View Full Version : Regen question on a stock 08

January 2nd, 2015, 11:14 AM
Seems a buddy has gotten his truck all sooted up. Currently in the mode that says exhaust needs to be cleaned and reduced power. I was going to try EFI live and force a regen.

Is there any way to know it's actually working, other than DVT option being clicked? What is difference between Service Regen I think is one option and Force regen.

Never used EFI on anything newer than a 08, help is appreciated. Thanks

January 7th, 2015, 07:41 AM

January 7th, 2015, 03:47 PM
Is there any way to know it's actually working, other than DVT option being clicked? What is difference between Service Regen I think is one option and Force regen.

if service regen is active the engine rpm will increase , the process could be active up to 55 minutes I believe before it time out. On the tech2 a message show success or fail and the reason it fail ( time, parameter not met , etc.) not sure for efilive.
normally a regen occurred when a soot level is reach , if you force regen , at your next road test a regen will occurred if all the parameters required are met (temp., load , engine speed, etc.) even if the soot level is not reach.