

Much thanks to all of you, for all your help. It is GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks to you all, I'm back up and running...errrr...recording ;)
