View Full Version : Known issues with Jul 19, 2014 release of the EFILive software and firmware.

July 18th, 2014, 03:36 PM
Currently known issues and possible workarounds for the July 12, 2014 release of the EFILive V7.5.7.261, V8.2.2.256 software and the V2.07.63 FlashScan and AutoCal firmware.

Issue 1:
If you are Black Box Logging PIDs from an ECM and TCM simultaneously and you have selected a PID from the transmission controller (TCM) that has an identically named PID in the engine controller (ECM), then when the log file is loaded back into the V8 software for viewing, that TCM PID will be displayed as if it originated from the ECM. The PID's data will have correctly been logged from the TCM, only its name will appear to indicate that it was logged from the ECM.
None. It is a restriction of the *.efi (V7.5 log file format). That restriction will be removed and the TCM PIDs will display their true origin once the V8 scan tool software is available.
Issue 2:
When black box flashing T43, T76 and A50 controllers that had previously been VIN licensed, the VIN license is no longer recognized.
Use V8 pass-thru flashing which correctly identifies the VIN license
Or download and install the attached firmware using EFILive Explorer. Unzip the firmware files into a temporary folder. Do not overwrite the existing firmware files, or the next time you perform a "Check for Updates" the update will fail and you will need to perform a full install instead.
UPDATE: the original July 21 firmware patch has been updated, please download and install the July 22 patch.
Will be fixed in the next update.
Issue 3:
Setting a controller serial number security restriction for AL5 tune files will always fail to flash, returning error $0530.
None. Will be fixed in the next update.
Issue 4:
After opening a scan file in V8 and then displaying file info (Ctrl+I), then closing the window, then re-opening the Scan window again, displaying file info again (Ctrl+I) will fail with "Access violation".
None. Will be fixed in the next update.
Issue 5:
After changing comments in a tune file using the V8 software, then closing the window, you are not prompted to save the changes. The changes are discarded without warning.
Save the tune file using the [Save] button before closing the window.
Will be fixed in the next update.
Issue 6:
Black Box Logging is not supported for Cummins controllers, except for CMB EDA (Enhanced Data Acquisition) PID selections.
Use the V7 pass-thru logging to log CMB (non EDA selections) and CMC controllers.
EDA PIDs are expected to be available for CMC in the next update.
Issue 7:
The V7 tune tool does not release the connection to FlashScan after performing the "Save for Remote Flashing" option. That means neither the V8 software nor the V7 Scan Tool can connect to FlashScan until the V7 Tune Tool software is shutdown.
To allow V8 (or the V7 Scan Tool) to connect to FlashScan either:
Close the V7 software
Open the Flash->Show PCM Info window, click the [Get Info] button, then close the window. That effectively closes the connection to FlashScan.
Will be fixed in the next update.
Issue 8:
The link PIDs for E38 calibration B5108 are transposed.
Edit the file \Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\Configuration\E38_Link.ini and change the entry for B5108 to this:

;IAT vs RPM Spark Multiplier

Will be fixed in the next update.
Issue 9:
The PID EOPS (Engine Oil Pressure Sensor voltage) is not displayed when loading log files into the V8 Scan Tool.
Use a hex editor (not a text editor) to edit the *.efi log file and change the PID name: GM.EOPS to XX.EOPS.
WARNING: Changing the PID name will prevent V7 from loading that PID.
Will be fixed in the next update.

July 24th, 2014, 05:13 AM
Running a script on a VORTEC file that you set up to have the VATS disabled, results in an error and the script failing. Then when you try to click the VATS tab, it will Not open up.

However, You can get it to open up IF you go to the speedometer tab, then to shift point correction and apply a percentage change to the calibration, then at that point, the Vats tab will be available.

The error window that pops up says TEfiStringGrid.GetData(c):1 out of range:0..0.

July 24th, 2014, 05:20 AM
Another small anomaly, The Undo feature is no longer available for the Vin number tab when you open V7.5

July 24th, 2014, 06:00 AM
Comment (in general):
when you compare .ctz files, you see the differences as calibration - alternate (as per option);
but when you generate a script, it generates alternate - calibration (i.e. it generates a script in the direction calibration -> alternate, which is the inverse meaning of the minus);
this means I have to reopen the files in swapped order to generate the correct-direction script.

August 29th, 2014, 09:01 AM
Ohh goodie, I traced down another repeatable bug.

Take a File and put it on your desktop, Must be CTZ format.
Windows 8 machine.

Click to open the file, and it opens up both windows, Efi tune, one showing the REad, calibration properties, edit, ect. The other window is the Efilive scan and tune window. Now, I can make it so the scan and tune window never shows back up even though it is open.

Have both open on your screen, THEN MINIMIZE the scan and tune window. THEN CLOSE THE OTHER WINDOW THEN REOPEN THE FILE.

At that time, it will just open up the one window and you can never get back to the scan and tune tab.

EXCEPT, you can get it back by closing the new tune and THEN selecting the icon at the bottom of your screen and then it will be back.

August 29th, 2014, 09:30 AM
Have both open on your screen, THEN MINIMIZE the scan and tune window. THEN CLOSE THE OTHER WINDOW THEN REOPEN THE FILE.

When I test that here I can't see what you see. When I minimize the "Scan and Tune" window, BOTH windows are minimized. Which means I can't close the file until I restore the "Scan and Tune" window, which restores both windows.
Tested on Win7 and Win8.


August 29th, 2014, 12:33 PM
Shut the tune window then minimize the scan and tune, Then while that is minimized, open the tune again from the desktop.

August 29th, 2014, 12:33 PM
Shut as in press the x on the top to close the tune.

August 29th, 2014, 12:38 PM
Alt+Tab until you cycle back to the tune icon (in the Alt+Tab list) will bring back the main window.


August 29th, 2014, 12:41 PM
That didn't work. I will email you a short video

August 29th, 2014, 03:08 PM
I just updated to the July 19 public release and found a scaling glitch in LMM DSP5 tables. In the DSP section of the tune file, the RPM row for the fuel pressure tables is messed up. Across the top of all of the DSP fuel pressure tables of the tune file it is scaled differently from the base file. The numbers all look correct if you substitute the normal numbers in for the RPM's instead of what is there. Just threw me for a loop when I seen the table go 0, 100, 200 and so on instead of 200, 400, 600 and so on. I got a couple of screen shots to show you what I'm talking about. Look at the RPM row across the top and the scaling.1740117402 I checked it on the 2 different OS's I have for LMM's, and the scaling error was in both of them. I also ran into an issue running scripts. If I keep the EFILIVE V7 window open while running the script, it kept going in a loop over and over. I had to go in and shut it down via the task manager as nothing else worked. I opened my browser and went online while letting the script run in the background, and it worked. Another thing that was strange was while running the script when I had the window up, once it got to the part to modify DTC's, the script window disappeared under the tune windows, and that is when it went wonky. Tried it again and the same thing. That's when I opened my browser and let it run in the background and it worked.

August 30th, 2014, 02:50 PM
When running a script, it does take a long time to finish... how can you tell it was looping...?

August 31st, 2014, 02:39 PM
When running a script, it does take a long time to finish... how can you tell it was looping...?

I was watching the progress window, and watched it go through the DSP files 3 times before I finally went into the task manager and closed out EFILIVE. Did this 2 times in a row. I finally minimized it and let it run that way, and it went through normally. I need to go try an LBZ and see if it goes through normally or not. I know I checked several other DSP5 tunes I had, and only the LMM files had the incorrect scaling for the DSP fuel pressure tables. The LBZ was normal when I checked it. I figured with the incorrect scaling, and the looping during scripts, it was an LMM problem.

September 4th, 2014, 03:20 AM
I just updated to the July 19 public release and found a scaling glitch in LMM DSP5 tables. In the DSP section of the tune file, the RPM row for the fuel pressure tables is messed up. Across the top of all of the DSP fuel pressure tables of the tune file it is scaled differently from the base file. The numbers all look correct if you substitute the normal numbers in for the RPM's instead of what is there. Just threw me for a loop when I seen the table go 0, 100, 200 and so on instead of 200, 400, 600 and so on. I got a couple of screen shots to show you what I'm talking about. Look at the RPM row across the top and the scaling.1740117402 I checked it on the 2 different OS's I have for LMM's, and the scaling error was in both of them. I also ran into an issue running scripts. If I keep the EFILIVE V7 window open while running the script, it kept going in a loop over and over. I had to go in and shut it down via the task manager as nothing else worked. I opened my browser and went online while letting the script run in the background, and it worked. Another thing that was strange was while running the script when I had the window up, once it got to the part to modify DTC's, the script window disappeared under the tune windows, and that is when it went wonky. Tried it again and the same thing. That's when I opened my browser and let it run in the background and it worked.

I checked a bunch of LMM DSP5 tunes and they display properly ??

If you can email the stock tune that is an issue and I will open it up and see how it looks on my PC.

Also ran a script and it did not hang ot keep repeating, no other windows were open either.

September 5th, 2014, 01:04 PM
I checked a bunch of LMM DSP5 tunes and they display properly ??

If you can email the stock tune that is an issue and I will open it up and see how it looks on my PC.

Also ran a script and it did not hang ot keep repeating, no other windows were open either.

It did it on all of my LMM tunes I have. I tried several different ones in 7083 and 8594, all of them displayed incorrectly. It's only the DSP fuel pressure tables taht are scaled wrong, the base table is correct. I just tried it on my laptop and it also displays the tables incorrectly for the DSP tables, so it isn't just my desktop. As for the script problem, it may have been an isolated incident with my desktop. I ran a script earlier on my laptop and it ran through fine. I prefer doing tunes on my desktop because having an actual keyboard and mouse is much easier to use than a laptop to me. I can send you the tune files I have, but they aren't stock.

And I just downloaded a stock file from tune file depot, the 2010 SAVAN file. Converted it to DSP5, and it also displays incorrectly on the DSP tables for the fuel pressure RPM scaling. I'm on build 262 from the download page if that changes anything.

September 6th, 2014, 01:49 AM
I just dug out my backup laptop that runs XP, put the new 7-19 software in, and it also displays incorrectly only in the DSP sections of the LMM fuel pressure tables. I tried an LBZ and it was fine for it. So it isn't just a windows 7 deal for me anyways. Both my normal laptop and desktop are on WINDOWS 7, but my backup is an old XP machine. All 3 machines had the software downloaded straight from the home page download link. As for the script problem, that could have been my desktop. It's a cheap emachine that I bought for surfing the web and tuning, so it doesn't have alot of ram in it and hangs sometimes.

jay p
September 6th, 2014, 03:42 AM
I see the same thing on LMM DSP5 tunes. Win 7 32bit

I just dug out my backup laptop that runs XP, put the new 7-19 software in, and it also displays incorrectly only in the DSP sections of the LMM fuel pressure tables. I tried an LBZ and it was fine for it. So it isn't just a windows 7 deal for me anyways. Both my normal laptop and desktop are on WINDOWS 7, but my backup is an old XP machine. All 3 machines had the software downloaded straight from the home page download link. As for the script problem, that could have been my desktop. It's a cheap emachine that I bought for surfing the web and tuning, so it doesn't have alot of ram in it and hangs sometimes.

September 6th, 2014, 09:18 AM
It was a while ago we did these so I'm running off memory here :ermm:.
LBZ should be 0 to 4000 RPM with a single RP table
LMM should be 200 to 4800 RPM with three RP tables, I can see we have that set to 0 to 4000 on the DSP (which it probably should not be), but, it has been that way since 2009.
Vans should be 0 to 4000 RPM but have a different table size (why Bosch, why!!)

September 6th, 2014, 11:43 AM
It was a while ago we did these so I'm running off memory here :ermm:.
LBZ should be 0 to 4000 RPM with a single RP table
LMM should be 200 to 4800 RPM with three RP tables, I can see we have that set to 0 to 4000 on the DSP (which it probably should not be), but, it has been that way since 2009.
Vans should be 0 to 4000 RPM but have a different table size (why Bosch, why!!)

V7.5 build 211 from December of 2012 was scaled properly because that is what I had before I updated to build 262. It is only the DSP tables that are off in the LMM. LBZ is correct for the base and DSP, and the base file in the LMM is correct. I only noticed it because I started building a tune on one computer, and then switched computers while I was updating. It caught my eye right away.

September 7th, 2014, 08:42 AM
Very strange because the last logged change was calz v7.28, 2012-Aug-14 where we just added some LMM boost error tables (B2255 - B2257). What is the .calz file version/date in build 211 that shows correctly?

September 7th, 2014, 11:38 AM
Very strange because the last logged change was calz v7.28, 2012-Aug-14 where we just added some LMM boost error tables (B2255 - B2257). What is the .calz file version/date in build 211 that shows correctly?

Not to sure as I have updated all of my computers to the latest build software. I still have the downloads from them saved, but not sure how to find what you need from that. All it shows is EFILiveV7.5.7.211_Setup and when I highlight it it says file version .

September 7th, 2014, 12:42 PM
Not to sure as I have updated all of my computers to the latest build software. I still have the downloads from them saved, but not sure how to find what you need from that. All it shows is EFILiveV7.5.7.211_Setup and when I highlight it it says file version .

211 would need to be reinstalled, then navigate via Program files to look at the date of the calibration files.

I'll look around the office and see if I can find the installation and check out the details Ross requires.


September 7th, 2014, 03:50 PM
We've reinstalled build 211. The calibration files installed in version 211 for the 2 OS's you quote are the same as the calibration files in the current version. The last change made on those particular OS's that were released publicly were made in March 2010.

If you're certain they are different, then you'll need to open your tune in V7 software, and under the calibration tab note down the version number and date. You will then need to uninstall V7 and reinstall build 211 and repeat those steps.

If you have a difference between versions and dates listed in both software builds please let us know.


jay p
September 7th, 2014, 11:55 PM

I uninstalled 7.5 and installed v211. I still get the same thing. The DSP fuel press is scaled wrong and the base OS is correct.
Both the DSP5 and base OS calz files were created on 3-25-2010 (same date as the ones for v262).


Chuck CoW
September 11th, 2014, 05:12 PM
Ross... Was playing with a 2015 LML the other day. Found myself copying segments from the alt cal to the main cal (from stock tune to my modified tune) to

find a bug that was messing with me. I was trying one segment at a time to isolate the problem and then when I narrowed it down to the segment I thought

was at fault, I realized for instance that not all of the speedo related calz were actually in the speedo segment. Thought I was crazy, but (hopefully not) it appeared

that some cals you would assume belonged in the speedo segment were mixed in other segments.

I wasn't sure if the compare/update feature was not moving them over correctly or if possibly those few cals were actually located elsewhere.

Chuck CoW

September 12th, 2014, 09:08 AM

Here is a strange one for sure...........LMM C5500 file, set to display all data in imperial it shows PSI whilst any other LMM I open displays in MPA.


Also the tables B2256 and B2257 seem to be missing in the regular LMM Cals but this C5500 shows them in the Boost Folder

September 12th, 2014, 11:03 AM

Here is a strange one for sure...........LMM C5500 file, set to display all data in imperial it shows PSI whilst any other LMM I open displays in MPA.

...I have not tried this with LMM files: have you tried to configure the units for that table by going Edit->Configure Display Units...?

September 12th, 2014, 11:12 AM
I have not tried this with LMM files: have you tried to configure the units for that table by going Edit->Configure Display Units...?

Yes, as soon as I open a tune file it gets configured to display all imperial units and is resaved.
