View Full Version : Licensed FlashScan Rejected

GTS 383
October 7th, 2014, 01:10 AM
I have been researching & admiring this forum for a while now, but am now in a position where I need help. I am in the process of tuning a stroker engine that we fired up last week. A license was purchased for this job. Got the ball rolling by programing the 0411 LS1B PCM using EFILive V8 Scan & Tune. I used a modified to suit this engine Custom Operating System version 03 .cxt tune file 0129003 (have used this tune as a starter tune for a number of engines). This of course required a Full-Flash and went in without a hitch as always. I have since then loaded into this vehicle/PCM a number of calibration only updates Cal-Flash all completed without a problem. To this point all is well, we are making progress. Today we attempted to load Custom Operating System V05. I haven't used Custom OS V05 before, but with the additional TPS VE table it was considered worth a try. We selected Custom OS 0129005, as provided by EFILive - sans calibration, and loaded this into our PCM. Having successfully Full-Flashed 0129005 OS we then attempted to add the calibration. This is where the problems started. We used the original 0129003 Custom OS file to Cal-Flash our PCM but this threw a code $0534 Invalid Serial Number. I tried this a number of times with no success, always getting a $0534 code. I then tried to Full-Flash 0129005 again, thinking something must have gone amiss the first time. No joy. Same error. I then used EFILive Tune V7.5 to Full-Flash 0129005, the rationale being that all the Custom Operating Systems originated in EFILive V7.5 as .tun files. This actually worked, up to a point. Whilst we managed to load Custom Operating System 0129005 successfully it still won't allow a Cal-Flash because it now wants another VIN license! I don't have to buy another license do I? Where to from here? :Eyecrazy:

October 7th, 2014, 04:00 AM
I'm in the same boat...almost the exact events .....waiting for a response on my thread.....good luck sir.

October 7th, 2014, 11:29 AM
Both of you:

What V7 and V8 software build versions are you using...?

Are you flashing using V7 or V8...?

Post a screenshot showing your V2 VIN/PCM licenses...

October 7th, 2014, 12:02 PM
Make sure you are using the latest EFILive software, available here:

Then if the problem still occurs, please locate the appropriate trace files as per the instructions here:
http://support.efilive.com/kb_articl...8254-QOGC-9586 (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=8254-QOGC-9586)

and email them to support@efilive.com


GTS 383
October 7th, 2014, 12:19 PM
G'day Joecar,

In my frustration have been trying to flash in both V7 & V8. They are both up to date as follows:

Model FSV2
Boot Block Version 2.07.07
Boot Block Date 07 Feb 2014
Firmware Version 2.07.64
Firmware Date 19 Jul 2014
Full Flashes 14
Cal Flashes 251
VIN Licenses 0
VIN Licenses Available 0
VIN Licenses Used 8
Scanning and Logging Active
GM Tuning Active
Cummins Tuning Inactive

1 3EGDD3268 382525308
2 0QRFW9288 Available
3 1SVJG1208 Available
4 3D0FU3045 Available
5 109ZE0064 Available
6 18259NZYW Available
7 18294WENK Available
8 2PGVP2039 Available


October 7th, 2014, 02:46 PM
Hi Peter,

Can you please update your software (V7 and V8) along with your firmware to the October 5 release. Link is in my post above.

Over time our tune file formats have changed, so one you have updated can you please open your tune file and save it in the current software, then attempt the flash.


GTS 383
October 7th, 2014, 06:07 PM
Hi Cindy,

Have updated to the latest release as requested above and have tried both a Full-Flash as well as a Cal-Flash.
Still no joy - results in the following message:

Script exited with code $0533: No VIN-license slots available.

Please advise.


GTS 383
October 7th, 2014, 06:09 PM
Sorry, I meant to ask, how did you go with the trace files?


GTS 383
October 7th, 2014, 07:29 PM
G'day Cindy,

In anticipation of you asking....

Model FSV2
Boot Block Version 2.07.07
Boot Block Date 07 Feb 2014
Firmware Version 2.07.70
Firmware Date 03 Oct 2014
Full Flashes 14
Cal Flashes 251
VIN Licenses 0
VIN Licenses Available 0
VIN Licenses Used 8
Scanning and Logging Active
GM Tuning Active
Cummins Tuning Inactive
User Calibrations Inactive

1 3EGDD3268 382525308
2 0QRFW9288 Available
3 1SVJG1208 Available
4 3D0FU3045 Available
5 109ZE0064 Available
6 18259NZYW Available
7 18294WENK Available
8 2PGVP2039 Available


October 8th, 2014, 09:17 AM
1 3EGDD3268 382525308
2 0QRFW9288 Available
3 1SVJG1208 Available
4 3D0FU3045 Available
5 109ZE0064 Available
6 18259NZYW Available
7 18294WENK Available
8 2PGVP2039 Available
Hi Peter,

Which one of those is the serial number of the PCM you're trying to flash...?

GTS 383
October 8th, 2014, 08:28 PM
G'day Joe,
Sorry for delay in responding to your previous message. Up at Bathurst. Will check out the serial numbers when I get back.

GTS 383
October 11th, 2014, 09:24 PM
G'day Joe,
I have gone back into different tunes to see if I can correlate licenses to tunes. Using V8, I can for the most part marry up the serial numbers/licences as displayed in the Flashscan (F7: Licenses > F3: VINS) under column Engine, with the controller serial numbers attached to each tune. But not all. Any time I have Full Flashed a pre constructed starter/base tune, the tune then features the new vehicles VIN but different controller serial number to the number visible in Flashscan. I have no idea if this makes any sense. At any rate by process of elimination, the license numbers appear to be in chronological order therefore #8 license listed as 2PGVP2039 is our problem PCM.


October 12th, 2014, 11:14 AM
Now you have to see if this PCM has that same serial number (#8)... the software will show you the serial number of the PCM you are currently connected to...

GTS 383
October 12th, 2014, 12:04 PM
G'day Joe,
Am using V7.5 to connect to the PCM. The only licensing serial numbers it comes up with is the serial number for the flashscan unit.
Using V8 to connect to the PCM, F4: OBD > F2: Controller all I get is a heap of zero's. Remember, I managed to get a empty 1290005 OS into it. It won't allow me to populate that OS with a calibration file. This is where it calls for another license.

GTS 383
October 12th, 2014, 01:37 PM
Screenshots as described above.



October 13th, 2014, 08:15 AM
Hi Peter,

After flashing in a custom OS the PCM will be in a non-responsive (dead-poll) state because the custom OS file (deliberately) does not contain any calibrations. While the PCM is in the dead-poll state it will not return any VIN, serial number or segment number data. The VIN and serial number data is still (or should still be) in the PCM but because the PCM is in dead-poll mode you will see all zeros in the screen shot that you posted.

If the serial number is still intact in the controller then you should be able to cal-flash a tune into the PCM and restore it to normal operation. But I presume based on your earlier posts that it is asking for a VIN license because it does not recognize the serial number in the PCM.

To determine what the serial number is, can you please read out the contents of the controller? When you start reading it, it will most likely say that the controller does not have a valid calibration, but go ahead and read it out anyway.

Then send me the tune file that you read out, send it to paul@efilive.com


GTS 383
October 13th, 2014, 04:52 PM
G'day everyone at EFILive,

Just a quick note to say thanks for all your help, Paul in particular. Car is up and running and all is well!

Kind Regards,

April 6th, 2015, 01:04 PM
Did this get resolved? I recently updated all my software and firmware so that it is identical between my laptop and tablet. And I get error 0533 on my transmission calibrations. My ecm calibrations flash just fine so I'm confused what is going on.

GTS 383
April 6th, 2015, 05:27 PM
Hi tabio42,
Yes, the issue you refer to was resolved. Just as Paul alluded to in post #16, it ended up being a serial number issue.

April 7th, 2015, 01:01 AM
Hi tabio42,
Yes, the issue you refer to was resolved. Just as Paul alluded to in post #16, it ended up being a serial number issue.

So a cal-flash did the trick? Or was there another solution?