View Full Version : BIDI control makes engine sound better

March 21st, 2015, 02:55 AM
Heres the situation:

Trims are all settled in and holding a -2% on both banks holding the engine at 3000 RPM = Sounds decent but still some subtle engine noise making it sound 'unclean'. Still holding the engine at 3000 RPM in the same session I activate BIDI controls (Gen III 1MB PCM) and start adding and subtracting fuel.

As soon as I start adding fuel, the RPM increases 300-450 with the same throttle input I was holding 3000 RPM and the engine sounds better.

This setup has brand new o2 sensors and no exhaust leaks (tested with EVAP smoker).

Am I missing something?

March 22nd, 2015, 01:05 PM
First start logging, then do bidir control, when you finish bidir save the log file, post it here.

Then, take the same log without bidir and post it here.

March 22nd, 2015, 02:06 PM

Maybe its something Im doing wrong, but if Im reading live sensor data, or logging, BIDI controls do not work correctly. It either says 'no response' or works unreliably.

March 22nd, 2015, 04:15 PM
Sam, post a screenshot.

Which year/model/vehicle...?