View Full Version : OBD , SCAN not implemented , not available ...

James Lindner
May 23rd, 2015, 08:03 PM
Hi ,

Using Autocal with V8 software , it looks like nothing is working . I get " this option is not implemented yet " trying to read dtc`s on obd.
on scan I get " this option is not available yet " , same with dashboard.
all is up to date , software and hardware .

please guide me thru it.

May 23rd, 2015, 10:49 PM
V8 scanner not working yet you will have to use the old one you should have a separate icon for it. You can use v8 to auto detect the ecm configuration then use that info when you connect to the vehicle with the old scanner

James Lindner
May 23rd, 2015, 10:52 PM
What about V7.5? Thats the only scanner I have .

May 24th, 2015, 11:17 AM
Contact your tuner for complete instructions based on the configuration they have provided for you. Once the device is setup by your Tuner (either programmed before they shipped it to you or via files they email you to install on the AutoCal) you can read/clear DTC's without being connected to your PC using the Display DTC's and Clear DTC's menu options, and the scan tool funcitons in the same fashion.

A generic guide is available on our website, however given the many different configurations available your tuner will need to provide specific instructions. http://content.efilive.com/documents/EFILive%20AutoCal%20Info%20For%20End%20Users.pdf


James Lindner
May 24th, 2015, 05:13 PM
Hi Cindy
The tuner works just fine , I would like to work with lap top as well and use all the features there.
Should I ask it from Kory willis or efi live ? Who is responable for the v8 software ?

May 24th, 2015, 06:09 PM
You've purchased the handheld device of PPEI which just so happens to be on EFILive AutoCal hardware. While EFILive is responsible for the V8 software, the below should go some way to explain how AutoCal support is structured. This text comes from our AutoCal for Tuner's guide.

"Unlike FlashScan, EFILive will not provide support directly to AutoCal end users. EFILive will provide support only to the owner of the FlashScan V2 device to which an AutoCal is registered."

There are a couple of major reasons why this is the case.
1. The different ways the device can be configured to meet the needs of a particular business (it's not a generic setup)
2. The need for software/firmware to match between devices (end users usually cannot provide details on the FlashScan software/firmware)
3. Only the owner of the FlashScan device can manage device content (change/edit/provide tune files.)
4. Some tuners, including Kory, provide features outside of the EFILive software, and therefore EFILive cannot provide support to these features. (An example of this would be the mapping of unique parameters such as transmission tuning for late model Cummins)

The AutoCal for End Users document I linked to earlier does explain which software version is used for which process; given you've chosen to use pass-through features for scanning and reading DTC's, you'll need to be using the V7.5 Scan Tool software. You'll find the Scan Tool documentation within the software installation under the Help-> Documents menu. The Scan Tool is presently being re-developed in V8 software, so please note the documentation in V7 has not been maintained for many years.

You may find the Scan tool functions as documented more recently in the Cummins Quick Start document (start at P27) to be more helpful and a more concise set of instructions - just substitute the controller in that document for whichever you require.


James Lindner
May 24th, 2015, 06:29 PM
"Unlike FlashScan, EFILive will not provide support directly to AutoCal end users. EFILive will provide support only to the owner of the FlashScan V2 device to which an AutoCal is registered."
ok , so I called PPEi and they told me when I update the V8 all should work , well it doesnt .
I have tried the 7.5 and it doesnt have the LML 2011 .
should I call PPEi again and ask them to reinstall the autocal so it will finally work with all features on my laptop ?

May 25th, 2015, 02:13 PM

What features do you wish to use on your laptop? At it's most efficient AutoCal is designed for standalone functions so that you don't need to cart a laptop in your vehicle. Given AutoCal users cannot create/edit/modify tune files, the Tuner creates a standalone configuration for their customer (reading, flashing, logging etc) so the end user doesn't need to 'understand' the software. Those logs can be played back in EFILive software, however most AutoCal users won't bother given the cannot change tune file parameters. You can log and clear codes via pass-through mode in V7.5 software, but it really seems your trying to make this much harder than is necessary for yourself.

That aside, to answer your questions, perhaps PPEI thought you wanted to log using AutoCal without a laptop connected, I don't know. But what I do know is that you cannot use V8 software to perform pass-through logging or to display/clear DTC's in pass-through, so updating will not deliver functionality that is still in development.

AutoCal Functionality looks like this:
Standalone mode:
1. Reading, flashing, logging and clearing codes. All managed via V8 software, configurations will need to be supplied by your tuner.

Pass - thru mode:
1. Read and flash all supported controllers and to auto-lock controllers that support auto-locking using the EFILive V8 software. Tune files will need to be provided by your tuner. AutoCal end users cannot edit/modify/create tune files for their AutoCal device.

2. Log data and retrieve trouble codes with the V7.5 software. AutoCal cannot be used in pass-thru mode with the V7.5 software to read, flash or lock any controllers.

The below screen shot is from the V7 Scan Tool from the May 11 release and shows both of the LML controllers are available in the Scan Tool.


That software can be found here https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?25548-May-11th-2015-EFILive-Public-CSP5-Beta-Release, however you should only download the software version(s) your tuner tells you to use to ensure your device maintains compatibility with their FlashScan, and software should you require revised tune files or software support.


James Lindner
May 26th, 2015, 06:30 AM
Cindy ,

you keep explaining about tunes , its not subject at all . I am not looking to tune my truck by my self , Kury did a wonderfull job tuning my truck .
he even remotly connected to my lap top and uploded all tune files .
again all I want is to see the dashboard , OBD and DTC`s on my laptop , is that possible using autocal with V8 or V7.5 ?