View Full Version : Oxygen sensor placement with H-Pipe?

July 23rd, 2014, 04:22 AM
How close to a H-Pipe can I be with my oxygen sensors? Currently I dont have any cats and my O2 sensors are mounted 6" past the 4 pipe header collector.

I believe H-Pipes need to be fairly close to the collectors to work properly, but I dont want to mess with my tuning. I would think having it too close would skew the readings somehow. Anyone with first hand experience?

Also, I have true dual 2.5" exhaust right now. How much smaller does one make the h-pipe?

July 24th, 2014, 01:46 AM
How close to a H-Pipe can I be with my oxygen sensors? Currently I dont have any cats and my O2 sensors are mounted 6" past the 4 pipe header collector.

I believe H-Pipes need to be fairly close to the collectors to work properly, but I dont want to mess with my tuning. I would think having it too close would skew the readings somehow. Anyone with first hand experience?

Also, I have true dual 2.5" exhaust right now. How much smaller does one make the h-pipe?

Typically an H-pipe is 2/3's the diameter of the rest of the exhaust. You can get some decent low-mid rpm torque with an H-pipe.
I read somewhere that you can take a crayon and with the exhaust hot, drag the crayon from your header collector towards the rear of the car. The point at which the wax crayon stops burning, is the point at which the H-pipe should be located. I have no personal experience with this.

If your header collectors are 2 1/2" and your exhaust is the same diameter, the h-pipe serves as the termination point for the tuning effects of the collector, If you have a 3" collector and 2 1/2" the collector termination occurs where the 2 different diameters come together.


July 24th, 2014, 04:39 AM
I would stay before the crossover of the H pipe, about like you are now.