View Full Version : Neat flash scan tip

Dirk Diggler
February 26th, 2005, 03:26 AM
Go to edit properties and click the Display as AFR radio button. Now instead of your Pe vs. RPM table and your open loop fa table reading 1.0 or 1.13 it will now say 14.7 and 12.6.

February 26th, 2005, 04:40 AM
Go to edit properties and click the Display as AFR radio button. Now instead of your Pe vs. RPM table and your open loop fa table reading 1.0 or 1.13 it will now say 14.7 and 12.6.

If I had this great feature from the beginning I wouldn't know that 14.7/1.13 = 13.0. NOT 12.6.

I'm just pulling your chain Dirk. Messin' for Fun! :P
Thanks for the headsup :D


Dirk Diggler
February 26th, 2005, 04:58 AM
Owned by my typing :P :D