View Full Version : FlashScan v1.2 personal to commercial...how?

July 8th, 2015, 03:06 PM
My car has been running pretty well and I haven't tinkered with it much in the past couple of years. However, the time has come to start playing with things again. I'm finally ready to go FI and after doing some research have determined that I can still use my old v1.2 but in order to flash a custom OS to my PCM I need to upgrade my FlashScan to a commercial license. I found one thread with a link to the page where one could obtain the upgrade but that link is dead. Does anyone know how I can go about upgrading my FlashScan? Since this cable is kind of obsolete, any chance of the upgrade being free nowadays? :mrgreen: I had thought about sending my PCM off for a mail order base tune. From what I have read, if the tuner loaded a custom OS onto my PCM I would be able to access the custom OS and make adjustments even if my cable is not upgraded to a commercial license...correct?

July 9th, 2015, 06:07 AM
FlashScan V1 support is End of Life to my knowledge, you have a few options.

1) Pay a tuner to flash the COS into your PCM for you, cost will vary based on tuner but likely $50-200. I believe (please verify this!) that once the COS is loaded you can flash whatever you need via a cal-flash into the PCM. I'm not familiar enough with how the COS' work on the LS1 PCMs to know if you need to do a full flash after the initial full flash (I believe it is a no, but please check).

2) Email support AT efilive.com to see if they can sell/provide you with a V1 Personal -> Commercial upgrade license.

3) Upgrade your V1 to a V2- $499 as of 07/09/2015. You can flash whatever COS in your PCM that is compatible, licenses will be copied over from your V1 so you will not have to use one of the two included VIN licenses to tune your PCM. You will end up with 4 total VIN licenses, 3 available and 1 used. Your V1 cable can still flash your PCM, however no new licenses can be purchased for it and the existing free license will be moved to the V1. (i.e. only the ability to flash your PCM and any 97-98 LS1 PCMs will remain, cannot add any more.)

July 9th, 2015, 10:18 AM
Thanks for the info. I will just email support and see what they say. :)