View Full Version : Duration Tables

October 1st, 2014, 03:40 PM
Hello everyone. I've been lurking for a while but finally just got my V2 so decided it was time to join as a member.
Anyhow, I've been playing with my tune all day sense I got the v2 in the mail this morning. My first tune was pretty messed up, did all kinds of funny stuff that I don't even want to talk about.
I've got what I think is a pretty good base tune down now, I've used a few example tunes that I've found posted from Rich (doghouse, and Mike @ ATP). These, as well as both of their tuning guides have been a great help for getting what I feel is a decent start.
Anyhow, the duration tables are a bit confusing to me. It seems that everyone that I've talked to and from what I've read says to stay around 2900us to be on the safe side. What is confusing is that to me it looks like event he stock tune goes way way beyond that up into the 6000us range. I think that I must be reading something wrong but can't be sure. I was hoping that some of you guys could shed some light on this for me. Any insight you guys have would be great. Thanks for the help!
Oh my truck is a 06 cummins, stock injectors, stock turbo. Only real mod is an Arson Victory kit in the CP3. That and a build trans. Thanks again.

October 4th, 2014, 05:34 AM
I was confused at first as well. Still am sometimes. But I would datalog and also just display to see what duration my engine was actually doing. Then you can go back and find those areas on the table and it will start making more sense

October 6th, 2014, 02:53 AM
I was confused at first as well. Still am sometimes. But I would datalog and also just display to see what duration my engine was actually doing. Then you can go back and find those areas on the table and it will start making more sense

Yep, data log it. Then you can open the log in the v7.5 scan tool, and open the tune in the v7.5 tune tool. They will link so as you run the data log you will see the corresponding cell highlighted in the tune tool. This will show you where you are running in the tune and make more sense why the duration table that you are looking at is setup why it is. To sum it up, the lower left part of the tune will never be used, your WOT area will be the lower right area.

October 6th, 2014, 06:10 AM
Yep, data log it. Then you can open the log in the v7.5 scan tool, and open the tune in the v7.5 tune tool. They will link so as you run the data log you will see the corresponding cell highlighted in the tune tool. This will show you where you are running in the tune and make more sense why the duration table that you are looking at is setup why it is. To sum it up, the lower left part of the tune will never be used, your WOT area will be the lower right area.

I haven't done it with the tune opened. Ill have to try that.

November 19th, 2014, 12:00 PM
Yep, data log it. Then you can open the log in the v7.5 scan tool, and open the tune in the v7.5 tune tool. They will link so as you run the data log you will see the corresponding cell highlighted in the tune tool. This will show you where you are running in the tune and make more sense why the duration table that you are looking at is setup why it is. To sum it up, the lower left part of the tune will never be used, your WOT area will be the lower right area.
Today I finally figured out how to link the scan and tune tool to watch a datalog. Just wanted to say thanks. It's making tuning a million times easier and more precise.

November 20th, 2014, 03:42 AM
Today I finally figured out how to link the scan and tune tool to watch a datalog. Just wanted to say thanks. It's making tuning a million times easier and more precise.
