View Full Version : $0502 when writing 2014 Impala

October 29th, 2014, 09:29 AM
Hey guys. Same 2014 Impala customer, E39A, is reporting that we cannot write the tune file to his vehicle, and he gets a $0502 error code.

He's checked his autocal for the .obj and .blx files as mentioned in this thread and confirmed everything's proper https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?18259-auto-cal-tune-file-program-problems

I've been flashing the 12-13 Impalas with the regular E39 computer following the same procedure without issue, dont think I'm doing anything wrong but too new to the efi suite to know for sure. I emailed support 2 days ago, no response yet. Help is appreciated!

October 29th, 2014, 09:57 AM
Are you sure you have the E39A files copied over? The E39 and E39A are treated as different ECM's. I assume he was able to read the tune from the vehicle?
Also, do you know what ECM operating system the ECM is? (Just to confirm it is an E39A).

October 29th, 2014, 12:20 PM
He's quite sure and I grabbed an extra autocal, did the same handheld uploading and I see the e39a r w and f .obj .blx and .ctz files in the F9:Config area.

OSID is 12644447 I wouldn't read out on the E39 settings so we switched to E39A.

October 29th, 2014, 02:15 PM
OS 12644447 is an E39 not an E39A. This file was last updated on 18th June 2014.

Please make sure you are running the latest public release software or latest public pre-release software, both of which can be found here. http://www.efilive.com/latest/cat/download-efilive

In terms of making sure that all of the correct files are installed on the AutoCal, I recommend that you use the [F5: BBX] -> [F6 Quick Setup] menu with V8 Scan and Tune.

Setting up an AutoCal using this method will ensure that all necessary configuration information, along with any selected tune files can be copied over in a single process. A detailed overview of the Quick Setup can be found in the EFILive AutoCal Info for Tuners guide located here http://content.efilive.com/documents/EFILive%20AutoCal%20Info%20For%20Tuners.pdf


November 1st, 2014, 03:52 AM
The ecm is indeed an E39A, service ID 12653998

I've ordered a unit, I have an offboard harness built for these already, and I'll use an autocal to help sort this out rather than use my customer as a guinea pig. Nervous about asking him to flash using the E39 config since we needed the E39A config to read out the unit after the E39 config wouldn't.

We're using the latest pre-release software, downloaded about 2 weeks ago.

November 1st, 2014, 09:53 AM
12644447 is an E39A OS so that should flash back in to your E39A no problem.
If you copied all the E39A config files over (E39A_R, E39A_W, E39A_F) then everything should work fine with that OS and that ECM service number. The plain E39 files will not work at all.

November 2nd, 2014, 04:20 AM
Just to confirm again that we've tried that, it wont program; the E39A config files are present in the handheld and we get the 0502 error code when trying to program.

November 2nd, 2014, 10:11 AM
If possible can you post the tune that was read out on here? I'll try to set up the same thing here, otherwise Email it to support@efilive.com with a reference to this thread.

November 2nd, 2014, 12:45 PM
Here you go, ECM read and TCM as well which isn't current supported it says.

November 2nd, 2014, 06:12 PM
Ok, we now see the problem.
Is it possible the file was originally read with an older version of the software? Although it is showing as an E39A, the flash script will be looking for E39 (without the A) because of some data stored at the header of the file.
The fix is simple though, just re-save the file from V8 (you said you are running a pretty recent version). That will correct the file to look for the correct script and should stop that error.
Please let us know how that goes.

November 3rd, 2014, 04:07 AM
Can you confirm that this makes the difference with the scripting you're looking at?

I resaved the file using V8 Scan and Tune and its attached.

The tune for my customer, I took this resaved file, released the security restrictions, opened in 7.5, did my thing, saved for autocal, then reopened in V8 S&T and resaved again. If things look ok, I'll send the tuned file to my customer to try.

I'm using the 262 build of V8 S&T.

November 3rd, 2014, 08:57 AM
That should be fine now. The file is marked as 'Stream=E39A' before it was 'Stream=E39', that means it would have been looking for the E39 object files.