View Full Version : Tuning steps

March 1st, 2005, 11:26 AM
Since the "No Start" thread is lost, I figured I'd start a new one.
The same thing , Lose of Comm, no start, etc, happened to me. I went back to the steps I used with Edit.

1. Get in car(Joel) :wink:
2. Switch on the ignition and turn everything off.
3. Switch off ignition, pull out key and open and close drivers
door. (turns off "power off delay")
4. Connect laptop to OBDII port.
5. Turn on ignition and Program or Copy.
6. * When the "wait 15 sec." notice comes up, don't turn off the ignition.
Wait 10 sec. or until chimes sound 6 times, then turn off ignition. They
usually do, but sometimes they don't stop. Some C5's have chimes.
7. Wait 15 sec., turn on ignition and open V7 scanner.
8. Clear codes.
9. Done.

March 1st, 2005, 12:18 PM
I've been programming "in the car".

Sometimes my car doesn't chime....about 80% of the time if it doesn't chime after a flash I've lost contact with the BCM and my dash is out (so I have to pull fuse# 25 in the pass. floorboard).

Hmmm....I don't remember any chimes with V7 and I lost IPC-BCM communication only once...note to self.

I never counted the "dings" I just hoped I would hear them. I hate crawling under there and pulling the fuse...then turning off the ignition and crawling back to reinsert the fuse.

I didn't know to open/close the driver door. Thanks! ( Blacky needs to upgrade the server, per Brains post, so I have a "Thumbs up" emoticon.

Last nite I put up a post to the "no start" thread thanking the EFILive guys for the announced remedy to the "no start". I hit "view my post" and there were duplicate posts. So I hit the "X" to delete the duplicate post. A note appeared stating something to the effect that no such thread existed and if I there was an error I should contact....... Anyway, the way I see it I just missed being sucked into the "Twilight Zone with that damn thread!!

There was another thread about the dash being out. I wrote a nice reply about fuse #25 and a brief explanation of the IPC-BCM communications and when I hit the submit button, followed by "View Post" it was GONE also. I thought it was deleted by the threads author! The Zone was stalking me!! :P

.................................................. ......I sure hope this thread doesn't disappear Joe. :wink:


ps. The 2 threads disappearing really did happen. I wasn't kidding about that. :shock:

March 1st, 2005, 12:19 PM
Cool, It's still here!!! :D

March 1st, 2005, 12:37 PM
The one time I lost comm., I had to do steps 3 thru 9 and it went to working. It might require a wait period after turning off the scanner, which I use to clear the codes :roll: , before reprogramming.