View Full Version : PID help

May 28th, 2015, 01:03 PM
Hello I am new to this forum and new to efi live. I have a 2006 5.9 automatic stock for the most part except exhaust, turbo compressor wheel, k&n cai, and a few other simple things, also just installed 6 all new Bosch injectors. I got anarchy level 1 tunes last week and love them, but still having some problems and looking for answers. I'm experiencing a 2-3 shuttle shift and intermittent loss of od, also having bad fuel milage regardless of driving type or tune. I've had the truck to 2 or 3 places and can't get a real answer from anyone. When I was data logging I was looking at the PIDs and noticed that at idle FCA actual is 2.7% while FCA comanded is 37%, is this normal? Also balancing fuel rate by cylinder is -1,-.5,2.7,.7,-1.8,-.1 I don't know what this means or if it is normal but I figured with brand new inkectors they should all be the same? Any input is appreciated

May 28th, 2015, 02:16 PM
For the FCA mine does that too... Idk why tho, it seems weird. The injector balance you have looks good.. They will vary.. Supposedly when it gets +-4 you have a problem but it's not the best way to check injector health.

May 28th, 2015, 02:43 PM
So is that normal for the FCA to read that way?

May 28th, 2015, 02:49 PM
I would say so, I've seen that on other people's logs.. It could be a glitch in EFILive or something not seen... If your rail pressure is happy I wouldn't worry about it.

May 28th, 2015, 03:04 PM
Okay thank you, sorry if this is a stupid question but is there a difference in fuel pressure and rail pressure? Here is a picture of my fuel pressure pids at idle does it look to be alright? And what is the FP high total error and low total error? Sorry for all the questions just trying to figure this all out. Thanks

May 29th, 2015, 05:26 AM
No rail pressure is listed as fuel pressure on EFILive, they are the same. As far as that pic, your desired pressure is about equal to your actual pressure, which is good. The desired pressure will be what your tune is calling for and actual is what your rail is at. Your fuel pressure is controlled with a PID Controller (proportional integral derivative) which keeps track of the accumulated error from the past. I think the accumulated error is a value from the fuel pressure PID controller, but I don't what use it is. I will have to look at my logs to see what mine look like.

Also I would plot your desired and actual fuel pressure on the dashboard, it will show you whats going on. From this I wouldn't say anything is wrong.